How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Thanks britt :)

Sorry I've been quiet again. I've a poorly little boy right now.

I feel a bit unfocused. Dunno if I don't need to finally do my fast forward.
he is 39' C so pretty hot :( poor lamb. I'm taking him to the drs tomorrow and will just wait for him to be seen so depending on how long it takes and how Nate is feeling will depend on if I will be able to get to group.

I think because things are in limbo (like waiting to start work and things needing doing to the house which can't be done yet) i'm getting frustrated and picky and grugh.
Poor thing, so tough for them when they are ill. I used find it so frustating not being able to make them better. Good luck for if you do WI tomorrow. Hope everything goes well for you tomorrow xxx
Awwwww poor mite I hope hes better soon. Worry about WI later hun, Nate comes first. I hope things turn around for you as I know you dread doing FF xx
Hope nate feels better soon hun :(
Just been checking out your purchases and seen pics, love the tropical dress and jacket! Too cool and v summery. And the skirts... well I'm just super annoyed they don't have the black one in my size grrrr!!

If you think ff will help by all means jump on it and embrace. Just hope its not 'another' thing to have to think about what with work etc. Maybe try another super simple week? Xx
Aww Minky they had loads of the black in 10s and 12s in bridport. I rarely go over there though :( only when in need of yarn or the job centre!

Nate threw up his squash as soon as he drunk it after a really bad night last night. Got him a drs appointment. It is viral, keep giving him calpol and offering him food and drink but it is ok if he doesn't eat, he will put any weight he loses back on again when he is better. His temp has gone down. He was so hot last night, but even much much cooler by the time we were at the drs he was still 38.4 he has just don't the fever chill thing (teeth chattering too). When we went back into the waiting room my hairdresser was there which was funny, and good that she saw Nate was actually ill. She heard it too as he was making out the Dr was torturing him. He has eaten something today. He asked for beans on toast and had a tiny bit, and this afternoon started chattering about egg and chips, and he had some of that. Didn't even nibble his biscuit or try his yogurt though. He had half a banana too. Much better than yesterday when he wasn't even keeping his drinks down.

I managed to weigh in. My c even told me to jump the queue when I said Nate was poorly and so I was just going to weigh and go and get him home. I stayed the same and the lovely last who was weighing today was a bit confused because i hadn't brought my book last week, so she thought it was +2 (which it was last week) and not a sts. And she goes "dont you let it get you down" bless her.

You are right Minks, last thing I need this week is more stress! So I'm just doing a normal week, BUT the day I decide to binge or something silly I am going to FF my arse back to reality to stop me being a tit, and not wait until next week. Advantage being I won't have to do it for a full week that way either.

I couldn't pick up bits in town because we came straight home so I have an online shop coming tomorrow. I got so distracted by Nate being ill I forgot to call to arrange the extra shaddowing so it will have to be Friday now.

B: sausage, mushroom, onion sandwich - heb and 2 syns
L: left over jambolya (damn it is good) a banana
D: egg, chips, beans. No superfree but I am planning fruit, meringue (2.5) and yogurt later. A bit cheaty but shh.

That makes it 4.5 for the day, my hea has been used on milk for tea 2 cups so far, so I might use the rest in a hot chocolate if I fancy it later.

Dinners this week include mac n cheese, salmon pasta, roast chicken, hulk chicken, burgers and spaghetti bol. Lots of pastas. Stupid aunt flo.
Aww poor little mite, glad to hear he seems to be on the mend now though.

You've got so much going on at the moment,well don't for sts this week. Would be so easy to let the food go out the window (not literally, too nom for that!) when everything is going on at once but you haven't so well done.
Are you looking forward to your new job? What hours will you be doing? Xx
I'm really excited. As I bet you are! You'll be skipping out the door on Friday. haha. I will be doing 4 hours on monday, tuesday, thursday and fridays. Monday is 9am-1pm, there's a meeting from 9-11am so that won't change, but I think the others will be up for discussion. As they are it is Tuesday 10-2, Thursday 1-5, Friday 10-2. On thursday I can get Nate down for a Nap before I leave, and monday's I can put him down when I get back. Hopefully Nate will get used to mum quickly and go down for her on the other two days, but Friday might change so I can go to the churchy toddler group, in which case I can get Nate down before I go to work :)

Scarlet, honest, as soon as you get a drs appointment they are suddenly much better!

I've had a couple of hifi lights too. so 10.5 syns for the day. I just need to be not be an arse the rest of the week. I get anxious, worried, stressed etc, and I eat crap so I can feel sick instead. So stupid. urgh. At least I recognise it now!
Skipping out tomorrow you mean ;) its my 4 day week!

Looking forward to Monday but I'm well aware it will be much harder work than I've been used to lately just through the sheer hours and commute but it will be well worth it!

Those hours sound nice, especially if they can be a bit flexible with them. Its like the job was made for you! :)

Haha typical, glad he's perked up now though x
Ah I forgot! How brilliant! EEEIII. stupid mum boss cowbag. Soon you will have new babies too! So cute.

Yep, it is the perfect little job. Pay isn't big, but I have no transport costs and it doesn't seem hugely stressful. There are only about half a dozen weddings a year. I like the vicar (who is leaving) and I can wear whatever I like :) Give me a month and I will be pulling my hair out. haha!
I know although since I've given my notice she has relaxed massively and had commented how much the girls love me. Would have been nice to hear that all those times she was being a bi*ch!

Def sounds perfect, write that little list down that you've just given and stick it somewhere you can see it to look st when you're having a bad day!

New babies! Squeeee! Can't wait!
Oh trust me, I know I was hugely lucky to get the job. and lucky that if Nate was going to get ill it was this week and not next week too! I love that I can see my work place from my kitchen window too. With the hours just being 4 hour blocks Nate and I don't get a chance to miss each other, but we both get a bit of space. If he really needs to see me, because it is a church mum can just bring him in for a couple of minutes. I don't think he will care to be honest!

New babies are so lovely (when you can give them back!) My neighbour was in labour this morning, so when I make mac n cheese this week I will make a full amount, portion two out for them and pop them round. They already have a little boy, and having just moved house I think they have enough on without worrying about cooking, so that'll cover one meal.

Hmm, a situation with "nice kids, shame about the mum" isn't a good place to be. Kids you can train, parents not so much!

Your friend's 30th reminds me I need to work out what to get my brothers. Why are boys so hard to buy for?!
Nice your mum can pop him in if needs be, like you say though sure he'll be fine. It's a nice amount of time and a breather for you too. Time to be fran and not just mummy!

Best bit is giving them back haha, I'm broody as hell though so doubt twins will help that much! Watch out mike hehe.

So thoughtful making extra for them, but they will massively appreciate that!
My friend had her baby girl on Monday, hopefully will get to meet her soon, seen pics and she is so cute!

Def hard to train parents! Will be nice working alongside mum in new job, if we are the United front it won't give the children chance to try the play off trick and we will both be on the same page with everything. Will be different for sure but nice!

Is this the brother who didn't send nate a card? If so can I assume you won't be spending much as he didn't bother? What are his hobbies? X