Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

brill,thats all i got here for a b choice to use them up,lovely ,4 bits of toast later and a cuppa,do you think thats ok for a green day,im not used to green days n e more x

If you're tea has filled you up then some toast later will probably be enough ... but if you feel the need for something bigger cos you missed lunch then you could have a chip butty or an omelette or beans on toast ???

See how you feel later hun x Good green day so far xx
Hi Chick,

Do you like smoked salmon? I like the following recipe (in the loose sense of the word ... not much cooking involved ;))

Lay out a small sheet of smoked salmon

Spread on generous amount of Philadelphia (any flavour you fancy)

Place asparagus spear in the middle and wrap salmon & philly mixture around the spear ... nom nom nom!

Ali that sounds lovely!! Leanne, its gorgeous simply steamed, alongside any dish you like!X
You might find strips of smoked salmon a bit too fishy ... but salmon fillets which you can poach, grill or bake have a lovely pink gentle fishiness ... scrummy xx

Your Birdseye boil in the bag thingy might be a good way to try it for the first time but you can't beat fresh ;)

Asparagus can be an acquired taste - me and hubby like it but the kids don't! It's a lovely seasonal veg which goes with anything really ... fish, chicken, I could even imagine it in a SW quiche ... oooh yeah!
thanks ali,some good tips coming your way 2nite.will deffo try the salmon thing in the bag ,il let you know how it goes,im fine cooking it but when its on my plate its a different matter.

kieragh,i hope you like the gasrlic bread as much as i did and hopefully wel have a better day tomorrow,

ive got to somehow keep 2 pints of water in for 2 hours as ive got to go for a scan,my bladder isint what it used to be after 4 children i tell ya,lol, ive had this pain in my right side for a couple of months now so finally getting it checked out x
Hey chick, missed it on here but just read on the 11s into the 10s thread that u lost 2lb this week! Well done chick, its all paying off! You must feel great! I'm really pleased with myself too! Got my parents staying at the mo and although I've cooked, it's all been really healthy stuff and while they and dh have tucked into the cheeseboard and red wine, I have been very restrained! I took the folks on a really ling invigorating walk today too! Lots of hills and sand dunes and walking against the wind must have burnt off loads more cals/syns than an average walk! Healthy feels good! X
hi heather,well done you,im feeling great at the moment,but thing is im off shopping for the day with my mum on sun and no doubt that will mean a muffin and a latte,surley one little treat will be ok.im feeling very headstrong at the mo and i feel proud of myself too ,im ignoring all those "because your on a diet " comments.plus i keep looking at your weight so far and its totally spurring me on,i was so close once x il get there .

woo hoo ,half way

breakfast - banana

dinner - jacket potato,beans .pomegranete seeds,banana......god im stuffed

tea - bean chilli and rice..i love chilli,prob will turn into a kidney bean soon

hea x 1 = 42 g cheese
hea x 2 = 42g cheese..both reduced fat
heb x 1 = 2 x harvest morn bars
heb x 2 = as above

syns - choco 1,ww spicy tomato andbasil flavour puff balls 3.5

total syns - 4.5
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well,im back from scan,how hard was that keeping in 2 pints of water for 2 whole hours . everything ok,no cysts as thought,pulled muscle i expect,too much exercise i think ......... the whole 2 and a half hours ive done in the last god knows how many years,see its bad for you all this exercise lark,i remember now why i dont do it.haha
well,im back from scan,how hard was that keeping in 2 pints of water for 2 whole hours . everything ok,no cysts as thought,pulled muscle i expect,too much exercise i think ......... the whole 2 and a half hours ive done in the last god knows how many years,see its bad for you all this exercise lark,i remember now why i dont do it.haha

Phew, glad everything OK with scan hun!! Bet that pee afterwards was the most glorious relief you've ever felt lol!!!

Keep on going on the food front! You're doing great! Go for a skinny latte and could you not share the muffin with ya Mum?! Or count it in your syns of course if you can spare them!! Costa muffins totally shocked me mind you- 25 syns or so in the average one!!!x
thanks heather,my god when i come out the toilets were right next door,i didnt think i would ever stop,lol,yeah glad all is ok,thanks for checking back though,
thats a good idea about sharing a muffin,might just do that,we usually have spud u like so im hoping there syn free if i have it with beans.hope so,got to start catching up with you...skinny minny you must feel great and so you should xx