Received an email from the physio I went to see when I was in Cornwall, I'd asked him to send me an invoice and he asked how my back/hip was, I sent one back saying not great etc and he replied saying he thinks I really need to get my GP to send me for an X-ray, ultrasound, MRI! Exactly the same as the physio I'd been seeing privately here had said.. Pity the NHS don't think the same!
Also in 2 weeks I'm supposed to be going to Boston but looks like that could be off as I can't use staff travel whilst off sick so depends what happens when I see the Doctor on the 9th, don't want to let my friends down either as we've had it planned for months.
Wednesday 2nd November
Breakfast: 2x wholemeal toast (HEB), low low cheese spread (1/2 HEA), baked beans
Lunch: mustard mushroom and beef (0.5) with jacket potato
Dinner: pan fried scallops (3.0) with sticky rice (4.5)
Total syns: 8.0