Hi im new to SF :)

Good Morning!

aw its the horrible colds going round isn't it.

its only a few days in the grand scheme of things really, so you will be fine :)

since i have started i havent had one solid good week, first week i went out with the girls, second week i went for an all you can eat buffet!, 3rd week Chinese and now into 4th week haha!

aw bless the snow twins melting! the snow has melted alot around here! thank god! couldn't be dealing with trying to get my stupid car out lol!

enjoy your day lovely

x x x
well i now know the way forward! having weight watchers soup at lunch time (just had the tomato one - YUM) and im trying to eat the meal bar now . . . not sure if im a fan yet. . . hmmm.

then im going to have an alpen bar when i finish work to give me some energy for the gym and then dinner and jelly YUM

x x x
I'm with you all the way there lilo, i feel like death today urghhh sneaked a few roses out the tin too :O

Hope your mum has a lovely birthday!!

Ohhh so how did the bar go emma? xx
bar was ok . . . i only a 3rd half though, found it really sickly like the chocolate one. Back to the shakes i think. TBH i just think im gonna stick to Late shakes in the morning and Chocolate in the afternoon. Can't stomach the strawberry premades at the moment - they are all i have so maybe thats why i was getting fed up of it. Bought a couple of chocs last night so will have one tomorrow :) I have to say weight watchers soups are yum! and most under 80cals!! AND they give you a good bowl full :) wahoo.

im sitting here now thinking ahh shall i go to the gym. . . could do with having a bath and catching up on TV (i.e The Only Way is Essex!!!) BUT then im thinking i cant go Thurs but can go Fri . . . . and can go tomo . . . what i really want to do is weigh myself and if i havent lost then go to the gym but if i have lost then not go to the gym . . . how lazy ! haha

just not feeling the gym today . . . mainly also cos im feeling really hungry cos i ate a 3rd of the meal bar :S

oooo what shall i doooooo lol xxxx

ahhhh sod it i'll go tomorrow and Friday and Saturday lunch time x x x
now im feeling guilty for not going!!! already haha! ahhh well im too blooming hungry today!!! Sausage Mash and Peas for dins tonight i think :) x x x
oooo and some carrots!!! how sad i actually sat here and thought omg yum im going to have some carrots!! haha :S i worry myself sometimes x x x
haha that made me laugh, to be fair i was told its not a good idea doin a gym sesh the day before weigh in as it makes u heavier ;)

You can get down there at weekend it'll be reet lol

Ahhh i think im going to just have soup for my tea, i had it today too for my dinner instead of shake, couldnt stomach a shake feeling like this!!x
oooo does it?! thank you for telling me this as now i will DEF not go :) hehe

o yesss soup does you good!!! when your feeling poorly i found it hard to stomach shakes!! maybe thats why i've gone off them . . . haha!

have an early night and some soup hope you feel better tomorrow!!! Weight Day!!!! dun dun dunnnnnn lol! (suspense music)

good luck! and update me tomorrow on how you have done! i have my fingers and toes crossed for us. . .

x x x
Good Morning,

how are you feeling today?

i've lost 2lbs! v pelased with that as i was convinced i wouldn't have lost anything!! :)

how have you done? get yourself to boots x x x x
Hey hey, ive lost 1lb :D which is cool as i scoffed chocs last night!

Been and bought a new top too small so i can aim to fit into it :D

Well done on ur 2lb loss thats great! Told u it was a good idea not go the gym lastnight ;) xx
wahoo! well done!!!! omg i am DEF having some chocolate tonight!! mega craving it and seen as its furthest away from next weigh in! im going to have some hehe :)

yes thanks for your tip! best tip ever . . . dont go to the gym "o ok then" lol! :)

How are you feeling hun? better after finding out you've lost i bet?

meant to ask you when is your wedding date? x x x
Haha yes i am having abit of choc tonight too!

Best tip everrr!! lol

Yea feel bit better, still got a contant banging headache tho :\

Wedding is in june next year but where having probs with the date now as it got double booked so where re-thinking everything now date wise, nightmare!!! xx
o noo . . . have you taken any tablets for your headache :S! Hate headaches, i have one now as they are resurfacing our car park at work so have the lovely sound of JCB's, and pneumatic drills going away along with a very strong woft of Tar!!! how marvellous!!

yes i've decided tonight im going to try the new chunky kit kat orange (hopefully will be amazing) and im going to have a packet of Salt and Vinegar McCoys cos i love em but they are quite high cal - but i have a week to burn it off :)! hehe and i CANT wait.

aw no, i bet that must be stressful?! being double booked :( i hope it all works out!! think how amazing it will feel after all this hard work on SF though!! you have to post piccies up after your married!!! that will be the ultimate "After pic" :) xxx
Oh god hate it when road works and stuff are being done!!

yeah just taking painkillers. its like a tension headache kinda thing, hope it'll dissapear soon!!

ooooh thers new flavours out isnt there, i wana try one of them too, is there caramel?

Yeahhh very stressfull ive just given up thinking about it now haha ill get bk onto it prob next week!

I know that would be a good after pic, it seems so long away thooo :( xx
yer, hope it does go! if not a little nap might cure it.

yep, there peanut butter, caramel, orange and double choc! YUM!

i bet it does but the time will fly by! and think how much you could of potentially lost by then!! be a real achievement wont it. . . how exciting!! x x x x
Well done on your losses girls!

stayed the same this week - not too surprising after the flapjack incident!!!

I am loving the sound of chocolates esp the orange kitkat - I picked one up in the newsagent on Friday and managed to put it back down again but was sooo tempted!!! ;)

I find dieting so hard when you feel rubish and its cold and snowy!

Had tomato soup yesterday for my meal and it was sooo good - Heinz tomato is my ultimate comfort food (well after bread and butter pudding and chocolate!) need to check the calories tonight :)

Sorry to hear about the double booking Steph I hope it all works out!

Take care

Hey Lilo,

well done on STS!! at least its not a gain :)!

oooo yes i love chunky kit kats and love normal orange kit kats!! so a chunky kit kat AMAZING! only thing is in Tesco AND Waitrose they had sold out! boo! so might just stick with the crisps . . . after all im def a savoury girl!

oooo i love tomato soup . . . i have the WW tomato soup at lunch for a snack and toasted like heinz tomato soup and only 77cals!! was yum

x x x
Well done lilo, as emma said staying the same is better than putting on, i would of so put on eating them flapjacks lol.

Thankyou, im sure i'll get it sorted :)

I'm obsessed with making my own soups, made leak and potato today its so tasty yum :D

Oh dear no kitkat :O I was suppose to get one today from asda and forgot, will pick one up from town 2morro, like the sound of the peanut butter one too!!!

Good Morning Lovely,

How are you feeling today? better i hope?

soooo i couldnt find that blooming kit kat last night either! so i just had some salt and vinegar crisps :) yummy. I had fish pie with loads of peas, carrots and long stem brocolli last night - was yum! i actually think im going to have my sausage and mash again tonight haha! such a loser i am! love that meal.

anyways hope your having a good morning,

Em x x x
I was craving a kitkat chunky and pringles last night, I felt like having such a blow out feeling quite depressed but I didnt even bother to go out my flat and the shop is literally the other side of the road. So glad I didnt go out or I would be regretting it.. I would have polished off a whole tube of pringles!