Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Chica - if you need tummy exercises pop me a PM. Sit ups - if done wrong - can be bad for your back. But I have some serious flab busters that should help and will actually help to strengthen your back at the same time. All great for general posture and hiding the tum!
aaw wow heather thats bloody amazing,you must be over the moon .i cant imagine getting there,although i never dreamt i would see the 10s either.

well done you xxx hopefully il be there with ya soon ;)

Well exactly, you can't imagine it, but you couldn't imagine getting into the 10s, and you did, so no reason whatsoever why you can't lose a few more lbs, if you really want to that is!!! I'm worried about knowing when to stop!! I don't want to stop because other people tell me I'll be 'too thin if I lose any more' which people are starting to say to me (annoyingly!!!) But on the other hand I'm probably quite capable of keeping going and not recognising what's a good weight for me!! I have the same exercise issue as you- I really need to tone up- flabby thighs and tummy mainly- Maybe then I would feel happier with where I am now and not feel that I need to shift this bit of flab and that bit of flab through more weight loss?!!!X
ooh,heather i know exactley what you mean.i bloody hate exercuse but i honestly think its what i need now.my friends on to me about joing up to do some belly dancing with her.i would love to go but i have a much rythem as a brick,definatley need to do somthing.i know that losing 3 5 stone is a hell of a lot to lose and like you i dont know when to stop,think im just petrified of going back to how i used to be.i know in my head i want and will get to 10st 10lb but then i know il want to go further.
yeah,all ok.just been busy spoiling kids :)

well lost 1lb this week so not bad

sunday - ee

breakfast - 3xbrown danish,rs jam ,scrape flora light

dinner - leek and potato soup

tea - beef casserole with just about everything in my cupboard chucked in,brocolli and roast potatos

hebx1=3x brown ndanish

syns = 2 for jam and flora
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well.im like a child in a candy shop this week.im sooooooo excited,got loads to do

monday- out with sis for coffee,after her weigh in at ww
tues - shopping for night out on fri
wed-day out with my best friend and going for a tattoo on my thigh,woo hoo,then out for lunch and more shopping
thurs-getting waxed and going back to being blonde
friday-girly night out....bring it on yeah
sat-weigh in followed by a very severe hangover ;)