What a morning, officially start at 05.30 but was at my position at 05.15 and couldn't keep up, it was manic and never thought I was going to get on top of it but after a few hours I eventually did but ate breakfast & lunch at my desk as no time to go on break, 3 people didn't turn up so no one to cover breaks, at least I got a few mins to heat it up though!
No idea how weigh in will go tonight, really could go either way.. Not long now!
Thursday 2nd February
Breakfast: magic porridge (HEB), blueberries, blackberries
Lunch: curried parsnip soup
Dinner: stew (2.5), mash potato
Snacks: carrot, banana, mini eggs.. Lots (? Syns)
Total syns: 2.5 plus mini eggs!