Help needed for 1st day......

i'm tempted to weigh at tesco on monday morning...maybe i shouldn't??

to be honest, if i go there, i always feel it's pointless going to class....i've weighed a couple of times before class and been 1/2 lb lighter in the morning but i know if i don't like the results, i won't go...and that just means double costs the following week....pointless really!x
Yeah true I guess. I don't think i would go to class if i weighed in the morning and it was showing a bad result either lol.

Have you decides to stick with classes then?! You were thinking about quitting a while back as far as I remember.

Just trust yourself - you know the usual pattern so try not to stress about it. "It is what it is" pmsl :)
been going for was only really the money that was making me think about stopping going...cos i could weigh myself for 50p!
but i'm wary that i'd actually give myself more pressure if i didn't goto class....only cos i go there with no expectations but if i went myself, i think i'd be looking for results and that's when i get into the wrong frame of mind...
will wait and see i guess...i know i'd still follow plan but i don't want to get those thoughts back that i used to have all the time

did you manage to find out about the hifi bars?x
I never did you know lol. I totally forgot about it so I obv don't need them as much as I thought I did lol.

I'm making a risotto for my dinner tonight and will keep some for the freezer I think. What's your plan?!
Oh yeah forgot about the tagliatelle lol.

I'm watching come done with me in fits of laughter at their meals - chicken soup from a can in a pasta bake?!?!?! With crisps on top?!?!
lol...might be quite nice?!
when i was young...and single...and child free...and not ar$ed about cooking, sometimes i'd make up a cup a soup (quite thick) and mix thru some pasta...i'm liking their way of thinking and the crisps for the crunch to make it fancy?? pmsl x
Lol. i used to live on super noodles with cheese grated on top hahahaha! (My poor arteries lol) sometimes with chicken as well if i was feeling flush. :)

And it's set in St. Albans (where I live) and they are all being horrible to each other lol.

I think my step mum used to use crisps on a pasta bake but soup is a new one for me lol.

Not that I would have a clue what to cook if I went on it. Maybe some scallops to start with black pudding and rocket salad (bf cooks this sometimes and it's lovely), no idea for main and I'd raid the SW magasine for pudding ideas as they always look lovely. I don't really eat much pudding myself so that's where I would struggle with inspiration.
oooh i like blackpudding....on toast...or a roll..or deep fried as a starter lol.
not had that for ages!

well i made the tagliatelle...didn't have any italian herb and spice blend so just used the schwartz garlic italian herb one (that i bought for another recipe) and it was really nice.
super easy and def one i'd make could throw anything in with it to be honest...and maybe nice cold for lunch the next day if there were left overs?x
That sort of thing is perfect for leftovers I think. If I ever make a dish like that I take it in to work the next day and heat it in the microwave for lunch.

I'm going for a green day today (first day 100% back on plan). Scales are showing 9st 6 which I'm happy with as last time I weighed it was 9st 13 so I've obviously lost some bloat or water without too much effort.

I've got cereal bars and peaches for breakfast, mac n cheese for lunch and no idea about dinner lol. Might do risotto as I've got some courgettes and asparagus to use up.
great news on the WI mrs :D

food sounding good for today...i'm gonna do EE but forgot to take meat out the freezer so not sure what the plan is. got a gammon joint yesterday but it wasn't planned for today! will wait and see.

i had big mac in a bow yesterday for the 1st time...i did another red day and it was really nice. if you like big macs then it's a must ;) x
Big Mac?!?! Pls tell me this a recipe in a mag?! Bf loves a Big Mac so I def want to try this out!

I had a mushroom omelette for dinner with a few BNS chips. Red is the plan for tomorrow and I'm taking a sandwich for lunch - work are providing lunch as I have a lunch meeting but I'm just going to have the fruit as there will be butter and mayo in the sandwiches.

They tried to deliver my scales today but I was out so will get them tomorrow from the sorting office :) stupidly excited!

How was WI for you tonight?!
lol at the scales excitement ;)
4.5 off for me...yaaaaay!
so that's last week's 3 and an extra 1.5...phew!
must've been bloated or something but it was due to be gain week anyway lol.

it was really nice. my OH tasted it but said he'd like to try it as a burger so i think i'd try it for him and make a burger from the mince rather than just cook it.
i didn't have any thousand island dressing so used mayo/ketchup lol, and i don't like cheese slices so just used my cheddar allowance.

honestly..i really liked it...will def have it must try!x
Wow!! 4.5 is a massive loss. Well done! :) :) So pleased for you!

The Big Mac recipe does sound good but I think I would try to make it a burger as well using a hexb roll. I'm not keen on gherkins though so that would worry me. Maybe if I chopped them up really small instead of slicing I could cope lol. I guess you would just mix it all together and shape into burger form and then grill and add the cheese to the top when its nearly done to melt a little?!

Red day for me today. I've got cereal bars and an apple for breakfast, tuna salad sandwich for lunch and no idea about dinner as I forgot to take something out of the freezer. Might buy some chicken breasts as I have bacon in so I could wrap it in that and melt cheese on the top (not sure if I have passata for the BBQ sauce but I'm sure ketchup will do lol) and have that with salad or veg.

What's your food plan for today?!
green one for me...i'm super hungry tho, had a boiled egg and babybel light before i left the house then rice and fruit when i got to belly's still rumbling! lol

i've only recently got into gherkins so i don't mind them and will def make that recipe again.
would your OH like it do you think?

plan for dinner tonight is diet cola quorn chicken i think...leftovers for lunch tm will be ideal! ;) x
Yeah I'm pretty sure he would love it - anything resembling 'fat food' he loves lol. He doesn't complain at all about my SW dinners but every now and then wants to eat rubbish. I'm skipping steak night tonight as ill be working late. He can fill his boots on steak and chips lol.

I got drenched on the way into work this morning and now I'm freezing cold :( need a cuppa to warm myself up I think. My shoes are soaked through as well so I've taken them off for now (but I have a meeting in 45 mins so will have to put up with soggy feet!
aww it's not rained here today...been awful the last few days though...
i'm not long home and the sun's out so hopefully it stays that way for a wee while?

bitter sweet about working late...shame you'll miss out but you'll be 100% on plan eh x
I'm actually looking forward to a simple fresh meal actually. And if bf is out ill be more motivated to cook up something for lunches in preparation for the rest of the week. I might even do the shred when I get in too!!!

I have managed to get yoghurt all over me this afternoon lol. I look like a child hahahaha
lol...typical! are you wearing a darker colour where it's even more noticable???

i hate it when i'm all ready for work and i brush my teeth before i leave....and get toothpaste on myself...slitter or what hehe

just had diet cola quorn chicken with noodles for dinner, it was nice and i have some for lunch tomorrow....freeing up a HEb means i'm gonna take one of the orange hifi bars which will seem a bit of a treat eating a chocolate bar through the day!
i usually just have the hifi lights but bought those ones last night x
Yeah I'm wearing a black dress lol. How embarrassing lol :) I've got a big splodge right at the top on the right by my shoulder lol

Toothpaste is the worst - I do mine before I get dressed lol.

I'm doing EE tomorrow as I think I'll be eating out with work. I might try and do a quick menu check online tonight to prepare myself. I'm going to split my hexb and have one cereal bar and one slice of bread with my soup. Might make some scrambled eggs for brekkie or fruit and yoghurt.

I'm popping into the shops on the way home but forgot to bring a shopping list with me (typically) so I'm now trying to plan in my head what to buy lol. I def need fruit.....and some treats as I've only had 4 syns so far :)