Have been awol the past week sciatica has been bad but seem to be over it now this time.
Weight wise managed to lose the 17lbs i gained in 5 days due to chronic water retention and a couple more so have lost 31lbs in 3 weeks and i am happy with that.

Have gone down about one and a half sizes my new jeans skirt size 28 which have never worn since getting it a year ago is now big on me and i only managed to fit into it 2 weeks ago so that has put a smile on my face also i have some beautiful cotton fitted brodiere anglaise tops which i could not even get over my boobs the past year and 2 weeks ago i managed to put it on but far 2 tight but i wore it yesterday and its lose

Well tonight i thought i was going to end up in the local police station and under arrest i had just had a shower at 9pm and Aaron was allowed out till 9.30 as he was with his friends on their bikes 5 mins away and my door buzzed and Aarons friends sister said someone was trying to rob Aaron of his bike so i threw my skirt and top on and rang my friend who from her window can see where Aaron was and flew down the stairs to my car and drove the 1 min drive like a luntatic at 80mph with no lights on and sped to where Aaron was and all his mates were looking for me to show me where |Aaron was, i found Aaron in the middle of having an asthma attack and i sped up to the boy who had Aarons bike and jumped out of the car and grabbed Aarons bike, the boy who was not a boy but a 19/20 yr old said that Aaron had broke his chain and he was not getting his bike back till he paid him £10 i put Aaron in the car and gave him his pump and tried to calm him down.
Aarons mates told me he was playing with his friends and he said to one of his friends "what u got for me" and they were all laughing and joking with each other and then this man came grabbed Aaron by his chain whilst on his bike and would not let him go and he was strangling Aaron so Aaron grabbed his chain to try and stop him and broke his chain off his neck which allowed Aaron to get away.
I was furious and the guy tried to turn it all around and said that he was going to give Aarons bike back but he wanted the £10 to fix his chain, i was seeing red and the guy was trying to give it large infront of the crowd so i got into my car and then drove it right to him and he was saying "come on run me over" i was not thinking straight and decided to grant him his wish and i put my foot on the pedal and he jumped out of the way, i know it was stupid but i was furious that this adult had strangled Aaron.
The man then said if Aaron does not bring him the £10 then if he is seen here again he will not walk away from here.
Aaron said "pls mum let me give him the money he was scared and panicking and i refused to let him get any money and i drove off with Aaron and rang one of Aarons big brothers.
I went to get Aarons brother (he has 2 big grothers from his dad) and by chance Aarons step brother was also there as well and they came back with me and we pulled up outside and then Aarons step brother Ricardo who is 16 but looks like he is over 21 and is well over 6 foot got out of the car and in a very strong jamaican accent said " which one of u touched my brother"
Then Gavin Aarons brother who is about the same size and has a strong jamaican accent as well as they are both born in kingston called the man over and suddenly this man was appologising to Aaron and saying he misinderstood the situation yeah my right foot he was just bricking it when he realised that these 2 guys who got out of the car were Aarons brothers and here to deal with him

Anyway to cut a long story short Gavin told the guy that if he ever gets a call from Aaron again to say that anyone is troubling his brother again then the whole family will be down here and he best make sure that he and his mates stay well away from Aaron.
I dont condone violence at all but sometimes this is what is needed as unfortunately when u live on a housing estate there are some not very nice families

and if they think u r a soft touch u r a target and we have been but after tonight i think Aaron will not be a target again thank god.
So its been a really emotional night but i am pleased its all over now.
Tomorrow is my 5th weigh in Totm has arrived so not 2 sure how i am going to do at all but i def know i am still shrinking no matter what.
Today i managed to do something i have never done b4 in the communal garden there is a small wall that has fencing around it the fencing is broke and everyone jumps over the wall, the wall is about up to my waist well today i decided to try and get over the wall and i was so shocked to be able to lift my legs over the wall, something that most peeps take for granted.
Anyway off to bed am shattereed will catch up 2morrow sleep well xxxx