Hello hello everyone! Don't think I've ever been happier to join a thread! As of this morning I weigh 9st13.4lb so I'm scraping in by the skin of my teeth.
I have lost the majority of my weight with Lipotrim (a food-replacement diet) with a little break of calorie counting a few weeks ago, which seemed to give my metabolism a kick up the butt, yippee! Anyway, I am 1.4lb away from my 2.5 stone loss goal, and will then be refeeding and maintaining/losing with MFP and calorie counting. To be honest, I don't know if I'll ever get into the 8's, or whether I actually need to, but I don't think it's worthwhile to set up a separate "In the 9's and happy to lounge there instead of the 12's" thread?!! So I'm here to keep motivated and keep on track. So hello! I have a long and rambling diary in the main diary section called "Mission Possible", if anyone is looking for a cure for insomnia! X