Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

Chickenpox - yuk. How is she tonight chica?

Good luck for tomorrow - but looking at your diary you don't need it!
well weigh in day and ive lost 1.4lb so not to bad,was hoping for more.

erins getting better her spots are dying up at last,i can certainley tell the difference between her and the boys,she certainley makes the most of it bless her,made me laugh in the mornings cos each time her brothers came down the stairs she would look at them with sad eyes,bottom lip sticking out and tell them "im poorley" bless the word drama queen pops into my head ;)

breakfast- 3 x brown danish


tea -urm,having a indian takeaway as it was oh birthday yesterday and im going to throughly enjoy it,should i then have a syn free week?

hebx1=3 ww brown danish

syns = tikka masala,rice,poppadoms,naan bread,chips =1000000
Well done chica - told you your diary looked brill this week.

Re curry! I agree with Kieragh, just flexi-syn tonight and carry on next week as normal. You could compromise and only have say 10 syns every day but do not cut them out completely.

Erin sounds as though she is better! Taunting brothers is a good sign!
Hey chickadee! Sorry to hear your lil princess had poxy chickens! Such a horrible, painful, itchy miserable thing, but at least its out of the way at a young age! Glad she's on the mend now! Wow you're really going onwards and downwards aren't you! Remember those days when we were well into the 11s and couldn't wait to see that number 10!! Well the perseverence sure paid off! I'm kind of lingering around the 11s still and hope to go under it at WI later!! Will be lovely to get back to 10st10 then start chipping away to new revised target of 10st5! Oh well, it all certainly keeps us on our toes!! XxX
it certainley does dosent it ;) think ive come to the decision,im not the weight i was...thank god....i feel proud of how far ive become,fairly happy with how i am but i think i need to tone up,i still got flabby hips,and a saggy belly :( .youd think having 4 kids would be enough exercise lol.im gonna keep going,hopefully see 10st 10lb my original target which i set sept 09,if i lose 2lb this week it will take me there(fingers crossed) then im gonna aim for 10st 7lb.think that will be my happy place.

were doin this aernt we chick....we rock,we did good xxx
it certainley does dosent it ;) think ive come to the decision,im not the weight i was...thank god....i feel proud of how far ive become,fairly happy with how i am but i think i need to tone up,i still got flabby hips,and a saggy belly :( .youd think having 4 kids would be enough exercise lol.im gonna keep going,hopefully see 10st 10lb my original target which i set sept 09,if i lose 2lb this week it will take me there(fingers crossed) then im gonna aim for 10st 7lb.think that will be my happy place.

were doin this aernt we chick....we rock,we did good xxx

We are soooo doing it!!!! We're rocking it lol!!! :cool: Funny to think we both set our targets at 10st 10lb at about the same time and it's taken a similar time for us to get here!!! I lost 5.5lb tonight!!! Not sure what happened but it did, so I'm not complaining!!!! Now 10st 9.5lb!!! Never in my wildest dreams!!!!!X
tuesday = ee

breakfast - 4 x ryvitas,jam flora

dinner - brocolli cheese soup

tea - slow cooker curry and rice with loads of ss bunged in(im in love with curry mmmmmmmmmm)

heax1=5 x lc light triangles
hebx1=4 x ryvitas

syns= 2 for curry mix,scrape flora light 2,reduced sugar jam 2

total syns =6
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....i feel proud of how far ive become,fairly happy with how i am but i think i need to tone up,i still got flabby hips,and a saggy belly :( .youd think having 4 kids would be enough exercise lol.im gonna keep going,hopefully see 10st 10lb my original target which i set sept 09,if i lose 2lb this week it will take me there(fingers crossed) then im gonna aim for 10st 7lb.think that will be my happy place.

were doin this aernt we chick....we rock,we did good xxx

. . . hopefully il be there with ya soon ;)
Chica - you aren't that far off 10:10 now are you? So just keep at it.

YOU WILL GET THERE :D And within a couple of weeks I bet.

And regarding the sag. It's the 4 kids that are almost certainly the cause of the saggy belly! :eek:

I've got a saggy belly too - and I've no kids to blame it on - just blumin' age that will not let my skin go back. Same for my thighs.

Have you thought of trying some tummy exercises hun? They may help.