Thanks hun.

I just need to get off my gain train!
B: fruit and yogurt
L: (dunno yet)
D: Hulk Chicken, new potatoes, green beans and cauliflower (HEA)
Thursday: RED DAY
B: Muesli (HEB) with banana and yogurt
L: Greek salad (HEA and 1 syn)
D: hunters chicken with cauliflower, broccoli and green beans or courgette and wedges (HEB and HEA)
Friday: RED DAY
B: Berries and yogurt and toast (HEB) with synned amount of jam
L: Cheese (HEA) omelette and salad
D: Club salad (HEB)
Saturday: GREEN DAY
B: fruit and yogurt
L: pizza toast (HEA, HEB and one syn)
D: low low pasta (HEA)
B: SW "fry up"
L: cheese roll (HEA and HEB)
D: roast gammon, potatoes and veg
B: fruit and yogurt
L: tomato and mozerella pasta salad thing
D: Jambolya
B: Fruit and yogurt
L: english salad
D: (Dunno yet)
I have ordered some stuff to do some baking with Nate for either when it rains or the weekend so we can have a bit of bonding fun. I will be able to offload most of them at the team meeting on Monday probably. I figure it doesn't matter if they go wrong given that they are baked in a random oven and Nate'll be making them. It'll be something nice for us to do. Buying the ingredients in was more expensive than if I bought the mix... I was sorely tempted by the postman pat bun mix for 99p