Gold Member
Well done on the loss helen 
Awww thats brilliant Helen
well done chooky
I'm sorry I haven't been on, loads going on at work, Lizzi etc.
Bit of light relief Wednesday as parents came over for the day which was lovely and just what I needed.
Been on plan all days except Sunday when I had a roast and pudding but still gained 1/2lb last night, don't know why but not upset as my body is playing silly games, thought I'd come on period yesterday but nothing today so not sure, same last month.
Hope everyone is well and will catch up when I can, I am off today but got loads to do so not sure I'll be able to do it today.
Going to try and do my diary on here this week even if I don't have time to post elsewhere as like to have a record.
Take care x
Hey guys really didn't want to go to work yesterday as they were at the police station around the corner from our house for hours and wanted to be there for them but when I got there I ended up having such a funny shift that it was nice to get away from the nightmare for a while.
Just wish I could whisk them all away from it.. can't see how this is going to end nicely, it's all I seem to think about at the moment. It was my step sons birthday yesterday and although they had a good time its been tarnished by all this, they're such good lads running all over the place.
Happy Mothers Day and to those of you that have lost your mums she is still in your heart, big hugs to you all.
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I'm over the moon though as received my first mother's day card, the kids have never sent me one (they never used to send any cards at all even to their mum and dad as their mum doesn't really "do" cards, its all about expensive presents!), can't tell you how special its made me feel especially as I know I'll never be a real mum.
Saturday 9th March - Extra Easy (L2)
Breakfast: smoked salmon, philadelphia (HEA), toast (HEB)
Lunch: jacket potato, coronation chicken (3.5), watercress, rocket, spinach
Dinner: sausage & tomato stew (3.0 for olive oil), mashed potato
Snacks: banana, grapes, apple puff (6.0), Tandoori chicken
Drinks: squash, water
Total syns: 12.5