Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)


breakfast - 2 x sausages,bacon,grilled tomatos,beans,mushrooms 2 toast

dinner - yesterdays tomato soup

tea - chicken in bacon with regge reggee sauce topped with cheese,with mushroom stif fry


my tea was amazing will definatley have this again,although next time might be with sw chips and mushrooms

hea x 1 = 42g cheese
heb x 1 = 2 slices ww bread

syns = 2 x tescos sausages 1,scrape of flora 1,24 g squirty cream 2,ww cookie bar 4.5

total syns=8.5
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gonnabesmall said:
here you go huni ...its tastes preety good

Reggae Reggae Sauce 1 tsp medium chilli powder, garlic, ginger, and allspice
1/4 tsp mustard powder
Half a carton of passata
3 tbsp artificial sweetener
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp worcestershire sauce

shame im not having chips to dip in it :)

Yum must try it, need to get Worcestershire sauce. Is allspice same as mixed spice? X
well,i lost a pound,god i lost more last week when i had a full on indian takeaway and no exercise,this week has been a full 100% for 7 whole days with 2 bike rides included,never mind,its a loss

Soz to put a dampener on things or sound like Captain Sensible, I'm not intending to here (and I think that 1lb is a good loss by the way!) don't forget that behaviour, whether good or bad can creep up on us!! You lost weight last week after a full-on Indian takeaway and no exercise, maybe those things could be responsible for this week's loss not being as good as you'd hoped! It works the other way round sometimes too, I've had weeks where I've had an angelic week, STS or lost 1/2lb, the following week haven't been that good and lost a good couple of lbs that I prob didn't deserve!! But sometimes the things we do the week before have an impact on the next couple of weeks!! Always worth bearing that in mind- sometimes it helps to stop me getting complacent and sometimes it helps to stop me feeling down in the dumps if I've been good and haven't been rewarded because more often than not I get rewarded somewhere else down the line!! Hope that makes sense- in other words, it's not about just one week, our bodies are more complicated than that!!X
gonnabesmall said:
Cinnamon (40%) , Coriander Seed , Caraway , Nutmeg , Ginger , Cloves

The Allspice berry has a warm, fragrant aroma which tastes like a mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves. Use sparingly.

sound almost identical dont they

Prob just another way to get our money lol!!! Making garlic mushrooms & pepper sauce for over my steak, smells yummy!!!! X
Soz to put a dampener on things or sound like Captain Sensible, I'm not intending to here (and I think that 1lb is a good loss by the way!) don't forget that behaviour, whether good or bad can creep up on us!! You lost weight last week after a full-on Indian takeaway and no exercise, maybe those things could be responsible for this week's loss not being as good as you'd hoped! It works the other way round sometimes too, I've had weeks where I've had an angelic week, STS or lost 1/2lb, the following week haven't been that good and lost a good couple of lbs that I prob didn't deserve!! But sometimes the things we do the week before have an impact on the next couple of weeks!! Always worth bearing that in mind- sometimes it helps to stop me getting complacent and sometimes it helps to stop me feeling down in the dumps if I've been good and haven't been rewarded because more often than not I get rewarded somewhere else down the line!! Hope that makes sense- in other words, it's not about just one week, our bodies are more complicated than that!!X

true,i think,lol.im never going to have a treat again:eek:
well,not untill my birthday anyway:D
true,i think,lol.im never going to have a treat again:eek:
well,not untill my birthday anyway:D

Oooh don't be daft hun!! Treats are all part of the enjoyment and VERY important, but I guess if we want to get to our targets sometime soon, and I certainly speak for myself in this, our treats for now will have to built into our syns, which should be do-able!! I have no intention of giving up treats, and neither should you!! If we don't have them, we'll resent the plan and give up on it!!X
yeah, i know what your saying and if you have a treat youve got a weekly allowance on syns havent you.i think im more determined now than i was when i 1st started x

It's the determination that will get you there Leanne, but please don't be too hard on yourself and burn yourself out! You've got to enjoy it too!!X
Me too, me too!!!

I'm taking on board what you have said too Funcurls - cheers hun xx

That's cool, thanks Ali! Please don't think I'm a know-it-all! I'm far from perfect, but I have now been at this lark for 19 months and have seen lots of people going full steam ahead and doing brilliantly, only to fall off the wagon once the honeymoon period wears off because they realise they can't sustain their efforts or live up to their own high expectations of themselves! I have been very frustrated at times throughout my 19 months and some weeks I have gained or STS, some deserved and some not, but being where I am now, fairly close to target, looking back I'm so glad I've done it slowly because I've thoroughly enjoyed my food, had LOTS of treats and some weekends/weeks off plan, but I've always got back on track again and I think (hope) I've finally cracked the art of moderation and changed my ways for good!! All the very best for your own journey! 1/2 way there, you're doing great!X
I found you!!! :) <3 your diary! I shall be popping in from now on if that's OK?

Keep up your fantastical work!

funcurls said:
That's cool, thanks Ali! Please don't think I'm a know-it-all! I'm far from perfect, but I have now been at this lark for 19 months and have seen lots of people going full steam ahead and doing brilliantly, only to fall off the wagon once the honeymoon period wears off because they realise they can't sustain their efforts or live up to their own high expectations of themselves! I have been very frustrated at times throughout my 19 months and some weeks I have gained or STS, some deserved and some not, but being where I am now, fairly close to target, looking back I'm so glad I've done it slowly because I've thoroughly enjoyed my food, had LOTS of treats and some weekends/weeks off plan, but I've always got back on track again and I think (hope) I've finally cracked the art of moderation and changed my ways for good!! All the very best for your own journey! 1/2 way there, you're doing great!X

Great message :) well done u & totally right :)
gonnabesmall said:

breakfast - 2 x sausages,bacon,grilled tomatos,beans,mushrooms 2 toast

dinner - yesterdays tomato soup

tea - chicken in bacon with regge reggee sauce topped with cheese,with mushroom stif fry

my tea was amazing will definatley have this again,although next time might be with sw chips and mushrooms

hea x 1 = 42g cheese
heb x 1 = 2 slices ww bread

syns = 2 x tescos sausages 1,scrape of flora 1

Whoa so envious of ur teeny amount of syns girlie!! U don't snack at all, how do u manage that lol! X ps ur tea looks yum
Whoa so envious of ur teeny amount of syns girlie!! U don't snack at all, how do u manage that lol! X ps ur tea looks yum

hello hon,if it makes you feel better ive just editited my syns,got a bit snacky last night lol.
i dont really know what to snack on during the day,i usually just have fruit or carrot sticks,
tea was yummy,am gonna have the rest of the sauce tonight then gonna make me some more:D:D:D

breakfast - none overslept and was one mad rush

went to asda to re-stock on fruit and veg

plum ,apple

dinner - ham omelette,mushrooms and chopped tomatoes

tea - 2 iceland chicken quarter pounders ,roasted courgette,red onion red and yellow pepper in balsamic vinegar and garlic,chips actifry,reggee reggee sauce from yesterday



hea x 1 = 42g rf cheese
heb x 1 = 2 x harvest morn bars

syns = 2 iceland burgers 1,3 x chocos

total syns = 4
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