Help needed for 1st day......

This week isnt a good one for me and it had been mine and bf's 30th birthdays so we have had lots of social things on and I am going away for the weekend too!

Happy Birthday, sounds like a wonderful week to me !! Enjoy your weekend away, plenty of time for cutting back later.
Well I had it for dinner and it was bloomin lovely ;)

Kept some to take for lunch tomorrow x


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the noodles or the sauce?
the singapore noodles are at the stir fry section in M&S and are syn free (think they're garlic and corriander so not spicy)
the curry sauce is the one that you make up from the powder and is a bit like the curry sauce from a chinese has a wee bit of a kick as i got the medium one (only cos they didn't have mild lol)

enjoy your dinner...wherever you end up ;) x
Well we ended up at an Italian place on a lake the next town over. Really pretty setting and excellent service. We had calamari and lemon and chilli king prawns to start and just shared them. They were really really nice. Then bf had duck with a maraschino cherry sauce, sautéed potatoes and veg and I had lobster linguine. We were both a bit disappointed with our mains tbh as his was very small and mine was a little bland. But we had a lovely evening anyway so I'm glad we went :)

Back on plan today as I feel like I need a good dose if SuperFree. I've got salmon pasta for lunch out of the freezer and going to make a big stir fry for dinner.

What's your day looking like?
hey chick.....busy day for me today, only just getting logged on!
today started off well...fruit and a boiled egg before i left the house....rice with berries and yog when i got to work....then i had a packet of mccoys (not even a multi pack one! lol)

then i made a nutella cheesecake....enough said!!! x
Lol oh dear. Well my day was great until dinner as we decided we wanted French stick and ice cream for pudding lol. I think I have already written this week off so I'm not gonna worry. I'll just get back on it after the weekend :)
mmm french stick!

i think this month's def not gonna be my best...nov wasn't (2 weekends away) and it's shown that this plan is easier for me when we have nothing on (although i have nothing on today but you know what i mean)
i have been practically angelic from 7th jan this year and i just feel like right now, i'm ok with having days on and off the plan, cos once this month has passed, there won't be half as many things in the way which could potentially put a spanner in the works!

i def don't want to stop this plan, i'm just a bit more relaxed about having some time off over the next few weeks.

i put weight on easily...we know even being 100% i get the odd gain and i can have a 4lb gain from 1 meal off plan so although i know that times like that are mostly the impact of certain foods and not 4lbs of fat which has stuck back on, i know that it won't be great....but if i'm happy to tackle it 100% in the new year then what's so wrong with long as i DEFINITELY do that (which i think i will cos we all know after a few days of planned time off, i'm craving the sw way of eating!)

my plan is not to stress over things this month, i'm going to eat on plan as much as i can, i'm not going to plan to have a blow out or eat over my syns every day...i'm just going to do what i can and enjoy the stuff i have on cos we all know i've had literally no social life until round about now so i imagine it'll be pretty much the same next year...give or take a wedding or whatever.

mine and my OH bday is nov/dec so i reckon being 100% for almost all the year (when possible) is the plan...things happen but even people who are maintaining a weight their comfortable with have to have these things on too and if it was 6 months ago, i wouldn't be as relaxed, i'd be planning how to be on plan all the time, because it was new etc, but it's not and i dunno whether it's a good or a bad thing that i feel ok about this all?

i just know that i don't want to stop eating the sw way...but i also don't want to get to a place where i resent it cos i'm not going to this or i'm hungry cos i avoided you know what i mean? i need to find a happy medium for me i think.
i think that would have a worse effect on me personally where as if i keep track whether it be good or bad, i still feel in control.

god i'm rabbiting on eh hehe x
Lol. Feel free to rabbit on as much as you like :) the weekend up in Liverpool has been good so far and although I haven't been strictly on plan, I haven't gone too mad either. We had a Starbucks on the way up and shared a panini. Then we had a pizza express for dinner. Yesterday was gourmet burger kitchen and a curry. We haven't been snacking on junk between meals and haven't been having puddings either so I'm not feeling too guilty despite the off plan days :)

Just got today left and no idea what we will e eating but tomorrow I will be doing some planning for the week ahead. My sister has given me a recipe for a kebab which sounds awesome so ill def be trying that!!

totally forgot it was your weekend it was fab and a huge well done for not going way off me this weekend! lol.
not been near mini's really so i'm creeping back today with my tail between my legs...well, not really, i'm back with all usual monday cookables underway ;)

might've had bad food all weekend but i had a great time, ended up out on friday night and we had a party on saturday night....good times...but i'm back ready to top up the superfree as i had virtually NONE all weekend and i def notice the difference this morning so soup's bubbling away, fruit salad is prepared and fridge is stocked nicely with lots of friendlier foods ;)

so...liverpool...tell me all about it x
well it was a busy busy weekend!! We did the football stadium tour as I am a Liverpool fan and that was really good. We also did lots of shopping - they have a xmas market this time of year with an outdoors ice rink and some rides for the kids. Really good fun! They have an ice bar as well so we went in there (was freezing naturally!!) and they had loads of ice sculptures inside. We also did the Beatles story experience which is sort of like a museum of the band and how they got together which was also good. I really like their old stuff. We got home late Monday night and I was shattered lol.

You know about the food so that wasn't great SW wise but was yummy!! I am happily back home and back on plan today! So far I have had porridge, cottage pie (1), crisps (4.5), apple, hifi (3) and a yoghurt! Dinner is roast lamb mmmm. So looking forward to some superfree after a weekend without much and practically a week of being half hearted on plan. I know the next week or two will be hard but I think I have a clear week before it starts getting too bad so I am going to try and stick to plan as much as I can before the festivities.

I even managed to only gain 1lb yesterday! How did you get on at WI? Was this a week off or did you go?

How has your last couple of days been on plan? Are you feeling better after the weekend?
aww that sounds like it was really good fun...what a fab present and i bet you were shattered!

were you back to work as normal today? (BOOOO! :( lol)

i didn't go to class...hadn't booked a holiday so not sure if i'll go next week and pay the fees or whether i'll leave it til after new year? will weigh myself next sunday or monday and decide i think but yeah, had a great EE day yesterday and had soup etc today so slowly but surely getting that superfree back lol.

just making dinner...having quorn burger with sw chips...looking forward to it cos i'm hungry!
also made mac and cheese for the freezer so have 3 portions ready to bung in once they're cooled...such a simple recipe and great to take out for lunch to save hassle :D x
Back to work as normal yesterday and I'm finding the last two days a struggle lol. I'm so tired and have stingy eyes. Having to go in a bit early today so hopefully can leave on time, get everything done I need to and get an early night! This weekend has obviously taken it out of me. Did I tell you my sister lost 1lb at her WI Monday?! Good job I think after the weekend we had!!! Hope I lose this lb I gained this week!

The rest of my syns yesterday were for choc cake - my nieces birthday cake. It was yummy! My sister had made her a peppa pig 'muddy puddle' and stuck some of her peppa figures on top. :) shame that my niece was so exhausted from the day that she didn't wake up and eat any or open any presents lol. Bless her :)

Today is another EE for me. I have cereal and fruit for breakfast and a ham and pickle sandwich with cherry tomatoes and crisps for lunch. At the moment I'm having the aldi 'wotsits' at 4.5 syns :) dinner is going to be a fish cake (3) and salad with this potato and mushroom thing my bf makes with paprika mmmmm lol

What's on your menu?
aww bless your wee niece...i was smiling when i read that :)
great news on your sister's loss after the weekend...i don't have that kind of luck lol.

feeling your pain on the sleepy/stingy eye thing this morning....i really need to aim for an earlier night too cos i'm not feeling chirpy and cheery that's for sure lol.

today i have mac and cheese for lunch and quorn chilli out for dinner. def think after the new year i have to mix it up a bit, i don't mind eating the same things all the time but i get quite paranoid when i'm on here cos some people have lots of different things..,..i've just not really had the time lately and i find it easier to grab something out the freezer that i know is on plan.

i'm so not organised for xmas this year....haven't wrapped a single thing and that's just not like me! it's funny how we plod along being busy when really, i seem to have done nothing at all lol

dinner sounds yummy....i've not had fish for ages x
I got a phone call from her while I was on the train saying thank you :) bless her! Apparently she opened the one from my parents and was like 'ooooh a sylvanian family ice cream van!!!! oooh!!!! well done nanny and grandad!!!' awww how sweet!

Yeah I dont have that kind of luck either but I should be grateful that it wasn't worse to be honest! I am hoping for a good week this week with lots of superfree to help - feeling a bit bunged up after the stodge still! (TMI lol) Had a nice big pack of manog for breakfast in the end as i walked past the shop and fancied it!

I really need to make some more mac n cheese - i really loved it but used up my macaroni the other day making a salmon pasta bake thing so will have to get some when i am next shopping! i know what you mean about mixing it up a bit but as long as you are enjoying what you make then I dont think it is an issue. The only problem wiill come if you bring things in for lunch but dont eat it and go and buy something else that might not be syn free.

I tend to do the same thing a lot as well for lunches - its always leftovers, soup or a sandwich. You could always try out a few recipes over the xmas break if you are off work at some point and stick those in the freezer? Thats what I am going to try and do. I have bought some ziplock freezer bags and going to give them a try in the freezer and see if they are any good to save some space (meaning i can get super prepared to really go for it in January). I am going to make some mac n cheese and the salmon pasta bake thing (which was really yummy). I also think I could make another type of pasta bake thing as they are great for lunch and very filling - maybe chicken.

My xmas tree went up on Monday and I have wrapped about 3 presents lol. I am going to try and do a few each evening before I go to bed (will do bf's on Sunday morning when he is at football) to make it less of a big task. I love it when they are all laid out under the tree :):) I wish I had more xmas decorations really but I havent got a fireplace to put nice ornaments on or anything like that. Must rethink what I have and get a few bits for next year in the sale lol.
my tree's not up either....everyone does it so early now...think i'm the last person but traditionally, it's 12 days before isn't it?
had planned for this weekend but i've got so much stuff in the living room (my OH is doing stuff for his pal and there are boxes everywhere!!) but dunno if it's gonna be possible!
need to wee one keeps asking and i've got a pile of xmas cards waiting cos they've no where to go until my wee holder thing is up.

just finished my lunch there cos i didn't get a chance at work....looking forward to having some time off just to get things in order lol (as if i don't have enough time with my days of f just now eh lol) x
It is meant to be 12 days before but I just fit it in when I have the time once bf's bday is out the way. I don't think it's fair on him to have it up before his bday although he wouldn't care lol.


I'm on the train home now (finished late) and looking forward to some grub! Got to be in early again tomorrow and prob working late again so I'll prob meet bf out for dinner with his dad as we didn't go yesterday. Might go for a green day and have the chilli noodles which are only a few syns at wetherspoons.

What treats you got tonight!?
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aww it's lovely...!
right! i need to get my finger out and get this place in order so it can go up!

got my works xmas thing on fri and little one might be having his friend for a sleepover so aiming for sometime over the weekend ;)

not sure on goodies yet, gonna do my food on here so will decide and and get posting on my diary.

had the quorn chilli with ryvita for my dinner cos i'd had pasta at lunch and didn't fancy rice. was gonna have baked potato with they were all too small so just used the HEb with it.

it's cold here tonight but still ridiculously mild for this time of year...have probably just tempted fate but really...when was the last time it was 7 -9 degrees in december??x
It's a little colder here - it was 1.5 this morning but a bit warmer now I think. It's going to hit after Xmas apparently and we will have a bitter January and February :( still at least we had a decent summer this year for a change.

My dinner is taking sooooo long to cook lol. I have to iron some smart work clothes for tomorrow and wanted to wrap a few presents up but I'll just have to see how I get on. Plan is dinner, bath, iron, presents if I have time before I collapse in bed lol.

Get your hubby to clear out his mess so you can get festive :)
lol...if only it was that easy :(
he's doing double shifts just now (nightshift & dayshift) and having to fit some sleep in there too.
i've really missed him used to going to bed with him and it's been yucky...apart from being able to sprawl out lol.

better not have a bad january...i have tickets to see maroon 5 in glasgow and i'll be there no matter what!
been stung with that weather before cos in 2010, i'd booked tickets for frankie boyle for my OH's birthday but we didn't make it cos it was too risky travelling through.
don't really like him so wasn't phased i'd missed him...just that i spent £80 on the tickets for him and we didn't go and couldn't get a refund :( for Maroon 5 are a secret cos i got one for my sister but haven't been able to say as she's getting it for her xmas.
that adam...the lead singer is a bit of alright ;) hehe x