Hey Anju. It's the 24th of this month

he's just been invited to a birthday party on April 6th

should be a big do. I'm just inviting a handful of kids round to play. He doesn't quite get party games still. Nate loves writing his name, mostly he likes writing "t", he wrote it for nana's card last month too. Decided for mother's day im making mum a doggy pin cushion

she needs a proper one for her quilting. I've picked the fabric just need to draw up a pattern and make it.
Hi Jane. I feel for you. My 2-3 a week has dropped to one a week. I can't really suggest much to help to be honest. I just hope thinhs move along for you! I can't let myself believe what she said until after the tests. She was so sure so quick. I did find out the spots I get in my armpits and rpund my boobs aren't just spots but some weird thing nicknamed inverse acne caused by some autoimmune disorder usually. So stupid all these things that were just niggling annoyances... the grip was worrying me though. I couldn't open a bottle of water the other day or a latch today. Although i got a cord, looped it around the latch and pulled that with both hands. Muhahaha can't stop me!
I told my c what was going on. She said she thought i knew I was asthmatic already. I said no, I just found out and she said she's asthmatic and could hear I was by talking to me?!? I didn't realise it was such a difference Jane! I was quite proud when i saw it wizz up. I thought I did well. Lol. I'll just be glad when i know what's what.
Only got tomorrow left for this working week. Woo. Funeral is sorted for Monday afternoon and I've a meeting with the vicar at around noon. Other than that I'll have to see what crazy emails have come through! got a dot of design work and some web stuff too.
Foodwise not a clue! Someone want to tell me what to eat?! I'm debating tuna salad at work again for lunch. I've chicken in the fridge I can cook for tea. No idea what I fancy doing with it. Maybe I'll get some sticks and do some we kabab things with salad and sw chips. Breakfast either bacon butty or rice pud. If I do bacon butty I can do carrot chips maybe and have a red day? The butternut squash chips were awesome.