How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

You will do great hun - I think your doing fab so will have a good roll off losses. Your doing everything right and more, there cant be anything else to do, its just our bodies that act stupid at times.

mmmmmmmm maltesers gotta love them
Thanks hun. I don't trust myself with normal ones. Even the mini packets because they make me go mad for them. I'm ok with the bunnies though so I thought it'd be nice to try it. I LOVE custard tarts, and haven't had one in over a year. So I figured I'd have that as I can't have the kitkat chunky peanut butter (sob). I was surprised at how much sweeter it was than I remember them being and how thick the pastry is.

Just done my first excel tutorial and it was much clearer than when I was at school. Our IT teachers were just hopeless, which meant that no one paid attention so unless you already knew what you were doing you couldn't learn anything because of all the noise going on. Funnily enough I got all my coursework OK, but I didn't pass the higher test, just the simple one that basically meant you knew how to turn the computer on and had zero value. Think I might do a second tutorial and then bed.
Thanks britt. Only just but I need to wiggle my butt down this one quickly before my brothers' birthday.

B: smoked salmon and scrambled egg on toast (heb) and a banana
S: pear

Got some chicken thighs cooking in the oven and made up some salad. Why am I not hungry until 3pm? So annoying.

Got a few jobs done and some more Excel lessons.

It looks like a toy shop exploded in here so I will crack on with that after lunch. Nate had spaghetti hoops again. He is obsessed with them.
His face when I tantrum back? Depends how far gone he is. If it is early on it is quite funny. He will say "mumma cwrying" and cover my face with my hands, then move them away and hug me. If it is full paddywack it is just a case of ignoring him or plonking him on the naughty pouffe.

Hmm... To choc or not? To be honest I'm still full from dinner. So it might be 0 syn day today.

Oh and I just thought to say to make sure your danio yogurts are the 0% fat not just the low fat ones. I wanted to see the different flavours and got confused by the syn values until i saw 0% and low fat. Crafty yogurteers.

Might have a read of my house magazine tonight and do some more Excel course after big bang theory but before Nashville.
Hello my darlings. I got distracted by tv my dad hates (secret eaters, big bang theory and nashville) thankfully I've melted my mum's brain into loving them too. hurrah we win!

Kievs... I slice the chicken breast to make a pocket. Add philli garlic and herbs - either syn it or part hea it. Weightloss ***** called the syns helpline and they said any of the flavoured philli's can be used as a hea. woop woop. then I coat them in egg wash. Then coat in breadcrumbs. I make my bread crumbs using half a small slice per person (1.5 syns), wizz up in a food processor or with a hand blender, spread them on a baking tray and bake them quickly on a low heat until dry and crispy. Sometimes I will just shove them under the grill and leave them out to go nice and stale. Then bosh them in the oven at gas mark 6 for 20 minutes. OR pop them in the airfryer... they're AMAZING in the airfryer.

I haven't had the chocolate.

B: smoked salmon and scrambled egg on toast (heb) and a banana
s: pear
L: salad, chicken pieces, 3 left over roasted potato slices. kraft light french dressing
D: salad (and the above dressing), left over diet coke chicken and pasta.

I stuck to my small plate and i am still full from dinner, no picking or snacks or anything. AND NO SYNS! Weekly syn count 15.

Scarlet I haven't had the yogurt, adelle didn't really rate them it seems. I keep seeing them advertised though. If you do try them go for 0% fat rather than low fat.
I had a hankering for it recently too. :)

Feel crap. My son is an arse. I haven't even showered today because I felt all crappy and dizzy. Then my eyes are bigger than my belly and I ate it all anyway. Think I will skip lunch. Bacon, bgty sausages (1 syn), an egg, 2 slices of toast, a banana and a pear! And then a tummy ache! Stupid girl.

So 1 syn so far and 1.5 planned for tonight's dinner, making 17.5 for the week. If I stop being a pig I can have my other custard tart for 12 syns bringing it to 29.5 for the week 3 days in.
The crappy was because he decided to wake up. Demand a drink, keep pouring it over me and my bed and not actually drink it and generally needing a kick up the bum. So I was shattered on very little sleep. Annoyingly i can never sleep early, I just annoy myself at not being asleep.

The kievs were scoffed by all, and I even took a photo! I did skip lunch and we had tea at like 4:30. Mum wanted it at 4 *rolls eyes* still on my smaller plate thing and it must work if when I have a far too big breakfast I don't want lunch or snacks. I'm still full now.

I should have said to stab a couple of cocktail sticks in the opening before cooking so it doesn't splurge everywhere.

Green day tomorrow. I must not be a pig.

B: porridge and raspberries - hea and heb.
L: ? Maybe soup
D: pitta pizza. Found out ww wholemeal pittas are a heb and rejoiced. Hea2 on mozzerella. Maybe half a syn on olives too.
Oh dear, little monkey!

Your kievs sounds so yummy.

I read that ww pittas were heb too but can't remember where now!

Hope you feel better soon.