Aww Minky they had loads of the black in 10s and 12s in bridport. I rarely go over there though

only when in need of yarn or the job centre!
Nate threw up his squash as soon as he drunk it after a really bad night last night. Got him a drs appointment. It is viral, keep giving him calpol and offering him food and drink but it is ok if he doesn't eat, he will put any weight he loses back on again when he is better. His temp has gone down. He was so hot last night, but even much much cooler by the time we were at the drs he was still 38.4 he has just don't the fever chill thing (teeth chattering too). When we went back into the waiting room my hairdresser was there which was funny, and good that she saw Nate was actually ill. She heard it too as he was making out the Dr was torturing him. He has eaten something today. He asked for beans on toast and had a tiny bit, and this afternoon started chattering about egg and chips, and he had some of that. Didn't even nibble his biscuit or try his yogurt though. He had half a banana too. Much better than yesterday when he wasn't even keeping his drinks down.
I managed to weigh in. My c even told me to jump the queue when I said Nate was poorly and so I was just going to weigh and go and get him home. I stayed the same and the lovely last who was weighing today was a bit confused because i hadn't brought my book last week, so she thought it was +2 (which it was last week) and not a sts. And she goes "dont you let it get you down" bless her.
You are right Minks, last thing I need this week is more stress! So I'm just doing a normal week, BUT the day I decide to binge or something silly I am going to FF my arse back to reality to stop me being a tit, and not wait until next week. Advantage being I won't have to do it for a full week that way either.
I couldn't pick up bits in town because we came straight home so I have an online shop coming tomorrow. I got so distracted by Nate being ill I forgot to call to arrange the extra shaddowing so it will have to be Friday now.
B: sausage, mushroom, onion sandwich - heb and 2 syns
L: left over jambolya (damn it is good) a banana
D: egg, chips, beans. No superfree but I am planning fruit, meringue (2.5) and yogurt later. A bit cheaty but shh.
That makes it 4.5 for the day, my hea has been used on milk for tea 2 cups so far, so I might use the rest in a hot chocolate if I fancy it later.
Dinners this week include mac n cheese, salmon pasta, roast chicken, hulk chicken, burgers and spaghetti bol. Lots of pastas. Stupid aunt flo.