How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

ah trust me, twins will put you off. haha. I have two brothers... they are twins, so two 30ths.... The one who didn't send Nate anything has no life. Ha. He works a lot in a really boring job. He is into films, but I can't buy any because he usually buys the ones he wants, last year I got him an empire magazine subscription. He seems to be getting into cooking (I got him a really good cookery book at christmas). The other one isnt into much at all either. this is why I hate buying for boys!

Thanks Brit, he still has a fever but much better than he was. Our C is really accommodating, plus they all see nate at group every week, so him being too poorly for us to stay is rare.
Hi Fran glad Nates temp has dropped a little poor thing. Well done on the STS I think your doing a cracking job of not going totally off plan with all you have going on at the mo so well done.
So today's smell is vomit mixed with antibacterial cleaner. Blurgh. Bad night led to us sleeping in until 10:50am!!! But Mr tescos has brought more food so other than fruit and salad stuff we should be good for quite some time. I got a cadburys variety pack (4 syns each) which Mr Tesco thought was for Nate (he wishes!) I got the Linda maccartney italian vegetarian sausages to try at some point (i think half a syn, I need to check). Food has been good today. I still have my heb left due to our late start today. I was going to have a blt for breakfast but it can be for supper now.

Nate is just about to go into bed and hopefully he will be better in the morning :( I saw there's a teddy bears picnic at the weekend which would be lovely to take him to if he is better. Pretty sure the teddy bears don't want to be covered in barf.

Last weekend before work starts. Eeii exciting! And a bit scary given how long I've not worked for and I will be working alone. Don't want to screw things up! If Nate has stopped spewing we will go to the Sunday worship so I know what I'm asking people to do when writing the rota.

Ham, cheese (hea), banana, necterine, yogurt (bit random yes)
Pasta and sauce made with passata, garlic, onion, mushrooms, celery, extra lean mince and peppers with a side salad.

Blt or hifi bar (probably Blt) using my heb, jelly 0.5 and two chocolates (8) and maybe a cup of tea or two. 9.5 syns maximum so 20 for the week. I will start shrinking my lardy bum.
Awww poor little soldier bless him. I hope he improves for the weekend hun. Not a nice way to have a lie in for you. xx
Poor Nate! You need to make you eat to keep up your strength for him. Hope he is better today xxx
Didn't get my half an hour. but never mind. Got the church keys and shown the registers, got to do a bit of hands on stuff too. I can see this job damaging my weightloss. Got to go to Sunday worship so I can actually see what I'm writing a rota for, and I'm going to be introduced to everyone, followed by CAKE. Then first day is monday, over for a meeting (read more tea and cake) at the Vicar's house followed by a BBQ. Eep. Mum and Dad are going to take Nate for a day out so I'm not worried about rushing back. Dunno where they are planning on taking him though.

Now... What do I wear?!

Other than throwing up food and some drinks and getting tired and not sleeping properly Nate seems to be in fair spirits so we need to pop to town tomorrow for a "new baby" card, a "good-luck-for-future-endeavors" card, some flowers and a 9mm drill bit.

Day 3 on plan which feels good. 10 syns today 30 in total for the week.
Hi Fran, just catching up. Hope Nate feels better soon. It's rough for you both when he's ill.

You look fab in your jacket, very slinky.

Nate is such a handsome boy! I can see why he charms the pants off people.

Good luck for Monday!
Ah thanks guys :)

He is gorgeous isn't he?! He rarely smiles for photos so I love that one. I might see about printing it and framing it for my grandma, Grandad and aunt. I know most people think their own kids are gorgeous even when they are not.

Today we walked all the way into town, round town, then got the bus home. Good job as tescos are restocking peanut butter kitkats. I got one and just snaffled it. 1 syn sausage, 0.5 milk, 13 kitkat. 14.5 today, 44.5 for the week so far. I just need to work out how to work the cake and the BBQ and I will be back on track. I feel even heavier though :(

Think tomorrow will be sw full English (1 syn), then church stuff, avoid cake if I can (idea being full english will help), then home I will do roast chicken legs on top of potatoes, carrots, bn squash, red and white onions and I will do some cauliflower/broccoli too. So my Sunday night cheese sandwich can continue! This all depends on Nate not keeping me up all night yet again.