How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

ah, hey jo, welcome to the greedy girls diary!
Me two. :D Tomorrow is day 4 of 100% January and day 3/7 of my first 100% week post festivities.

The plan was
b: fruit and yogurt
l:ham sandwich
d: teriyaki tuna with stir fry veg.

The plan now is
B: smoked salmon and scrambled egg and some fruit maybe some toast
L: Jacket potato with left over mushypea curry
D: teriyaki tuna with stir fry veg and noodles.
Ooh got my present from my brother. £20 in love2shop vouchers. Now I have to wait until February to spend them. damned pact!

having a super good food day today.

B: some banana, grapes blueberries and some mullerlight vanilla. I say some because I split it with my son :) He loves mullerlights, but usually gets kiddy fromage frais. Followed by scrambled eggs and smoked salmon on toast (heb) the eggs and smoked salmon were split with my boy too. He LOVES eggs. using my HEA on 250ml of semi skimmed milk, all measured out.
s: nothing
L: finally stopped being full from breakfast - not sick full like before, just full and not needing anything. Jacket potato with leftover mushypea curry, apple, grapes and yogurt
might swap tuna for chicken tonight, I just need to check on the tuna if it is cook from frozen (think mum got it in iceland when she went for some frozen berries once so they could be) I forgot to defrost them last night. doi. But we have lots of chicken and prawns so I will just ask what people prefer before cooking it.
Ive not had time to totally refresh myself with the new books, but i have no plans tomorrow so im going to read them as if im a new member and get back on it. I am determined to get these pounds off for my holidays its about 15 weeks so even at slowest I can lose 1lb a week thats a stone lighter for the beach
That's brilliant. Where are you going?

I am really hoping to lost 5lbs in the next two weeks so I am back to my lowest (4st 9lbs lost) for my sw one year anniversary. That said I lost 12lbs in the 2 weeks before so last week i was 5st 2lbs less than the previous year. When I'm back to my lowest or when i'm down to 15st (down to obese stage 1) I'm going back to the GP to get my medical records updated.
Hi Fran,

Hope you don't mind me stalking you. We sound very similar, I set up my journal today too. Ready and raring to go tomorrow!
me and OH are going to Mexico all inclusive - so need to get as much as poss off so that if i have a gain it wont hit me as hard.

The most ive ever lost in a week is 3 and I still dont know how i did it lol im a slow loser. I dont think you will have any problem getting off your 5 at all you seem so focused and determined. Your doing amazingly well x
Hi Middy, so long as I don't find your face pressed up against my window or start getting phonecalls that are just heavy breathing we're all good! Good luck for your first day tomorrow. I so was not prepared with how much food I was going to be eating. scoff scoff scoff. Just a sandwich at lunch now seems absolutely crazy!

Texty the most I lost was 4lbs, and I wasn't eating much due to my mum threatening to kick me out so I just had loads of fruit and yogurt I had bought in my room for me and Nate. It was a pretty crappy week so I won't be repeating it if I can avoid it. Nate's older now so no way would he let me get away with giving him snacks instead of proper meals... actually he'd probably love it! monkey. 2.5lbs is a really good week for me. I was super naughty and serial weighed this evening, which is something I was trying to kick this week. And I was 2.5lbs less than the night before weigh in, but my scales were 2.5lbs out so I'm not sure if I am down by 2.5lbs or down by 0.2lbs... so essentially a STS. 4 more days to go though :) If I lose 2.5 then i'm back on track.

A big thing is that I post my weightloss on FB every week, and after nearly a year of it I have lots of friends joining SW. I get messages from my friends - people I've worked with or gone to school with who say such kind things, and now they can see that they can do it too. I suppose reading success stories you see the end results, and you hear they lost 3 stone in a day... well not that, but they have huge losses, and my friends have just seen me plod along all year and now it's added up to a huge amount it seems much more achievable. One friend had her first weigh in yesterday and she was disappointed by 2lbs lost, but when I told her I lost 2.5 in my first week, with people in my group who were losing 6s and 9s it looked rubbish, but I was so proud, and now the woman who lost the 6 doesn't come anymore, she managed 3 stone but I think a lot of it is back on, and the 9 lady is a stone behind me too (behind official weightloss). So a slow start doesn't mean you'll always feel behind everyone else, it isn't one week that makes or breaks you, it's the drip drip drip of months going by, which is exactly how people put on the weight to start with.

Mexico is where my friend's sister is going too. in 17 weeks I think she said. It seems a really popular place to go, another friend went on their honeymoon there and I know quite a few people who have gone. Have you got any plans while you're there? I'd love to go see Frieda Kahlo's house. If I went all inclusive I'd be on the floor from cocktails and crisps. heehee. I would definately gain a stone!
Ive just had to look up who Freida was ive never heard of her. Id love to go whale watching while there, and also visit taloom and chichiniza the mayan villages (probably spelt wrong lol). Also im going to meet up with MrsWilsoncroft (Stacey) as we have become really good friends and im looking forward to that, she arrives the day before me.

Im no hare id rather be the tortoise that gets there and keeps the weight off, when ( and i say when) I get to target daughter asked me if i will continue to attend classes, I said u bet i will, i cant let all the hard work go to waste and pile all the weight back on.

Your son sounds cute bless him and I bet he keeps you on the go. I dont use FB it causes too many problems and arguments especially with family and I cant be bothered with that at my age lol. Are you my long lost twin? haha thats exactly why im trying damage limitation cos i love the cocktails and crisps too.
Haha, possibly! I don't do FB arguments, I use it to keep in contact with friends from school, work and uni as I don't live near any of them anymore.

He is a cutie but a wee arse sometimes! He's such a good looking boy we get stopped ALL the time for people to admire him. He is funny, when I was trying clothes on mum kept him occupied by getting him to pretend to be a choochoo in the shop, then got him to do all his animal noises. ahh, it was cute. She does love showing him off, even though she pretends to not be keen on him she melts when he runs for a cuddle.

We have loads of target members, including one woman who has been target for 13 years!!! I've just turned 26 so 13 years at target sounds crazy!

Your plans sound wonderful. I like MrsW, she's always so nice. I liked art at school and one of my teachers introduced me to her, he wanted to introduce me to Dali too, but my mum did that when I was a child, I have been to his museum in Spain. Mum's really knowledgeable about SO much. She has lots of great paintings and prints, new and old. I hope you have a great time!
Aww I love them when theyre that young, they make you laugh so much and keep you young. Mine are 23 and 27 now and they can still be a pain lol.

My OH is into Art and History stuff he loved it when the kids paid for us to go to Rome for our joint 50th birthdays, he loves all the culture etc, im more of a sun and beach girl, I did enjoy Rome but there was just too much walking for me lol. Mums are fountains of knowledge arent they, I miss mine.

We have a mix of ages at our group, not a lot of target members stay to group, most of them are younger ladies. We always have a laugh at our group our C is so down to earth. She is so supportive and caring, I think you only get out of class what you put into it, Ive missed 2 due to being on holiday, I couldnt manage on my own. We will get there I just know it
Aww that's so sweet of them. i'm 26 and my brothers are 29 so quite similar to your kids ages.


I agree you only get what you give. Some people don't say anything and have a sour face on the whole time and then wonder why people give up trying to chat to them. We are a particularly naughty group and our C despairs sometimes but she wouldn't have us any other way. She's gotten quite excited by my sneak attack. I was under the radar for ages with my drip drip drip losses, then me and two of her super losers were all competing to get to 3 stone first and I won, despite the other two starting off trying to get to 3 stone while I was still working to 2.5 stone. Since then I've kind of powered ahead and my C can't stop celebrating me. hehe. She told me I only just lost out on woman of the year by a couple of votes and that's because people will just see the total loss, not that the other person had been there for more than a year longer than I had, I was 3 stone something, she was 4 stone 9lbs, but she targeted at 4st 1lb, and then weighed again before xmas and was plus one, where as I was then 4st 9lbs, so in the place she was at the time of WotY, and my C told me to not take my focus off, because she knew I was competing with her in my head as she was the person who had lost more than me in the group. Thankfully an old member swapped back to our group and she has super losses (7.5lbs this week) so I have someone to set my sights on catching up to. Admittedly I will find it bloody impossible! but it will keep me going. She's super nice and fun and calls a spade a spade, which I like, so I am happy she is back, even though it means I won't be getting the group's biggest loser title anymore. (Damnit!) such an award junkie.

you have 2lbs until you are half way I realised. I've not changed my stats, I REFUSE to change them heavier so that I have to lose the gain and get them smaller. but I have 3lbs to my 4.5st again, and another 2lbs to my lowest. I have lost another 1lb this month, so if I can lower my lowest by another 1lb then hurrah! Before xmas I set a goal of 5.5 stone to be lost by the WI before my son's birthday. that's 11 WIs to lose 17lbs. that's 1.5lbs a week. Eii. 5.5 stone would make me 14st12lbs and in a lower obese category, from then on it is heading to overweight. wooo hoo! haha, who'd think you'd be excited about being overweight! I don't think I've ever been overweight!
Lol for one minute I thought you were going to say he had wet the bed. Boys are little devils lol. What a shame you just missed out!! dont be disheartened though, as like you say this woman coming back is giving you something to work at and who knows you might have a really good loss and do the 7.5 just like she did. There is no reason why you cant. Jess lost 10 this week so it can be done - ( never by me though) lol.

Its good that your C recognises what you have achieved and if that makes others in the class realise what they can do then your not only helping yourself but helping them too, as you are their motivation, so well done.
There is one woman who sits next to me (when she stays), who annoys the life out of me. Every week she will say pass as our C goes around group with losses and gains ,cos 9 times out of 10 she has gained. I feel she is wasting her money because she has been going the same length of time as me and is now 1lb heavier than when she started !!! how can she want to continue. She bought a 12 week count down and only came for about 5 weeks out of the 12, what is the point?? Still its her money not mine- I want lots for my money :D

Sometimes I just wish it would hurry up and come off I can be very impatient can u tell !!
Im trying not to weigh lol its killing me, just hope the scales are good to me on Wed

Ive had fruit n fibre and a cuppa for brekkie i got up late so will be having a late lunch too