You are very welcome for the message. Now you know I'm here and you have a support team and I mean... I can talk alot and shout pretty loud so I totally count for like 4 and a half people..Maybe 5 if I'm in heels
I think it would be a shame to give up now. So instead of focussing on the negative... We know what will happen if you quit. We know its getting you down, we know rushing makes you sabotage. Lets not focus on the positive. You are 10stone 9lbs and from your stats your goal weight is 8 stone 10 so thats 27lbs to go to reach your target.
Lets lets start with what gets you motivated? Look back to the weeks you've had a loss. Can you think of any meals you had that might of aided that? Did you have a specific social occasion that got you all dressed up making you feel good? Food is such a huge weekness when we are in a mood be it happy or sad so I want us to change your mood and mindset first and then the weightloss will come too
I'm aiming to lose a stone by christmas. thats like 2lbs a week for me. Honestly? Its very achievable and Its one more stone off the freaking 12 or so I wanna lose haha. Would you maybe like to set yours to that aswell and we can do it together? We can keep it light, not go too over the top. We can take each day and each week as it comes. Inspire each other to do a youtube video of excercise when we can, go for a walk or whatever works for us.
You might not be able to do it on your own at the moment for whatever reason, So maybe we can do it together?