Gonnabesmall is gonnabesmaller x ;o)

yeah thanks ali ,twas the best pee ive ever had,lol,
yeah ,think my weeks going really well,im absoultley stuffed and i still got a heb choice left yet and not a syn in sight,might have to cram some syns in later,maybe a little choccie bar or somthing x i lkie to use up at least half my syns,if they are there to spare hate losing them x
gonnabesmall said:
thanks heather,my god when i come out the toilets were right next door,i didnt think i would ever stop,lol,yeah glad all is ok,thanks for checking back though,
thats a good idea about sharing a muffin,might just do that,we usually have spud u like so im hoping there syn free if i have it with beans.hope so,got to start catching up with you...skinny minny you must feel great and so you should xx

Spud u like spud with beans is defo free if no butter! Enjoy! Ha I won't feel like a skinny minny til I'm 10 st 13 1/2 !! and a comfy size 12! But thanks anyways! You're doin gr8 yourself! No reason in the world why u can't do this! XxX
thanks,although honestly i cant say if ive ever been off plan for weeks on end,i have been off for a few days somtimes but still think i should be smaller,i was going through my calander earlier and i was the exact same weight i am now last september ,but i spos in a way,im no where near what i used to be just seem to be lurking in the 11s for way to long now,why is weight so easy to put on but harder to shift,god,if you lost weight if i ate the things i loved id be skinny as a rake now lol

breakfast = banana and custard mullerlight

dinner = chilli and rice from yesterday,pineapple,blue berries,kiwi,strawberries,raspberries

tea = aldi chicken fillets in chilli and garlic with loads of salad,savoury rice,beetroot,boiled egg and coleslaw

hea x 1 =
heb x 1 = 2 x harvest morn bars

syns = 1 for coleslaw
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oooh,weigh in tomorrow,id better have a good loss ive done 2,yes 2 bike rides being of which the 1st one nearly killed me ;)


breakfast - strawberries,kiwi,pineapple,banana,mullerlight ruhbarb

dinner - leek and bacon quiche mixed with batchelors brocolli and cheese pasta n sauce(only half a bag but not sure on syns?)beans and coleslaw

tea- sw pizza,topped with mushrooms,tomatoes,peppers,red onion,ham

hea x 1 = 42g hf cheese
heb x 1 = 2 x harvest morn bars

syns = 1 for slaw, 2 x chocos 2,ww balls tomato things,like yesterday 3.5

total syns - 6.5
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well,i lost a pound,god i lost more last week when i had a full on indian takeaway and no exercise,this week has been a full 100% for 7 whole days with 2 bike rides included,never mind,its a loss


breakfast - none

dinner - home made tomato soup(onion,carrot fresh vine tomatos,stock)

tea - curry made the sauce with bns,ss.bamboo shoots,peppers, chicken,baby corn onion,mushrooms,tomatoes + egg fried rice with added red onion,mushrooms and ham


hea x 1 = 42g hf cheese
heb x 1 = 2 x harvest morn bars

syns = ww crisp 3.5 ,tutti fruti bar 4.5

total syns =8

well my curry was awfull,ate mostly rice,which isint good for cutting back on carbs,soup dinner time was ok bit thin,
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well,i lost a pound,god i lost more last week when i had a full on indian takeaway and no exercise,this week has been a full 100% for 7 whole days with 2 bike rides included,never mind,its a loss


breakfast - none

dinner - home made tomato soup

tea - curry made the sauce with bns,ss. chicken,baby corn onion,mushrooms,tomatoes + egg fried rice

hea x 1 =
heb x 1 =

syns =

Well done hun x

OMG it is so frustrating sometimes isn't it? It would be easy to say all that extra goodiness and exercise was for nothing but it MUST account for something ... maybe a humungous weight loss next week ?!?! :D

Keep up the good work hun!