Honda's peepings

I've been idly wondering about getting a T-shirt made on Cafe Press or Zazzle and wearing it to the gym to see what happens. Haven't quite decided on the slogan- "100% keto", or "powered by fat", or "Low Carb High Fat" on the front, and "Problem?" on the back. "Low Carb High Fat 100lbs lost" was another idea, although I'd have to get there first.

I even imagine sitting in my doctor's waiting room wearing it. Like I said before, I like a fight! :D
oo oo we can have a lets make a T.shirt comp
"Boggins rocks coz she eats chops " :D

I'm going to have to get that now!
Roo! Too blooming funny! Lol!
Today minimins....tomorrow the world!! Mwahahahaha!
That's a brilliant article! Wish I had known about it - would have printed it out and handed it to the nurse who gave me a lecture on the dangers of eating high fat foods yesterday at my health checkup.
Great article HP! Xx
omg! well today we had the party, 25 children and adults filled the house, ran riot and left....i am so blooming tired!

I managed to avoid the sandwiches, eat cheese and gherkins, chicken drumsticks and i did have a couple squares of rice krispie alchohol either.

All in all i am really quite proud of myself. I am shattered though! I really dont know how folk cope having children! lol!
well done you ! don't know i would have done so well. :D

thank you, i dodn think i did too badly with the sweet stuff, i knew it was gonna happen, and it didi but no major land slide! :eek:

tomorrow will be a day of drinking lots and lots of water!
it's so very easily done,and i've actually forgotten that
i shouldn't be eating stuff like that,and really felt bad after a
mini sausage roll.:eek:
Well I hoovered everywhere last night and Mr Honda cleared all the tables and surfaces. All is back to normal though I'm sure the dishwasher may disagree with that.

Going to have a fry up soon and go collect the dog from FILs then a televisual feast awaits us on the sofa! Hooray!
Today's munchings...

I have been tired today, no motivation.

B- nothing really, slept in too long.

L- mr porky, 4 mini pepperami, 2liters of water.

S- couple cans of diet, caffeine free coke.

D- mixed tandoori, chicken, prawn, lamb.

I am not expecting anything tomorrow, no loss for me......:sigh:

Hope you've all had a nice weekend.