Hello new weight loss blog :D

Hi Bon, excellent news about the glucose.

No I don't think you need to go on the Wii every night! So long, as you say, you are doing it more often than not then that is good, especially if you are eating good!!!!

Hope you are having a good evening xx
Humm well I find it harder to be good on a weekend, but I am pleased with myself this weekend :) I am getting better and not just eating cos I am bored at home.

Athough we did go to Pizza Hut on Friday night :S oops. But I thought about what I would eat and went for these new thinner pizzas with salad on them, they're really nice and much less greasy then the normal ones, so I enjoyed that, and I shared it with Jamie since he's trying to be good too. And we stopped eating when we were full and that wasn't even half of it each :) and we didn't take the last bit home with us! a waste I know but it's better than unnecessary calories, so I was pleased with myself :) I did have half a banoffi shake too which I am sure was a lot of calories! but it was soooo yum! It was our treat for the end of the week.

Then we had wine on the Saturday but I did well food wise, and didn't over eat just cos I was at home, which I am pleased about. We had soup for lunch and a salad for tea.

I also went on the Wii Fit Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon :) I have a routine on there now, starting with stretches and then the boxing, then cycling, then some fun games, and then a jog at the end. So it's a good work out and tired me out, but I am sure it'll get easier as I do it 4 or 5 times a week.

Am tired today, oh dear. Oh well, hopefully today won't drag too much :) I shall go and check everyone elses diaries now :)
Thanks Nomad :) Yeah that is a big problem I have.. the eating for the sake of it... it's a hard habit to change, but I am pleased with my new way of thinking so far :)

Hope you're having a good day :) this Monday morning is going so slow for me so far! gah. I hope it speeds up soon!
Ah that's good Nomad :) I was in such a bad mood this morning! I hate Mondays, ha. But this afternoon is going much quicker so I am feeling happier :)

Not too long til home time :D I am going to do some veg skewers under the grill for tea and have hummus and pitta breads with them :D yum! Its making me hungry thinking about it, hee.

I got some carrots, cucumber and celery to have vegetable sticks tomorrow too :) thanks for the suggestion!

Hope you have a nice evening :) you up to much?
Hi Bon - glad you had a good weekend x
Well I am still really proud of myself :) although I am a bit disapointed that the scales don't seem to be doing much :( It's so disheartening :( But then I know it takes time and I've only been super good for a week and a half... I am thinking that perhaps a weighing day would be good to gage how I am doing, as it is I just use the Wii Fit to weigh me before I exercise, but since I am doing that 3/4 times a week it's not as obvious how I am doing overall and last night I stayed the same and got quite upset by that :(

But I am sticking with it, and the weight HAS to go!

We're going out to Yo! Sushi tonight, so i've been looking up the calorie amounts online so I know what to stick to, am looking forward to it and am making sure I save calories from the day for it. Which is great, as that is how it should be when I want to treat myself and I am pleased I am getting in to the right mind frame for this.

I've been trying these Actimel drinks each day for 2 weeks now, I've just run out but I really can't see a difference... so I think I will stop them, they are just extra calories really.

The sun is shining today and it's totally boosted my mood! Roll on spring!

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Have you measured yourself recently Bon?

Muscle is more dense than fat so if you have been excersing more you may have replaced some fat with muscle - your weight may not have changed but your shape probably has!
Ah I hadn't thought about that actually... I should have measured myself before I started this actually but I didn't think...

Thanks! I shall have to find out my tape measure, that is a good idea :)
Well done Bon - it's really important to remember that the numbers aren't everything x
Well I still haven't measured meself :S I have it on my to do list though, I meant to last night but we were out til late.

We went out for tea last night and went to Yo! Sushi :) It is really nice there, the food is sooo yummy and all the veggie things are quite low in calories :) I checked before we went and knew what to avoid. So we had different salads and miso soup and this nice auborgine thing :) yum. So i am pleased that there is somewhere really nice to eat out that we don't have to feel guilty about :D We shall be going there more often I thinks as it wasn't that expensive for the two of course considering we were stuffed.

Although it meant I couldn't go on the Wii Fit... and tonight I am out again :S I shall get on it tomorrow though :)

Am off to the pub quiz with work friends after work :) should be nice, I've included one Guinness in my daily calories and then I'll go onto diet coke, and a veggie patty Subway on the way home as my tea :)

That's 1400 calories for today :) I am trying to stick to about 1500ish each day, I am allowed more the days I exercise but some days I feel more hungry than others, like today I've not been that hungry really.

I am using MyFitnessPal.com to record my calories each day, and it really confused me when I put in the Diet Coke i'll have tonight as it kept coming up with no calories! and then I googled it and it seems that there aren't many calories in Diet Coke :) although the sweetner they use is a bit dodgy and people believe it can lead to cancer and lymphoma :S but I've never drank it loads so I am not sure I should worry about that... it just made me think I suppose.

Anyway overall I do definatly feel better and I am liking this new healthy me :) yay :D
Go Bon - you are doing brilliantly x
Morning :)

Well I weighed myself last night and I have lost 5 lbs :D woooooooo. I am so excited! seems a bit sudden though, ha. But I'm finally losing I am. So that's 5lbs in 2 and a bit weeks, am very proud of myself :)

I had a really good weekend, even though we drank alcohol we included it in our daily calorie amount and made sure we didn't go over :) so am pleased that that was easy enough.

We went to Marks and Spencer and got lots of low fat and low calorie foods, so it's nice having yummy food that's healthy in the fridge.

I didn't get on the Wii Fit over the weekend though :S but we did do a lot of walking about boths days and my legs were aching so I did get some exercise at least :)

So yeah I am liking my new healthy lifestyle and I am actually enjoying feeling better and am in the right mind set where I don't really want to eat chocolate or cakes or things... so yays.

Hope everyone else is well? I shall go and check people's diaries now :)
Morning :)

Well we had pancakes last night :S buuuuut we included them in our daily calories and made sure we just had 2 with the ingredients so we didn't go over our calorie intake for the day :D we even measured it all out. I am liking this, I am not feeling guilty about what I eat now I understand calories and how you just have to compensate on the other things you eat to have something a little naughty...

So yeah they were yummy! We dont really have a sweet tooth, so we went for savoury ones. He did mushrooms and asparagus with one and blue cheese and asparagus with the other :D and cos I hadn't had cheese for acouple of weeks now it tasted good!

It's nice having Jamie doing it too, cos then we can help choose a healthy tea for each other, we ask how many calories we have left and then work out what we can eat accordingly and to how hungry we are too :) So it's going well :) Jamie's lost 3lb too :)

So today I've had an Alpen light bar for 70 calories and some blueberries for 50 calories. I have a hummus salad from M&S which is 270 calories and then I have a banana for this afternoon. Along with a coffee this afternoon, that's a good day at work :) We have some stuffed peppers I think we'll have for tea with salad.

Now that I feel like my head is understanding calories and what I can have, I've altered it so I will lose 2lb a week so I can have 1344 calories a day.

Yesterday I replaced my afternoon coffee for a Diet Coke as that's no caloires... not sure that's better for my teeth though, ha.

Went on the Wii Fit last night too, but only did 20 minutes as i was tired :S so tonight I'll do half an hour as I had a good nights sleep last night and feel better. I find it so much easier to eat well when i've had a good nights sleep too.

Annnnyway. I do feel better inside but I still look in the mirror and want to cry :S but i know it'll shift soon enough, it would just be nice to wake up and have 3 stones gone!

I am aiming to get down to 12 stone i think. When i was super skinny I was about 10 and a half stone but I was too thin then... a size 12/14 would be ok with me. I will see when i get down to around that size anyway, but for now I am aiming to lose 3 stone.

Well that's it for today :) hope everyone else is having a smiley day :)