Aww thank you siggy, you seem to be doing pretty fabulously yourself!
Hey adelle, hey texty. I'm glad to be back! I'm well apart from fainting. It might be blood sugars? So I don't have chocolate on an evening now and I have a biscuit when I get up. This means Nate gets a biscuit too, which he loves. Lol. Considering I nearly landed on him the first time he has earned it. I'm not sure what is going on. General theory being because this last half stone came off fast (although still within safe boundries and I am not skipping meals or anything) that my body is a bit "woah" and not balanced out so, as like with liver knickers hormone situation it might be the same with blood sugars. Not that I mind having to eat a biscuit in the morning. I did swap it for a hifi light today though. So basically grr stupid body. Pretty sure they all said lose weight to get healthier, I had no health problems before, and I had been checked out, and now various things are going nutty! Urgh.
Just about to get some lunch and order my Annie sloane paint

exciting! I can proudly say I have been putting up mirrors and pictures by myself with self drilling plasterboard plugs and my tool box is looking awesome. The house is utter disarray still though. Haha. I have some shelves that i need to saw a bit off, then I am painting them and putting them up in my craft room.

still no stair carpets, but my parents said they'd pay for the carpet if I pay for the fitting, which is awesome.
Today I'm helping at the shining stars (toddlers) stall at the village fete, tomorrow having dinner at mum and dad's, Monday is nate's haircut and tap class, Tuesday is shaddowing for my new job and toddlers, Wednesday is flab club, Thursday is more shaddowing, Friday over to bridport to chat to the job centre dude about who I contact re benefits now I am soon to start work, and taking some of nate's summer things to a shop that sells them on! And then I will be going to exeter at some point for work clothes that won't fall down. I what to know if I am eligible for this grant he told me about for sure first. So lots going on, tap class is finishing for summer soon and she is thinking of making it Monday evenings come September, so I can still go!