Will get there one day!
sleepytimesadie said:Morning Helen have a good weekend...xx
Thanks Chelle, you too x
sleepytimesadie said:Morning Helen have a good weekend...xx
Mumma K said:Helen before I forget did try and pm you my number
but you need to clear your inbox hunny xx
sleepytimesadie said:Have a good Sunday Helen... I am out for the day today so, will be back on tonight to read your news and views... Catch you later, and. thanks for the support when I felt down this last couple of days...xx
Mumma K said:Happy Sunday Helen
sleepytimesadie said:Hope you are ok and just busy will pop back a bit later on to see, have a good day...xx
Arctic-BNG said:Hole in the ground, with water at the bottom? lol
Sounds busy? Suppose it's the back log of flights out to the colonies?
HPSaucy said:Well here I am, alive but so exhausted, Mark said I look like a ghost as I'm unusually white and look so tired.. Attractive!
Haven't had time to get on here although have been on plan, must of my meals I've only managed to half eat as just no time so portions tiny and snacks although listed weren't finished.
Poor Emma has had me texting her, fellow night bird!
So Saturday night at work was mental, started at 2.30pm for a fairly steady 8 hours.. 10pm bang.. The US comes to life and its non stop until about 4am! On a usual day we have 4-6 long haul flights spaced over 8 1/2 hours with short hauls inbetween.. Instead we've got 2 of us doing 6 people's work, 36 long hauls between 2 of us, loads closing at the same time, fax machine whirring non stop and thankfully the normal night shifts were running us stuff over as we didn't even have time to get up and get the stuff of the fax!
sleepytimesadie said:First bit of this I would be well happy with... Reminds me of an old boss who saw some photos of me at Whitby and said ' You can't seriously think that looks attractive' to which I replied 'That's what your mirror says everytime you look in it' ... lol... xx
shenzi said:I don't mind stopped me falling asleephope work is ok today and you soon get a decent nights sleep x
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shenzi said:Glad last night was a good one! Next time go prepared! Enjoy baking
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Mumma K said:Popping in to say hello Helen
Have pm'd ya hunny x