How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Hi Fran - sorry you didnt get any definite answers hun. Lets hope the doc is just stabbing in the dark and you dont have to wait long for your appt. Big hugs hun make sure you look after yourself xxx
Thanks. I dunno. I lose weight to be healthier for munchkin and get one thing after another. I did see increasing my B12 levels could help so I think I'm going to be ignoring sw for a bit and have some fortified cereal. I have it in the cupboard for Nate anyway. I'll still be doing normal sw meals other than that though. It said increasing dairy can help too. I'm going to be so bored taking it easy! I made stock last night so it is soup for lunch and I'll do turkey pizza for tea. Got a food shop coming today. I ended up needing more than I thought! And I'm getting pin the eyepatch on the pirate and pass the parcel for the party. :) Nate does not want skull and cross bones cake he wants a eound chocolate cake... no fun!
Turned out the blimming cereal didn't even have B12 in it. Fail. I will double check which fish do and have some tomorrow. Had leftover risotto for lunch. There wasn't much there to be honest but it needed using. Just had turkey pizza sw chips, broccoli and cauliflower and green beans. Not a great day. Feeling a bit flip floppy. Hands weren't too bad this morning so I thought I'd get the curtain poles sorted and Nate's curtains up and by the end my hands felt really sore and swollen again. It desperately needed doing as the other curtains weren't blocking out any light.

I read cutting down on caffine can help, but I'm scared of feeling more tired.

In potty news today we had 6 potty wees and one accident. Lots of fiddling with his willy too. Urgh.
Turned out the blimming cereal didn't even have B12 in it. Fail. I will double check which fish do and have some tomorrow. Had leftover risotto for lunch. There wasn't much there to be honest but it needed using. Just had turkey pizza sw chips, broccoli and cauliflower and green beans. Not a great day. Feeling a bit flip floppy. Hands weren't too bad this morning so I thought I'd get the curtain poles sorted and Nate's curtains up and by the end my hands felt really sore and swollen again. It desperately needed doing as the other curtains weren't blocking out any light.

I read cutting down on caffine can help, but I'm scared of feeling more tired.

In potty news today we had 6 potty wees and one accident. Lots of fiddling with his willy too. Urgh.

Evening Fran :)
Sorry you're not feeling great. I've seen the curtains on fb, they look fab! Well done :)
Yayyyyyyyyyy to the potty report! :)
Boooo to the willy fiddling!! :D
Hi chuck. I know. We need a pitty corner. Need to call mum in a bit else she worries when she knows I'm down - I've a history of severe depression. I think I'll tidy up the lounge when i get downstairs and then chill out. I've two crafty books and a magazine lying around if I fancy it. No plans for tomorrow beyond potty training. At the moment it's me telling him to sit on the potty while he gets used to associating the sensation before weeing with weeing. I've two grow bags arrive with my Tesco shop so if my hands are ok and it's not peeing it down outside we will sew the first of our seeds :) Nate is excited. I doubt my abilities but we shall see. If it works it'll be educational. Lol "if"
Hi chuck. I know. We need a pitty corner. Need to call mum in a bit else she worries when she knows I'm down - I've a history of severe depression. I think I'll tidy up the lounge when i get downstairs and then chill out. I've two crafty books and a magazine lying around if I fancy it. No plans for tomorrow beyond potty training. At the moment it's me telling him to sit on the potty while he gets used to associating the sensation before weeing with weeing. I've two grow bags arrive with my Tesco shop so if my hands are ok and it's not peeing it down outside we will sew the first of our seeds :) Nate is excited. I doubt my abilities but we shall see. If it works it'll be educational. Lol "if"

Aww give your mum a ring now while you think about it. Nate sounds like he's doing fab at the old potty training malarkey :)
Ooo what seeds are you sewing? X
I did. As soon as I posted. Just got off now. Dad's going to cut down the blind for me :) I've got 6 different ones. Some don't need doing yet but there are peppers and cherry tomatoes inside, and courgettes, lettuce, onion and something else. I think it is just the onions in March it's on the seed packet anyway. Nates been looking forward to it for ages.
Yup, I have potatoes to plant in a big tub too. I'm not sure if I can grow anything at all to be honest. All else fails I'll be taping veg to the bags, haha.

Sent a nice email to Nate's dad. Shine my halo, number one mum. Ha, or not!!!

Trying to think about tomorrow's food. I defrosted a syn free chicken pie for some reason, and I've some tomato sauce to go with pasta, so Nate can pick what he wants for tea - I'm pretty sure he'll pick pasta. I've the second turkey pizza left for lunch with salad for lunch. Just pondering as to breakfast. B12 is in meat eggs and diary as well as sardines and salmon so I'm just upping my dairy a little to see how I feel. Other things I eat plenty of. Breakfast can include a heb, I've got shredded wheat, oats, bread, rolls. Now debating between magic pancakes or bacon butty! Might go for the bacon butty.
Bacon butty heb
Turkey pizza hea and salad
Chicken pie and veg, might add more cheese on top to boost diary intake.

Sunday I need to use my stock so I'll be making soup, other than that I'm not sure yet. I could do nanny pasta which would mean we'd have burgers on Monday which Nate'd love, and it is his birthday. Just leaving Sunday breakfast question. Could bust out kedgeree again.
Good morning sweetie, just had a little catch up of the last 2 weeks (its the most I am going back for everyone, otherwise I will NEVER catch up!) and it sounds like you're having a bit of a rough time of it lately. Bless you. I hope that the Drs / Specialist can "investigate" a bit more and provide some form of an answer that you are happy with, currently the (non) diagnosis is something you aren't happy with so make sure they know. Upping certain vits and minerals can never hurt so looks like you have that one down :)
Little Nate looks totally adorable in your recent pictures and I can't believe how big he has got! Sounds like his birthday is going to be great and his little party will be fun - but no skull and crossbone cakes?! Not that i'd turn down chocolate cake :D
Hope you are feeling ok today and have a lovely relaxing one ahead (as relaxing as it can be with a child, birthday party planning and being under the weather....) xxx
Hi hun. Yeah the ME was a bit of a shocker I had a friend ill with it for 6 years. She was literally in bed sleeping constantly. So that threw me. As did stuff about it not being treatable beyond management of symptoms but I've now found out more stuff like how you can get back to normal and it can just be like the symptoms you have with a virus for an extended period of time so I might be coming out of my arghness soon.

I have decided going to class is an extra thing I can cut back on until I feel better. Especially as it'd involve rushing out of the door to get a bus to get Nate from preschool in time. Because he'll be doing 9-12 Monday and Wednesday I think I'll be adjusting my work hours from 9-1 Monday 10-2 Tuesday and Thursday and 1-5 Friday to 9-12 monday, 10-2 Tuesday, 9-11 Wednesday, 10-1 Thursday and 1-5 Friday. It was said I can choose my hours they just have to span at least 4 days and total 16 hours. It'll mean I will have to work out my time off in hours but that's ok.

I was just putting the washing on when Nate calls from the lounge "I did a wee!" And he had done it in the potty! Hurrah. You never know he might be wearing clothes again next week! Lol.

I might ignore him and try a pirate skull one anyway. I did buy him an extra present as well as the party stuff and a present for me too - paloma faiths new album.
Hi Fran, sorry I've been awol, I loved nate's pictures, he's exactly as I imagine, I'm suffering mixed feelings for you regarding the Dr, obviously thyroid is doubled edged because it's a fixable answer, but like you say it's life long, ME , hubby was suddenly struck down with this during his officer training at sandhurst in the 80's after glandular fever, he had 3 years bed bound, and then gradually was able to fight back. He was really sporty and eventually got back 95% of his ability. 25 years on since recovery he still needs his sleep but other than that he's fine and at 46 he's no different from any other. I do think with all you're doing you will come through it. But be interested to see what the specialist has to offer you. Potty training, oh my eldest wouldn't do it,it was on holiday we cracked it and he was given a smartie for a wee and 5 for a poo, he loved smarties and was dry immediately the only thing was we needed lots of smarties. We then moved onto a tube for each 24hrs clean. I hope nates dad appreciates your email and does something nice for him. Xxx
Hey Jane. Thankfully I'm not bedvound but the idea I could be scared me... hopefully it will just like having a long virus. Tried to nap earlier but was just dozing. Nate was snuggled up with me then announces he needs a wee and went on the potty. He has since had a wee accident poor chicken was embarrassed. I've had a couple of biscuits today. Very naughty using sugar to wake me up a bit. Breakfast was bacon onion and mushroom heb sandwich. Lunch was the leftover turkey pizza with salad and dinner was the chicken pie think with cauliflower broccoli and green beans. Had 1.5L of water 2 cups of tea and half a can of coke zero..
Hey Jane. Thankfully I'm not bedvound but the idea I could be scared me... hopefully it will just like having a long virus. Tried to nap earlier but was just dozing. Nate was snuggled up with me then announces he needs a wee and went on the potty. He has since had a wee accident poor chicken was embarrassed. I've had a couple of biscuits today. Very naughty using sugar to wake me up a bit. Breakfast was bacon onion and mushroom heb sandwich. Lunch was the leftover turkey pizza with salad and dinner was the chicken pie think with cauliflower broccoli and green beans. Had 1.5L of water 2 cups of tea and half a can of coke zero..

Good food day! I've really missed biscuits lately, if I gain this week I won't be happy,but may buy a packet to munch, although I'm off up north again weigh in day, can hear the services krispy kreme doughnuts calling already. Xx
Nate has developed a love of biscuits with juice because they have it at toddlers. He dips it in. So funny. I'm not a fan of krispy kreme they were too claggy. I like really simple doughnuts. Sometimes if you concentrate too much on the crap on top of it the basic recipe of the thing itself gets ignored.

Hands are a bit numby thumbs ok though. Lol. How strange is that? Mum and dad will be dropping the dog off in half an hour. I think lunch will be soup and dinner is nanny pasta. Can't think of breakfast though. I might do rice pudding
We're not going until 1:20 the buses are only every 2 hours here on a Sunday. Soup is bubbling, chicken, potato and carrots and onions etc. Hands aren't as bad as they were this morning but I'm already shattered again. I think a dot of fresh air will do us good. Nate has been stuck inside since Thursday. My grandad called and once referred to my nan as my mum and asked if there was going to be beer at Nate' s party :s nut. Then Nate didn't want to talk on the phone - not like him. I told him as well as the giraffe when we went to the zoo I got nate a football and a stack of books from the money he sent over. We'd rather see him but he doesn't want to I mighy look into taking a trip up there in the summer they have a zoo and quite good shopping i think and they will have travellodges and premier inns I'm sure. I'll see how finances go!
Dog has buggered my hand up but Nate was dry tye whole time we were out. He did NOT like the public loos and held in any wee he needed until we got home and did a big widdle on his potty. Amazed and proud. He got a 99 ice cream when we were out. Taking him for cake tomorrow! Then that's it until Saturday. But I am so proud it's a huge jump from Wednesday. He might be ok to go to the childminder's on Tuesday but id have to get the 9:20am bus to get him there on time but I'd be able to get home for about 11am and have 3 sneaky hours to myself before going to toddlers....hmm tempting. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

Nanny pasta (spag bol) is cooking now. Then bath and bed for wee man. I've another couple of presents i need to wrap for tomorrow and I'll try to get his trousers for the party sorted if I can. *******ing dog. He just pulls all the time my shoulder is throbbing now too but he needs the walks and the running round on the beach. U might take him to a near by field. Last time it was full of cow pats...