Honda's peepings

I had that moussaka for BREKKIE!!! Mince for breakfast!! :eek:

I'm having lamb chops and cauli, can we have mint sauce do you know? I have none in but could get a jar this afternoon, oh please say yes Honda. :p

Mince for breakfast is the norm, had curry for breaking 2nd week!

I wouldn't think mint sauce would be allowed, they stick sugar in everything, unless you found a sugarfree one?
But.....BBC - Food - Recipes : Real mint sauce
Sub the sugar for Splenda nd you're good to go! :flirt2:

I'm going to make a chicken chorizo thing, used to make it non Atkins before so can adapt ;) pics to follow of course!
Note to self....too much sweetener is no good for ya! :( I think my 'syrup' yesterday has caught up with me....

I'm off the sweetener completely now. Can't prove it but I think it was responsible (in larger amounts like in protein shakes or used in a dessert) for nightmares and waking up with headaches. Coffee and tea are ruined for me now, ruined!

Mince for breakfast? I take it back, you eat EVEN WEIRDER than I do! ;)
I don't always do mince for breakfast, just depends ;)

B- mushrooms, my two weeny eggs and crispy bacon

L-pemerami and coffee with cream

D- chicken and chorizo stew, with spinach and cheese.

Some funky rumbles coming from my tummy :(
I can eat weird stuff for brekkie too, no problem - with atkins you throw out the old rules ;)

So very true! I think not being hungry a lot of the time makes a difference too.

My poor tummy is not happy :cry: rumble and gurgle :( may be a noisy night
Well the gurgles and rumbles stopped....not sure what happened there?

Breakfast was a rush job, so much so that I forgot to put baking powder in my mim, that wasn't a great success but I ate it with butter and have had 2 cups of black coffee.

Had to ice some cupcakes to take pics this morning and am now running off to get my hair coloured and chopped, then getting shopping and back home to make a cake.....

I'm gonna take some mini pemerami with me to keep me going xxx
Oh my day has been non stop......the dog did a runner as I was getting him into the car (git) but got him in the end and was running a wee bit late for hair. I'm blonde now, well highlights ;)

L- had 2 pepperami in the car then smoked sausage and cheese when I got home, 2 cups of coffee and then........confession :( I was making rice Krispy treats and I had 2 tbsp to 'clean' the bowl.....oh for shame :(

Anyway.....spin tonight so hope I can work that off .

Hope everyone is well xx
I'm over my guilt....killed myself at spin and I will water myself silly tonight and tomorrow.

D-chicken breast with a Boursin and cream sauce and broccoli.

Had a discussion with my spin instructor tonight about low carb .....all very interesting
He sticks to a paleo diet, has done for the past two years but has been low carb for a v long time. He is like an Atkins preacher, everything he said is what we already know and it's just nice to know as a professional dietician he agrees !

Lovely stuff :)
Wow - great to have the support:)
Can can go on a sugar rant or a drinking rant sometimes but he is a fitness freak and that is what he gets his kicks out of so can't blame him really. He was saying about the obesity epidemic happening here and how as humans we have been around longer than farming so we haven't evolved, it makes sense....duh ;)
Yep all makes perfect sense to us enlightened ones. ;)

I am on another blog (non diet) and this older man was saying he has to change his diet or he will have to go on insulin, well I put up a link to the Gary Taubes book on the US Amazon site with over 350 positive reviews, wow you should see it on the blog now, armchair diet "experts" are all coming out now.......mmmm....

On my first day on Atkins I put it on Facebook, well you should have seen the comments how it was DANGEROUS and BAD for your health Barb, blah blah, so I deleted the whole thing as I don't need that kind of negativity in my life. :)
it's only dangerous if you eat the whole cow,leave
the horns on the side of your plate. :D
Chocked on my tea - please come and make me another Lainey as it's your fault:D
The low carb threads on MyFitnessPal drive me insane, it's like a hate-fest. Wonderful to have an instructor who "gets it".
It's funny isn't it, you would never get as much stick for drinking every weekend or smoking, but diet and folk flip!

Jason's words were 'everything you have ever been taught about low fat, forget it, it's a load of tripe!' :D