Thankfully Nikki finds it quite funny and cute. He saw her in the park and yelled "knickers! boys! girls!" and chatting on the way home I was saying how we were having chicken for tea and he pipes up with "mumma cooks eyes!" thankfully no one was around and I should explain he calls eggs eyes, I'm not nutty. And then tonight he pooped in the bath and was terrified of that poop too. Mad child. He's on a pooping everywhere rampage it seems... one day I'll catch it in the potty, maybe then he won't be quite so scared of it.
Still feeling a bit rough, so we're having goulash tomorrow so I've got some red meat. Mum thinks it could be because I've lost so much weight that my hormones are in a different concentration, as it were. So that's why it is so heavy. I'll note something gross at the bottom, so don't read it if you don't want to be disgusted. If you think I've dropped another half stone since my last period, and from my heaviest it is over six and a half stone I guess it makes sense. I respond really badly to artificial hormones and I've worked so hard to balance my mental hormones without medication, the idea of introducing false hormones back into my body and the hell that can cause, it's not something I'm willing to do. I am just hoping it's an anomaly as it has come earlier than it should by half a week.
Sat in bed now, I've sorted through a few more drawers. Given it is going to be raining tomorrow I think Nate can keep me company upstairs packing up the rest of my room of stuff I won't need for a few weeks.
(it's not that it's been heavy flow, but it has been in huge clots... it doesn't even look like clots, it looks like huge hunks of chopped liver. It is horrible. I've had clots before but never anything like this.)
Haha! It was the nicest way I could put it! I hate moving too but it'll be worth it when you have your own space xRochelle I just proper lolled at my uterus having a spring clean!
I hate moving. I'll be so happy when we are settled.
Had goulash and tagliatelle for tea. And half syn jelly and verries after. Had a banana this afternoon. I'm like the incredible eating machine![]()