How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Lost a lb. The scales go up and down daily now. Got a bit upset before weigh in by my c asking how I was. My hands are so crappy. Nate had to open the milk for his cereal today. Thankfully he loves helping! But I feel useless. Results tomorrow but I have been comfort eating. Wrapped Nate's presents and it appears his dad has sent a card so he did get the email which is nice as he hasn't bothered with the past two Christmases. His childminder gave a present and card bless her and I've finished his curtains :) just need to put them up! Can't unscrew the brackets for the poles or anything though :( doing roast chicken tonight, yum.
A pound is great :)
Sorry to hear you're struggling so much with your hands and feeling so tired and stuff :(Have you got an appointment for your results tomorrow or are you just ringing for them? X
I'm trying not to. Everyone has been lovely about it. It's only recently I've realised how much it's been getting to me. Appointment is 2:30pm tomorrow and I'll let you know what happened when i get home. We're attempting potty training again. 1 accident, no wees or poops in the toilet/potty but happily playing with his cars. He's getting annoyed with my asking if he needs a wee all the time. Lol.
Well done on the loss hun. Really sad to hear you are struggling so much. Here's hoping you get some answers at the doctors tomorrow. Thinking of you ((((big hugs))))
Thanks hun. It was 100% undeserved. Which apparently ties in with a thyroid problem. Be good and gain be bad an lose, no rhyme or reason. I'm absolutely shattered today. Just watching a factual programme about Edward vii and thinking of various projects. Looks like the party will involve dressing up after one mum said she's sorted her son's outfit! I only gave the invite yesterday. Anyway I'll be straggling some trousers I was going to throw out-too worn to sell or charity shop. Got a stripy top and I just need a red top to make into a waistcoat with little black stripe buckle things.
Thanks ladies. Not long now I hope. Was looking at stuff and laughed at this quote: "if I were any more forgetful i could plan my own surprise party!" It did make me chuckle. Factual programme- documentary! I wanted to say democracy before but knew it was wrong. Oh well nearly a week off work after tomorrow. Looked at the card to make sure it was from Nate's dad, it was and he said he'd do a bank transfer or buy whatever Nate wanted and post it or get it delivered to us. Won't shift his bum to see him or get a job though, or pay more than £5 a week. Trying to see his message as nice but it just highlights what he doesn't do. It'd be lovely to be able to have some help with Nate or for Nate to not have to help me - which was why I started losing weight in the first place. Thankfully munchkin loves helping me and he's a happy boy.

As soon as I get home I'll let you know. Probably some time after 3pm as I need to walk there and back with my widdley monkey. Ended up on 2 accidents and no wees in the loo. I think he was holding it in so he didn't have to go on the loo.
Can't stay up any longer. Think tomorrow will be
B: smoked salmon scrambled egg with wholemeal bread heb
L: chicken salad and an apple
D: chicken risotto with leek, onion, garlic, mushrooms, courgette, green beans, peas, chicken, rice and stock

A bit chickeny but better than other stuff!

Friday we're just at home so that'll be easy to plan and Sunday-Tuesday we have the dog depending on potty training we will go take him to the beach. Either way tomorrow is the only working day between now and next weigh in. I think Nate and I will make fairy cakes and he can have one on his birthday and the rest can be frozen until they go in the party bags on Saturday afterwards. If they are in the freezer i can't eat them! I've got loads of meat and stuff to use up I might put off a big shop for a few more days. I have nearly run out of pepsi max but I've got a few big bottles of fizzy water left. Got extra lean beef mince and extra lean turkey mince, chicken breasts and turkey steaks, stewing beef, salmon, smoked haddock and white fish and little prawns oh and sainsburys bgty sausages, bacon, linda mccartney sausages, her Italian sausages and her rosemary and red onion sausages! Got plenty of eggs and salad stuff. Running low on cauliflower and broccoli and run out of sprouts and running low on green beans too. Got lots of tinned fish, nearly out of potatoes, plenty of pasta and rice except pudding rice. And I've 3 meals in the freezer waiting to be heated up and eaten. A curry I think, gnocchi bake 4.5syns) and some kind of chicken pie (mash top, home made 0 syns) need to get my ass in gear.
Well done on the loss Fran - In a weird way I hope they do find something on your tests, its not natural to have the problems you've been having and there be nothing wrong. If he says theres nothing - insist on more tests dont be fobbed off chick x

Thinking of you for tomorrow hun ((big hugs))
Well this Dr is really good. I don't think she'll fob me off. The tests for thyroid have to be run to check hormone levels before you can start medication. They have to be really careful with doseage. Too much is dangerous. But she did a full screen because i was worried if it wasn't that. Woke up with sore bum muscles. Ooh they ache! I've not done anything to make them go though! Anyway off to make Nate's breakfast and wash up so I can soak my hands then make my breakfast and lunch and get ready for the day.
Oh no! Did she mention anything else it could potentially be?
Basically, no proper test for it, it's a bit of a "we can't find a cause so we'll call it this" diagnosis, no real treatment, you can be offered CBT (been there, done that) or an exercise thing to build up stamina and non-knackeredness. A friend at school had it and got really really ill. It seems to be put up and shut up deal. Can you tell how thrilled I am. :/