Had a rubbish day at work and wanted to eat sweets and cack but managed to resist temptation for once so v proud
Today's food
Activia yog (3)/popcorn (2)
McCain jkt pot (5)/salsa (0)/salad
Bolognese-mince (4)/red wine (1)/pasta (8)/green beans/courgette
WW bar (2)/1/2 crumpet (1)
Total 26/26
Still hungry so might have a carrot stick
Hope everyone's had a better day than I have

When you're hungry, try some 0pp items... like bananas or apples.
Also, 1 Laughing Cow Extra Light Cheese Triangle is 0pp.
And you can eat the white of a medium sized egg (I usually have mine boiled and give my mum the yolk) for 0pp too.
I'm not suggesting go crazy on 0pp food, but there are 0pp snacks available to just curb that hunger.
Also, with the craving sweets, I highly suggest the WW sweets.
You can get them from meetings or online, except online you have to order a minimum of 3 packs.
They're £1.50 per pack and you get two boxes.
The soft gums are just 1 point for the entire box (31.5g)
My favourites are the Strawberry Hearts (little bit like Haribo hearts, just minus the white foam & a lot lower in points) and the Orange & Lemon Fruit Pastilles.
They also do Blackberry Drops, Orange & Lemon Drops and Soft Liquorice Drops (they're a bit like fruit gums - well, the blackberry drops are, haven't tried the other two).
Then there's the hard boiled sweets - just 2 points for a 42g box. They come in Rhubarb & Custard and Mint Caramel flavours. And both are absolutely delicious.
With the softer sweets, I sometimes take a point out of my dailies to eat a box when I've got a sweet craving.
But with the hard boiled, I have them sitting in the car, and have one now and then when I'm driving (especially long distances). Because I don't have them very often, and because I don't use any other weeklies, I just class that I've had 2 points out of my weeklies, even if I don't eat the entire box in one week.
But good for you for resisting the sweets. However, if you wanted an alternative, there is one for you.
I went to the seaside again yesterday and had to resist the urge to buy fish & chips again.
Why do I do this to myself?!?! Haha.
But very proud that I managed to go to the seaside twice this BH and not a single chip passed my lips =D
How's everyone doing?!?!
I had sultanas with my lunch today. I love sultanas. 18g for 1 point and 30g for 2.
I had 30g, but discovered that that's a little bit too much, so I'll know to just take 18g from now on.
Weird, cuz I could've eaten an entire packet before, but now 18g satisfies me just right =)