Minimins gal x
Stay Strong Roch. I am with you all the way! Love, Angela x
Hi Angela, thanks hun for the support, well done 2 u for losing 38 lbs u go girl xx
Stay Strong Roch. I am with you all the way! Love, Angela x
hey roch![]()
i have read your thread and think you are a very determined lady, you are also very lucky to have a good son who obviously loves you. You know you can lose weight if you stick to the diet, so come on lets do it, i have alot to lose aswell 4 weeks ago on 3rd feb i signed up for cd weighing in at 27 st 4 , today exactly 4 weeks later i am 24 stone 12, still big yes, but better and if i can do it you can too, we can plod along together and slowly but surely we will learn again to run!!
roch i need help and support too so maybe we can keep each other company via msn or phone if you wish.
I have a puppy staff as well she is 11 months now and her name is lola but i call her the stafflet in my diary thread, she is a little cow bag and very naughty but i love her to bits and spoil her rotten, i want to enjoy her and walk her in the park and i know you would enjoy doing that with ebony too!!
got to stop now, but i will be back later !!
nat xxxxxxxxx
Hello Pretty lady .... well you know that you'll get my support whatever you try to help yourself to lose weight. You chop and change as much as you like - just don't give up. You have a fantastic son who you owe it to - plus yourself ...........
SHOUT if you need anything form any of us! :whoopass: :whoopass: :whoopass: :whoopass: :whoopass:
oooh... well hon... you KNOW you don't even have to ask me on this one !!:giggle:
Basically the first thing I would do if I were you was to DEFINITELY make that appt and, if the Dr says it will help, get on some anti-depressants - they will help you SO much and, as a short term fix they will enable you to get through the tough days far better and help keep your resolve.
You're right about all the chopping and changing.. it has to stop! You are damaging yourself and that won't do!![]()
Make a decision and this time, stick to it, no matter what! Take control sweetheart.. you CAN do this.. AND.. it will help you so much if you want to follow the WLS route too.. (I think they require evidence that you are serious about it and they do that by measuring weight loss over a period of time.. so.. it is imperative that you think long and hard over what diet REALLY suits your needs and likes and tastes and lifestyle.)
So.. that all said.. it is simply wonderful to hear you positive and determined again, BUT.. Roch.. you really really MUST stick to whatever you decide.. a day at a time.. even 10 minutes at a time.. you CAN do this.. you have brought up a lovely son, you have kept a beautiful home and care for others.. so my dear, you can most DEFINITELY follow a freakin diet!![]()
I am so so hopeful that you will do it this time hon, seriously, I really really hope so.
You can have all the tough love you want from me.. BUT... you can also have the other kind too, whatever it's going to take to get you on track, keep you there and get you through this.. you got it. Ok?
Think hard though., LL is tough, but the counselling will, I think, really help you.. AND.. please go to your gp and tell him how you have been feeling. I was on anti-depressants for a long time.. it is only having got in control of my life (well, the food part at the moment) that has enabled me to come off them and stick to the diet too. I really think they could be such a good thing for you. Reconsider - you are worth it. If a friend of yours came and said what you have I'm pretty sure you would give them the same advice (the advice to do what was best for their overall and long-term well-being).![]()
So, take care, stay strong.. you will get there.. great news that you are having another stab at it. Hang in there this time (come hell or high water).. and.. for what it's worth.. I don't think the first week has ever been the issue for you.. I think it's the 2nd, 3rd and 4th.. and I believe... if you can get through those then it will be almost plain sailing all the way sweetie.
Hugs and happy thoughts
Jennie xxxx
Hi Vicky, thanks i def need many queens of tough love 2 keep me on the stright and narrow.
The only problem with taking the anti d tabs is that i might not be able to take them whilst Ssing and i dont want that 2 stop me, do u have any idea if u can take them whlst Ssing.
I intend to take it slow and one day at a time.
Thanks hun and have a good day xxx
oooh... well hon... you KNOW you don't even have to ask me on this one !!:giggle:
Basically the first thing I would do if I were you was to DEFINITELY make that appt and, if the Dr says it will help, get on some anti-depressants - they will help you SO much and, as a short term fix they will enable you to get through the tough days far better and help keep your resolve.
Think hard though., LL is tough, but the counselling will, I think, really help you.. AND.. please go to your gp and tell him how you have been feeling. I was on anti-depressants for a long time.. it is only having got in control of my life (well, the food part at the moment) that has enabled me to come off them and stick to the diet too. I really think they could be such a good thing for you. Reconsider - you are worth it. If a friend of yours came and said what you have I'm pretty sure you would give them the same advice (the advice to do what was best for their overall and long-term well-being).![]()
Jennie xxxx
Have PM'd you on the tablets, I dont know, but I know a woman who does!!!
If we can help you get through this then we will, but, I know you, running off before you can walk, so, Im gonna say this, when we joined this site, many moons ago, when it was new, I never ever thought I would be at goal, ever in a miliion years. I had 5st to lose, and looking back, I was in despair, but I did it.
Now look at me, and take what I lost, that 5st, and look at the time it took me, less than 5 months, why dont you take that as a mini term goal, you have read my diary, and most of my posts, and you can see that that 5 months is no time at all in the grand scheme of things, Im not saying this to "big myself up" in anyway, Im trying in a very round a bout waffly way, to say that you can do it, but take it easy, you have always wanted to wake up slim, you want it yesterday not tomorrow, and you are one determined lady, so, Im trying to break it down for you, but in bigger pieces as I know that is what you want. Hope this makes sense hun x
So pleased to see you back & determined.
Can't agree more with FFnF about the anti-depressants.Please tell GP about your mood, insomnia etc.If he thinks they 'll help then give em a go.Some people think of them as a sign of weakness which is illogical.IF you had a sprained foot would you think it weak to use a stick or crutch while it healed? Infact you'd be foolish not to ,as the added load on the bad foot would delay healing.Think of antidepressants like that.
Hiya Roch,
I hope your doing well today you sound positive and thats great , I thought after we chatted saturday we had such brilliant reasons for doing this so we need to keep those reasons fresh so sunday night i got an empty book and wrote down all the reasons i want this, why i feel i sabotage it and a definite list of mini targets (found 17 in all) and that book will be with me at all times today my aim was to replace 1 meal with a cd shake tomorrow 2 shakes for 2 meals i booked to see my cdc tomorow evening and wednedsday i will be ssing and if i struggle out comes the book, had to use it twice today already lol but it really helped !!!!!!!
I will ss and i may fall off, but when things get tough i will keep writing in that book and i will never fall into a binge i give myself the freedom to eat if i want to i just dont want to right now !
You sound so positive on the phone and you want this so bad that i know you will do it you dont need tough love and you dont need sugar coated encouragement because this is your time hunny your on the way whatever it takes . Gotta go m8 catch ya later xxxx
love Julie xxxxx
Hi Roch
Sorry got confused with the Lipotrim and LLlol
Yes, you can take antit-deps whilst SSing - I did! (But your GP would be able to tell you anyway if this isn't the case) And other meds too.. so don't let that worry you. I'm sure your GP will go over it with you too.. I worry about you doing Lipotrim as there is no social aspect to it and I know how you wanted that from SW so perhaps you might want to reconsider.. even if just to think about doing Cambridge maybe? (quite tasty stuff
Yes, I can be a tough cookie at times.. lol..Glad you know that! lololol
I'm doing great - got weighed today and have lost exactly 7 stone in 21 weeks (this could be you too sweetheart - I SO want it for you!!).. imagine how you will feel!! I tell you - it's a good feeling!Still got another 6 stone to shift, but hey.. it's not the 13 I had to lose when I started out!
AND I got a job today too, so mega good news for me today
I couldn't have even contemplated looking for a job when I was 23stone + so... this diet (Cambridge) has been a lifesaver for me.. I'm off ALL my meds and discharged by sleep apnea doc and now have a second job so I get to keep my home!
I agree with Vikki - no running before you can walk.. set a goal of a stone a month to begin with and see how it goes.. it is achievable and, no offence, but when you start off at the point where you and I are then it is even more attainable initiallyLet that be your motivation too
Roch - I want you to have this kind of stuff happening in your life too. So.. I will support you on this.. so.. it's great that you are weaning yourself off the carbs (nasty energy-draining things anywaylol) and very glad you are seeing a counsellor too (I think a good one is worth their weight (and ours) in gold!) :giggle: