How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Way to to Hun! Fab loss there :)

Food menu looks good this week, I got the Asia book too and asked the boy to go through so will be planning some yummy dishes outta that (and the soup book!)

Hope you guys are having a good day xx
That's fantastic Fran. Well done xxx
Thanks guys. 4lbs to new stone bracket AND a change in BMI from obese (II) to obese (I). I know it doesn't seem like much to most people but I am properly excited as it has been a goal of mine for quite a while. And then it is time to work on getting out of the obese and into overweight category. and it is now a full 6 stone loss compared to my medical records! just thinking 4lbs... even 3.5lbs will do...

Nate did play nice, but it was quite funny, he was no happy with me holding another baby. We went to the assessment and it turns out they only weigh and measure them at this age if they have concerns, which she doesn't. She noticed I was a lot smaller. haha. So I explained that's why I haven't taken him to be checked in the past year, which is fine it turns out. So why they make such a big deal about it I don't know if it doesn't actually matter. Nate did a beeline for the big box of toys. And in his usual fashion, emptied them out one at a time, and, again in his usual fashion he put like with like... At which point the health visitor says "oh, I didn't know we had 2 of those rattles." Yep, Nate put them on top of each other. I laughed and explained he puts like with like and pointed out the 3 different saws he put together. Nutty child. He did a little bit of chattering, including a sentence or too, just talking to himself. Which also surprised her, yep, my boy is a wee brain box. I know. Amusingly, as soon as he finished emptying the box, sharing a few toys with me, he said, "bye" to the health visitor and waved and started making off towards the door. haha. I asked him to put the toys away and we weren't going just yet. And so he put the toys away, which also shocked her. Apparently 2 year olds don't do this. So Nate is lovely and bright and fabby, and I'm a good mum who has done a wonderful job with him. Which is nice to hear when it isn't done condescendingly. This wasn't, for once, usually it is said by people who think I am still a child. I have had a couple of 20 years guesses recently, which is only 6 years off, so we're improving.

Sorry for the big ramble, but I have HVs and I've been dreading this.

For the past week I have been eyeing up a dress in one of the charity shops in town. It is lovely, and lime green (which isn't usually a colour I go for) and has been on a mannequin in the window for the past week, winking at me. Today I went in, figuring it wouldn't be my size anyway. But it was a large so I figured I would try it on. The poor bloody mannequin had its arms removed in this ladies attempt to take the dress off - at which point I really bloody hoped it would fit for the sheer effort she was putting in getting the dress for me! And being the nutty place it is she got a scarf to cover her boobs up to save her modesty. Ahh, I dunno if I could live anywhere normal. Mooching around I found another skirt, monsoon, never been worn by the looks of it 16, and cotton with no give in it. I have issues with my mammoth hips, but picked it up to try it on. and they both looked fab! So I got a new dress, and I got the purple belt they put on it too, and a new monsoon skirt :) pretty excited. I got nate a new book, and a lion bin, and mum got him some doggy things in another shop. The dress and skirt were £7.50 each, and the belt was £3. We call it the expensive charity shop. They had a horrible jumper for £45. Ok it was D&G but it was still hideous. But woop and yay. And off to exeter tomorrow :) need to get big man some new shoes. His present from my brother came today and was very fun (monster skittles) and he got a card and £20 from his dad. I nearly passed out in shock!
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6st is an amazing achievement Fran, well done. You should be so proud and 4lb to go til your next bracket down!! That will be off soon hun.
Thanks guys. yep. pretty exciting. Shocked at the number of typos in there: too instead of two. DOI!

B: banana, pear, yogurt (all shared with monkey)
L: some ham and a bowl of veg soup
D: roast chicken dinner
later I had 3 babybel light (hea), 2 hifi lights (heb) slice of chocolate cake (17.5 syns) and a cup of tea (0.5 syns for milk)

18 syns

70 - 18 = 52 left for the week
Hey thanks britt :) Haha, well at least people can laugh at me :p how have you been?

I am shattered! Went shopping today and boy did I shop! Left the house at 9:40am got home at 5:30pm all shopping, train and car and lunch. Nate has new shoes and new wellies and some new trousers and jeans and an Easter crafting kit to do tomorrow and Saturday. Got myself some hair dye to add some bright blonde splashes to my hair, and if i don't like it I am stealing some I bought for mum which is bright pink. Rather excited. The blonde said it is pj to use on dark hair and on coloured hair, here's hoping! I got these beautiful squares of fabric to sew into a quilt :) got some new knickers so I can FINALLY through out my literally droopy drawers! I know you all wanted to know that! I also got a couple of jumpers, some new jeans and some sunglasses. I should explain I put them on to pull a face and then my mum said they suited me. A miracle as I never look good in sunglasses and they were just £5! Jeans were supposed to be £23.99 got to the till and they came up as £15! Yay. 10 came from a love shopping voucher my brother got me for my birthday 3 months ago. Got a sucky-in vest top too to smooth out my lumps and some new pj bottoms to replace some that are too big. Got a few other bits and bobs. Super spending!

Got a letter to view the house on the 16th to measure up for carpets and curtains. They aren't ready to move in on the 22nd though so got to wait.

Sooo the fish and chips called again in exeter! Thankfully it is less than a half portion of chips and small cod and a smidge of tarter sauce. So 10+9+2 =21 added onto yesterday's 18 I'm at 39 syns for the week. Not hungry for tea at all! So it certainly filled me up enough. Think I will have a couple of minimal syn days before Easter Sunday. Not planning a choc fest, but might be having makrel pate and sw chocolate, orange and cardamon mousse.

This morning was smoked salmon and scrambled egg on toast (heb)

Back to shopping.... Haha

Tried a dress on. Hanger said 16. Slipped it on, went to zip it up... UH OH! No chance. Put something else on as mum wanted to show me something and I was naked pretty much. Put the dress back on the hanger feeling huge, then I saw the label inside said 12! No bleeding wonder it didn't zip up. Then i tom the jeans of the hanger and they were an 8! Told the girl that they were on the wrong hanger and started making her laugh about my dress trauma! And the reality of me fitting into an 8. I don't think she gets to laugh very often at work!
Wow what a super shopping day you've had! We'll need pics of your hair when you've done it. Glad you can throw out your droopy drawers lol.
Fabarooney shopping day and some bargains there hun. Yes we deffo need pics of the new hair colour.

I hate it when the stuff is on the wrong hangers - why do they insist on doing this grrrrrrrr
hey im good thanks... sounds like a great shopping day... thats happened to me loads of times with the hanger so im always double checking...very annoying hehe

youll have to get pics up of your hair... im thinking of going a dark blue colour as my new job involves a cap so wont be an issue... will have a think :D x
Hey guys. Oh it was good but I am exhausted. Thankfully so is Nate and he passed out at bed time. I've just had the tesco shop come and put away and had a banana and some grapes for my tea. Hehe.

I will post pictures. I need to do the allergy text first because I've never used this colour or this make before i want to be careful. I'm usually fine, I'm only allergic to hypoallergenic products (ironically!) But I will put up pictures when it is done. Go for the blue britt! Exciting!

You would think I was all shopped out but I just bought a vacuum cleaner! It has come out of the money mum was keeping for me (was £408 now £309)

I'd rather stuff was on the wrong hanger than the right size not fit! Haha. And it meant I got my new look bargain jeans. They are the new "shaper" ones. Dunno what that means but they were bootcut and didn't feel so thin they should be seethrough so I was happy. I couldn't find the "fat section" in new look, but it didn't matter I realised, I can look round the rest of the shop. Ahh.

I feel all my shopping today has been some good body magic. I'd never do all that marching around over fields and along cliffs (especially with all our landslides!) But give me shops and I will walk peoples's legs off! And still want more. I got a bit annoyed that boys clothes ages 0-2 and 7-12 are lovely. Boys clothes age 2-7 are rubbish. I dont want nate wearing fireman Sam or octonaughts or peppa pig, nor do I want "my daddy's a genius" or "i've been on the naughty step today" on his tshirts. Why is it so hard for clothing designers for little boys to understand this? Still chuffed at his lovely m&s jeans for £5 in the sale.