Just a qucikie to say thank u but i am still feeling very low and cant seem to get myself together.
Sciatica is back again seems to be that i get a bout for a week to 10 days then i get some releif for 3/4 days and then it comes back with vengance and i know this is adding to me feeling so low.
Took Ebony into the communal garden today and cut my leg in 5 places accross the whole width of my calf on some wire fencing not sure when i last had a tetanus but went to my local chemist and spoke 2 pharmacist and showed him my leg and he said as long as i cleaned it properly i should be ok i put savlon spray on it so will just keep an eye on it, boy i am such a clutz

2 days now have not been on any diet plan at all went out yesterday and bought 2 big bars of chocky ate around 6 squares and felt sick and binned the rest.
Just ate some Jacket potato and cheese last night used to be one of my fave comfort foods and although i finished it i did not enjoy it like i used to and today have just had sandwiches for all my meals so most prob have eaten more than i should but at this precise moment i feel so crappy i am finding it hard to even register that i have eaten more than i should.
I want to snap out of this stupid sorry for myself mood but at the moment i just am finding it so hard.
Even though i know deep down i have lost some weight my journey is so long and i am scared that i am not strong enough to stay motivated.
Sometimes i think that i must of been happy with being super morbidly obese otherwise i would of taken my finger out and stayed on track and lost my weight and not ruined my life for so many years all becuase of my gluttony and lack of willpower.
On the other hand i hate my life how it is, i am lonely,unhappy and bored and hope that bit by bit when my weight comes off i will gain more self worth and self confidence and start to change my life for the better.
I dont like the person i am now and do desperately want to change my life but am just finding very hard at the moment and i dont know why.
My life is not very good at the moment and i know i am responsble for that and nobody else as its my choice to stay in my flat 7 days a week i dont leave the flat hardly at all maybe to go shopping once a week after WW and of course to take Ebony in the communal garden for a wee, Aaron walks her every day now instead of me. This has been going on for the past 3 weeks or so and i want to stop this b4 it gets to a stage where i was 3 months or so ago where i did not want to leave lhe house at all.
I am not going to allow myself to carry on sliding down this slippery road as i dont want to gain the weight i have lost and i really hope i have the inner strength needed to pull myself out of this black hole and get back on track before 2 much damage is done.
I hope the last 2 days eating crap has not dont 2 much damage and i can try and lose some b4 my weigh in on saturday at least what i must of gained the last 48 hrs.
I know it is not helping me staying offline but sometimes its just 2 hard to write down how u really feel as it then makes u face reality and hiding from reality is something that i have a masters degree in !!