Morning! I'm just about to take dirtbag crabbing but wanted to come here quick to say I've made a v. Posh fruit salad and no syns shall pass my lips today. If its written down I have to stick to it.
Hope everyone has a good day x
Lol my parents live near the beach, one side is swimmy and one side has rock pools and we're going to try to catch the crabs put them in a bucket, squeal like sissys and put them back where we found them.... Not to everyone's taste but its exciting for a 3 year old!
Happy birthday to hubby, mmm cake, hope you enjoy it(not all of it tho) x
See, I could leave the crisps, donuts are my poison, I really miss them but know if I have one I'll have 12!
Well, we went to the beach but didn't end up going crabbing, we're going to go strawberry picking instead at some point later today just having some grub.
How is everyone's day going? X x
No it was windy as...something really windy... Dirtbag loved it but I was getting a bit miffed with my hair by the end of it. Big long walk tho so happy with that, will hopefully work off my dinner as its all gone wrong..
Was planning on a homemade cheese and bacon burger with sw chips so using healthy e's would have been totally syn free. But Tesco didn't have ANY lean mince- extra or otherwise so burgers no longer free and I'm waiting til after I've eaten them to see what the damage is![]()
And my posh fruit salad isn't actually posh, just I'm lazy so when I make a effort its posh! Strawberries, grapes, kiwis, cherries, oranges and pineapple.![]()
I'm up since 4.30, fulla snot & throat feels like I've swallowed razor blades:sign0137: Be a good excuse for a pj day.
Cake went down a treat last nite, even though I couldn't find the matches to light the candles, OH has squirrelled them away in the shed with the BBQ, I had about two bites.
Howse you?
Morning Issy! You poor thing :sick:atback: Summer colds are the worst! at least in the winter you don't mind staying indoors! Don't forget to drink plenty of water and top up on Vit C.
Well done for only having 2 bite of the B'day cake! If you have a sweet tooth it's hard to resist. :clap: I'm making my fave slimming world curry tonight hot chilli chicken, it's the only one out of the book that my husband will eat!
Looks like a slow Friday in the office today so if you want to chat I'm here :wavey:
Thank you Sijack. Made myself eat breakfast, have meals ready made so just gonna have a re-heat day, that way I'll stay on plan, I usually can't be bothered & end up eating rubbish when I'm sick. So not gonna feel sorry for myself
On the plus side, I finished putting a "recipe book" together, with all the stuff I've found on here, sent OH to work to print it off for me. Gonna try a couple of new recipes this week. Love chilli, where'd you get that recipe?
Kids are abit miffed having to stay put today, but we have a cinema afternoon planned (chance for me to snoozee in the chair) and there's a barbie disco going on as I type
I'm working me way thru this thread..................
You're so organised with your meals, wish I wasI start off planning what I am going to eat and then 9/10 times I change my mind. So leaving the curry to my husband to cook tonight! The first time I was on sw I splurged on a load of recipe books, if you can still get it the best curry one is fantastic!
I was using it even when I wasn't following the plan.
Barbie disco huh? looks like it's gonna be a 'rock n roll' day for you my friend xxxxarty0049:
I must have a nose at the book stand at group, see if there's any books I fancy before I "depart", has been poorly stocked, might ask can they order books for me.
We're on to My Little Pony's now, its gonna be a loooong day, I'm flagging abit, think a strong cuppa is in order.
Don't you get free access to the online site when you join a club? I would think that you can order them through the SW site. I feel for you! really I do, I forgot how difficult it was to be ill with little ones around. Hang in there! You're nearly at the halfway mark of the day
Yeah I do, but there's no shop, I'm on the Irish site so maybe that's why, tends to limits things, also makes the stuff more expensive, euro & stg prices never translate, pee's me off.There site is fairly limited, get more on here really.
I'm off to make lunch for the kids, bagels and pitta's![]()
Think it'll be an early nite tonite