How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Well done on your loss, you are on a roll!

It's lovely they are so proud of you and that you have a nice group.

Your mums friend is just jealous, it's up to you what you buy and where you but it from! Silly lady.

You get some fab bargains!
Thanks hun. Oh she just pissed me off, as you can tell, Haha. So childish and two faced, it is as though she thinks my mum won't tell me what she has said! She is mostly annoyed I got the house it seems. Thing is, she drinks loads, and she never buys anything 2nd hand and pays someone else to paint her house. Where as I'm robbing off with my parent's flooring and dad is teaching me how to lay it, so I can do the rest. The other day we were carrying huge slabs of bloody granite to be fitted by us in the fire place! Why pay someone else to do something you can do? My friends get their fellas to put flat pack furniture together as though they can't do it themselves and are proud of that! Baffles me. I like to know how to do things so i don't have to pay someone else, and I can be proud that I did it myself!
What a strange friend you mum has. What is her problem? Is she jealous? I can't work out why people would be so bothered by your actions and choices.
Thanks guys :)

The group of them are maddening they are like school kids. All *****ing and back stabbing. I've told mum to tell her that if she has an issue to speak to ME about it.

Oh well. Dinner was Yum, but delayed by Nate being attached to me. Had some ham and new potatoes while waiting as a snack, then didn't finish dinner. Haha.

Bring on the next lb and a half. So glad I'm on a losing roll. Bit worried moving might derail it, but I can always run up the road and scoff my parent's food! Haha.
Everyone else is happy for me. One woman understands, when she was married she had to live with her in laws for quite some time, and even though she loves them it is very difficult. One of mum's friends was *****ing to her about Nate not being potty trained yet when he is simply not ready. Lol, yesterday he was naked, in the bathroom with me while his bath was running. He was pottering around and I was plucking my eyebrows (gland huh) and he says "mumma" all panicked I turn round and he points to the floor, still scared and says "pooooo!" Quite rightly there was a nice big turd on the floor (one end a bit squished by a small foot!) I just had to laugh. He was trotting round and didnt notice it plop out of his bum! Everything was cleaned up and he was popped in the bath. At least it was in the same room as the potty. Lol. The terror at his own plop was just too funny. But I think it is the first time he has seen what comes out of him. So yes, still not ready but I think we will be having a naked summer.

In job news, I found 2 great ones, unfortunately one is full time and one is 12 hours and I need 16 :(
Last night I got really hungry and had a yogurt, fruit and a jelly at half a syn. So yesterday was 13.5

Breakfast this morning was a sausage sandwich with onions and mushrooms and an Apple. Heb and one syn.

Going to scoff lunch soon when I remember what it is and tea is gammon potatoes and veg. Simple pimple. Done the plan and shopping list for the week. Sunday and Monday it is just me and monkey. Hopefully I will get a lot of packing done as I won't be asked to do 30 things the instant I get Nate down so I can sort stuff. Imagine 2 ponds and a set of stairs covered in tangley plants between where stuff is stored and where stuff needs to be and that's why it isn't done with a toddler in tow.

If the date doesn't change for moving on Monday I will be confident it won't change again and I can order the flooring etc. I'm thinking hall, study, lounge and nate's room laminate for sure, stairs and landing carpet for sure, then it is just my room I'm not sure about. Parents keep saying we will go to axminster carpets but it will be cutting it fine soon. Mum is really helpful at knowing what will work, and what is practical.

Oh, and I found a great paint that means I don't have to strip and sand everything before applying it! This will save me hours! The wardrobes are different wood as are the drawers and the little coffee tables etc etc etc, so I can paint my room furniture white or cream to tie it all in together and make it look less like a junk shop. :) curtains for the lounge are sorted too. Phew. Lounge is at the back anyway, so it backs onto the garden and then a field, a river and a hill so it isn't overlooked at all.
Goodness how quickly has moving date come round?! You sound very organised with it all though - i'd be in panic mode :D Are you going to use the stamp/roller to do the walls? Sausage sandwich envy over here too :( xx
sausage sandwich was so good. my munchkin kept saying "BITE!" and opening his little cuckoo mouth so I'll have to start making him one too.

Moving isn't organised AT ALL. I haven't got a van yet because the ******* kept changing the date

True to form, I went downstairs and made lunch. cheese omelette (hea) with red onion, salad and potato salad (0.5 syn) and I get "can you help me pick what to wear tonight?" URGH. Thankfully she had picked out 5 outfits, I've scored myself a new dress of hers. haha. then I had to find shoes and jewellery to go with the outfit, she found a bag. and she pointed out she was glad my feet are too big for her shoes. I did see my pink blanket in her room, my fluffy hot water bottle, my jewellery box and various other things. At least I am given my things of hers, I don't just rob them. cheeky!

Syns so far today are 2 (i had half for milk) added to yesteray 15.5 :) hea used too. I think that's a good aim for me this week - to use all my hea each day. If only I could have two hebs instead....