Hello new weight loss blog :D

Hi Bon, why do you want to cry when you look in the mirror? You look fine and you must keep telling yourself that.

Well done on all the good food and going on the wii fit, it will soon drop off if you keep it up.

Hope you're having a good day xx
Aw thanks Nomad :) I know I should like the way I look now but I just don't :S it's not nice seeing a round flabby tummy in the mirror :S it's not healthy for starters...

But yes I know that just losing a little will make me feel better, and I look forward to that :) I can't wait to see a difference, it's what keeps me going.

I am having a nice day thank you. The sun is shining, you could almost convince yourself it was spring :) Today's not going as slowly as yesterday so that's good, can't wait til home time!
I can't wait until home time either and the sun is shining here too which is always a bonus!!

I know what you mean about not liking the way you look now but you don't look awful so you have to remember that until you have lost the pounds, easier said than done I know. :)
hey bon. looks like things are going fabulously :) i'm so chuffed for you :D

i looked at myself in a full length mirror the other day, and there is no hiding now that this baby has moved up a wee bit that my lower tummy is mainly saggy flab :( you can only pretend it's baby for so long... going to have to make sure i don't swell with more flab. quite happy to swell with more baby :)

abz xx
Full length mirrors should be illegal! I hate them :( esp the ones in clothes shops as I swear they lie!

Don't be worrying too much Abi, you do have the baby as an excuse, and it's the best there is! besides it's hard to eat right when you feel ill and are hormonal and that :S so don't beat yourself up about it :) concentrate on baby and then when she's born you'll lose it by running around looking after her and not having time to eat :) hehe.
ha. here's hoping. but if i don't remain a little bit afraid of weight gain i'll end up even more enormous. so i'm trying to kind of maybe not overindulge too much, ha.

come on sandwich man!! i'm hungry!!

abz xx
Bon - you are lovely! Don't be thinking the mirror has all the answers cos it doesn't.
Hee, well said Gemstone :) that is very true. I think it's more a health thing though, I know that carrying this much extra weight really isn't good for me, and I should know that. I don't look very healthy :S but I am happier now that I know I am actively doing something about it.

Well I had a bit of a disasterious day yesterday :S oops. We had wine AND take away pizza :( sigh. So yeah am annoyed a bit about that, but then at the same time I think it's ok, as it's all about moderation isn't it, and I have been doing brilliantly so far so I think I deserved it and I enjoyed it soooo much! So as long as I continue to do well today and the rest of the week then I think it's ok :) and I will.

I am actually enjoying this eating better thing, I am feeling loads better already and I like knowing that I am doing something about my weight, instead of feeling rubbish that I am overweight but not actually doing anything about it... and reaching for more food to make myself feel better.

So yeah, I am still positive.

Am going out for coffee with a work friend tonight, but I've already accounted for 2 cups of tea and beans on toast in my calories, and that's what I will stick to tonight, I will avoid the eggy bread and milky coffees and cake! but i don't mind I am looking forward to tea and beans on toast :)

I think Tuesday evenings are going to be my weighing days, as that's the first day of the week I go on the Wii Fit. So we'll see tomorrow how much damage the pizza and wine has done :S
Hi Bon, glad you enjoyed the wine and pizza. As you say, there's no pointing beating yourself up about it, you have been being good and you will be good this week so it shouldn't do too much damage.

Hope you had a good weekend and that today is a good one xx
Thanks Nomad :) yeah I do think it's all about being in the right mind set, and realising that these things are treats and not frequent. I need to make up for it the other days, and I am. I think I have my head around that now :)

Am having a quiet day, not got much work to do today. Although it seems to be going slooooow! i want to be at home, who invented Mondays :(

I am going for a cup of tea with a work friend after work, so am looking forward to a good catch up and a natter :)

Hope you're having a good day too.
Hi Bon, hope you had a good evening last night and that you are having a good day today.

The sun is shining and it's rather warm so hopefully that is a sign of things to come.
Good morning everyone :)

Another day already :eek: and I don't feel rested from the last one. Still, 5 weeks 1 day and counting :p

Have a great day everyone x :)
Morning :) Well I am still doing well I am. Am finding it more second nature now too, which is making it easier.

I've not weighed myself for a while though. I didn't get chance to go on the Wii Fit last night as we had to go to the Metrocentre to get Jamie's glasses fixed.

We went to Nando's while we were waiting for them too, and we managed to stay in our calorie amounts :) I looked up online how many calories the things were and stuck to the ones with less in and I managed 1,470 which I was pleased about :) Mostly I am trying to stick to 1,200 most days but as long as I don't go over 1,500 a day then I should lose each day.

I have been having Shreddies each morning, and that's making my tummy feel better as well as stopping me from being starving at lunch time :)

I am going on the Wii Fit tonight, so I am hoping for another loss. I shall do half an hour, not sure what we're having for tea, will see how many calories we have left.

I am wanting some chocolate soon though, haven't had a bar for a long while, so I am going to include it one day as a treat and it shouldnt' do too much damage.

Hope everyone else is well :) It's raining today :( Am getting really fed up with the weather! I can't wait til it's warm emough for walks, and going to the beach and park... sigh.
Hi Bon, well done on going out to eat and staying within your calories, you doing good!!

I too am fed up with the rain and hope it clears soon. Still, it is better than the snow!!
Hi Bon - still going strong - well done x
Morning :) Well i had a totally and utterly rubbish day yesterday as I was so hungover and needed grease and stodge :S sigh. I don't think I went over my 2000 calories, so I don't think I would have put anything on yesterday but I haven't lost either.

Oh well, today I am feeling much better and ok and shall have a good day :)

I haven't been on the Wii Fit all week either :( We've been out or doing something each evening this week :S

Last night was the pub quiz, we didn't win this time though :( but was fun.

We're off to Hartlepool tomorrow to see some art gallery and have a look at the historic quays, should be a good day :)

Have a nice weekend everyone :)
sorry this week's diet hasn't gone to plan honey, but you are doing so well :)

don't avoid the scales for too long though. seeing them go down will motivate you, as will seeing them stay the same when you aren't perfect with your plan.

hope today isn't dragging too much for you :)
Some days are like that Bon but as long as you eat healthy most of the time the odd blip isn't gonna matter too much. Hope you enjoy Hartlepool x