Aww that's fabulous news, weight, dress and flowers

yay! What's your date again? Yeah blood test tomorrow and results on Thursday. I forgot the word "ground" yesterday

forgot dad's birthday, I remembered long term so card and present were ready. Nate was talking about it that morning, then when I saw him a couple of hours later I'd forgotten again. It's getting really frustrating. I had to get nate to open the squash bottle the other morning, I think this
Hidradenitis suppurativa - NHS Choices is what's going on with my skin, ironically it's gotten worse this past year as I've weighed less than before as an adult. The freaky liver period, the fact it's gone from super regular to a bit wonky and varies from a 3 dayer to a 6 dayer, being tired all the time, my nails splitting and my thumbnails have developed ridges, going to the loo less and less often. It's silly like so many bitty things but the feeling cold and tired and forgetting everything is really getting to me. I just want to know what is up and how to fix it.