Honda's peepings

I did try them with Parmesan mixed in before but it over cooked before the flax meal and made them go soggy v quick ;)

Hope it works, I like a new challenge.
Afternoon Honda, At least he apologized. My oh always says 'eat less, exercise more' I just ignore him now as it turns ugly. x
I've had a gloriously productive day, again! Got shopping this morning and then stopped at my father in laws to adjust the time on his heating ..... Lol!

Took the boy for a massive walk along the disused railway, I had to do a bit of running to get his attention away from other things. He is my shadow but s.till has the attention span of a nat!

Now just chilling watching telly, bliss :D
Loving hearing about your boy! So cute !! Xx
We met a neighbours girl dog, just coming into season. Lordy he was foaming at the mouth! But in a way was nice to see him interested in a dog and not the cats bum! Lol!
So funny HP lol x
:D I think he was really impressed that she wasn't hissing at him!

You should see it when Kenny comes in and Reggie sniffs his bum, ken stops and hisses at Reg, he then stands sniffing his breath! Lol!
As my mother need to be mad to live in this house!

Well I feel like a sore throat coming on this morning. :( seems to have been brewing for a few weeks....anyway I'll dose up and drink plenty fluids.

Had a bacon and cheese 3 egg omelet's not what I wanted but filled a space....ho hum
Afternoon HP... This thread cracks me up!! Lol cxx
Still feeling pah! And eating chocolate didn't help! I shake my head at myself so often.....after the deed!

Anyway! I'm going to a fancy dress party on 14th.....80's .....anyway some thoughts and ideas would be helpful! Have I asked this? I'm losing my mind! Xx
I'm crap at fancy dress - haven't been to one in such a long time ... Current themes seem to be: the Olympics, TOWIE, Harry Pot, Vampires, Strictly, Downton Abbey... Sorry, I told you I was out of practice! Lol xx
I finished the bloody box! Wtf is wrong with me today?!

Im watching a flick wig on eBay, a vest top with those slat glasses on and some hideous footless tights!

Oh and the dog has just farted! Christ its like a weapon of mass distruction! Oh and a crow flew into the window, I screamed, the dog barked and the cat hisses! You couldn't write this stuff!
What a day you've had Honda, lol at the dog. I'm crap at fancy dress too:(

Some days you just need chocolate. I'm really craving pasta today, haven't had it in 2 months
I've gone right off pork scratchings, pepperami, ......I think I've maybe gotten into a rut and need to find some new things to cook and prepare for lunch and breakfast.

Bacon rolls for him and bacon mushroom and egg for me.
Too funny!!!!

I went through a stage of going off everything too, I got to the point where I was sooo bored I couldn't either be bothered to just went with it for a few days.

My appetite soon returned with a vengeance!
Are you OWL'ing yet? It may be an idea to add a few bits...

I've really been fancying chocolate the last few days!! Nom Nom........

J x

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See I know I have my 3spin and kettle this week, now if I behave I could easily use! I just seem to sabotage myself! Hmmmf, sound like a broken record!