Purple Patsy
Gold Member
Hey hun I am sorry I din't mean to sound like a nag, I know only too well how it feels when everything goes against you and crashes in on you ....I spend my entire life thinking great I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and then bang some f*cker (and I don't necessarily mean a human F*cker) comes along and spoils it or ruins it or just kicks me when I'm down....I have a brother that's absolutely loaded, while Mal and I live in a drafty cold council house that's nothing short of falling to pieces, it's freezing and even with heating on full (which costs me a small fortune to run) it's still always freezing but you know what I wouldn't swap for a single second with my brother, all his money and big house and everything else hasn't made him happy,. he's a miserable old git and unlike my sister who's always on the beg from him, I would sooner go without than have to go to him for help, I don't need him and won't spend my life being grateful to him.....I came into this life with nothing and will leave with nothing except the love of my wonderful husband and children and some really great friends.
So like I said didn't mean to nag ya, I know it's hard and I would be the first to cave, just want ya to know I care enough to let you know if you're drifting off plan....and as for your brother, how I'd like to give him a boot up the jacksie....how mean ....I hope it gets sorted this weekend for ya sweetie, I'd certainly hate to be in your shoes right now hun ...I know I can't be of any practical help being so far away, but I'm always here if ya need me :hug99: xxxx
Oh Lily I didn't think you were nagging and anyway I have asked to be cajoled/nagged etc to keep me going.
I had just been bottling up my anger at darling bruv and you lit the blue touch paper I'm afraid.
Thanks for caring.