Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

head held high,lol

thanks again girls,had a good talk with my mum yesterday,and said to her everything i do seems to be an issue,i get grief about what i eat,if i mention about doing exercise i get grief for that,but then my sisters who go to exercise classes thats totally fine for them,also one sister is trim and has always had an issue about her weight,she dosent have the moans like i get and also my other sister,who has now joined ww ,wow,shes looking great and good for her mum says,
my mum dosent seem to realise how much she has a go at me and how much it reduces me to tears,it seems that for everyone else its fine but for me its not,i never get praise(not that i expect it at all) but somtimes for someone to say somthing nice to me means the world rather than having constant digs or arguments about what im doing all the time

so just want to say thank you girls for letting me rant and rave on here and for all your support and kind words,love you all xxx
wednesday - ee

breakfast - 4 x ryvitas with scrape light flora and gfy jam

dinner - bowl of fresh pineapple

tea - curry from slow cooker with spinach baby corn ,potato,chicken,peppers,pasatta and a scwartz mix,with pilau rice

heax1=350ml ss milk

syns = 2 flora light 2 jam 2.5,curry mix 2

total syns = 6.5
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thursday - ee

walking to school this morning and loads of people have still got there decs up.......why? get em down,christmas has gone,back to normal

breakfast - 4xryvitas and jam,plum

dinner -curry from yesterday,plum,apple

tea - spag bol,with all the ss i can find innit

heax1=42g cheese hf
hebx1=4x ryvitas

syns - curry 2,jam 2,flora 2

total syns = 6
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Morning chica, how are you today?

Mothers can be such a pain. Can't they?
Mine banged on at me for about 6 months after my 50th birthday that "a woman of my age" should not have long hair. Blumin' 'eck - it was only a shoulder length bob!! She went on and on and on - so much so that I got it cut in the end just to shut her up. Regretted it ever since - although I have to say it's a lot easier to manage short!

She also had this fixation about me showing my upper arms. "Put a proper t-shirt on girl" she would rant! Girl? I was 50!!!!

They don't realise just how hurtful and damaging their insensitive comments can be. They just think they are helping! Like you mine used to reduce me tears - hurt and anger at the same time.

So deffo hold your head high. You look abso-blumin-lutely fantastic. The food and exercise has got you to where you are so you should be proud.
friday -

been busy so not really had time to eat.

breakfast - banana

dinner - 4x ryvitas scrape flora light and jam

tea - cubed actifry potatos,tinned tomatos and 3x ww sausages

heax1=350ml ss milk

syns - flora light 2 reduced sugar jam scrape 2,3 x ww sausages 1.5

total syns = 5.5
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Hey Leanne, hope 2012 is treating you well so far!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you on the kitchen counter top!!! To me it just looks like a confident leanne having a great time and looking AWESOME!! I think you were right to have that chat with your mum! Maybe she was unaware of how she was coming across, and i'm sure it's a lot to do with the fact that she's not used to your new found confidence so it's a bit alien to her! But she'd better get used to it!! My Mum is also excellent at saying things to burst my bubble!!! Even the slightest of digs cantotally deflate me!! We went to visit them over New Year and bumped into an old friend who said 'wow you're looking skinny Hev' and my Mum said 'well i don't think you could call her 'skinny' but yes she is looking a lot slimmer isn't she!!' Now i know that i'm not 'skinny' (wouldn't want to be) but my Mum totally missed the fact that it was a figure of speech and meant to be a lovely compliment and yet somehow what should have made me feel great turned into a cringeworthy moment of deflation, that i wasn't quite good enough!! Oh well, when she's dead and buried bless her heart i'll probably look back at such classic moments with affection and humour!I shouldn't let it get to me- she's a good person but sometimes just misses the point, but I'm sure it's got a lot to do with my own over-sensitivity!! I know xactly how you feel though!!

Well done on sts- amazing work after silly season!!xxxxx
yeah thanks heather,did clear the air a bit with my mum,but i still feel shes watching me all the time.it seems to be one rule for me and a totally different rule for my sisters.i have im ashamed to say backed off from my mum recentley as i cant be doin with the comments and the way i feel deflated after nearly every time i talk to her.its a shame. strange how shes alwys quick enough to have a go or make a snide comment but never quick enough to say anything nice to me :(
saturday - ee

i lost 3.5lb yay,back to 10st 13lb,only another only 1.5 to go before pre christmas weight,fingers crossed

breakfast - 4x ryvitas and jam scrape flora light

dinner - not so good had those shaky chicken nugget things at mc donalds but they were teeny weeny

tea - mince chilli and rice

heax1=350ml ss milk

syns= scrape flora 2 light jam 2,mc donald thing 10?maybe more???????
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:woohoo:Leanne - blumin' well done.

I've been having a think about mothers. Is your mum overweight? And could she just be the tiniest, weeniest bit jealous about what you have achieved?
wednesday- ee

been a tough day today ,my lillte girl never slept at all last night shes covered in chicken pox,bless her.so today i have been mostly cuddling her

breakfast-none as me and baby went back to bed after school run

dinner-pasta and sauce with leeks bacon and cheese

tea -beef curry in slow cooker with loads of ss in and pilau rice

heax1=42g hf cheese
hebx1=oaty bar

syns- 2 for cuury