Mumma K said:
Having read that wonder you've had a set back binge wise thats bloody terrible .... Secretly hoping Mark and You bump into him so Mark can punch his lights out so i am xx
lsf666 said:
Me too Kally x
That's so awful Helen

Elliott would be the same as Mark.
At least you've stopped binging now :bighug:
I don't know what else to say x
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sleepytimesadie said:
I have just read about that git at the party, what a complete and utter moron... What gives anyone the right to treat another human being like that is beyond me... The thing you have to keep in mind Helen is that people like that are deeply insecure and use others as a vent for what they fear most that people will see that they are themselves are flawed... It's hard to keep that in mind when someone is being so vile, and it is usually afterwards that you can see it... Please leave his hurtful remarks where they belong in the sewer he should live in... Sending huge hugs...xx
pjallen1982 said:
Oh that is awful. What an absolute ass. What gives him the right to say that to anyone. I hope karma comes back and makes him oh so fat!
JackieN said:
Wow Helen you looked amazing as Marilyn and as for Mr Twonk :grrrrrrrrrrrrr: just remember my lovely his issues are his issues not yours sweetie. What a nasty man xxxxxxxxx
Thanks girls for all your support, I can't believe it took me a week to work it out but I suppose I tried to put him to the back of my mind.. Not very well!
My Mark is very fit and totally not violent but I dread to think what this guy would look like if Mark got his hands on him, he was so cross, I think secretly he was cross with himself as well that he didn't take it seriously last week, he thought I meant the guy was a drunken bum and was annoying everyone not just insulting me.
I do think the guy has issues, when he first arrived he was lovely, he didn't know anyone (other than the hosts boyfriend) so I was making him drinks and chatting to him to make sure he was okay and then he just started slowly saying things, 90% of people at the party were gay and I'm convinced he's unsure of his sexuality.
I can't believe how quick the binge stopped after I realised what was causing it, I'm actually quite amazed by it, I went to Waddesdon food fair and would usually be in my element and had it been a few hours earlier I would have bought so much stuff I would have regretted, instead I bought a few bits for Mark (Christmas cake, chocolate pots, plum gin) and some vinegar and a chutney for Christmas.
What I would have bought was hot cinnamon whirls, sampled and bought all the chocolates, loads of cheese, liquorice, pastries etc and lunch wise I could have had duck burger, Aberdeen Angus burger, sausages in a roll all from local farms.. No I didn't have any of it!
I may have turned a corner!
Thanks again everyone and I'll try and get through the diaries without crying now! X