I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Come out come out where ever you are ! I know you are about so what are you hiding from your diary :eek: :eek:

OMG you 've not turned into Mrs Bouquet as well have you ! :eek: please spray the lightbulbs with polish and come back to play :8855: x

Hi Jackie

Even though I'm immunosuppressed due to Sydney I'm still immune from the cleaninganddancingaroundtodaftsongitis :rolleyes: which has afflicted poor Tilly.

However I did have an attack of cleanoutthecaritis on Friday so that both my mum and godmother would fit around all the other rubbish. I'm pleased to day I have recovered though. :D

The nearest I got to cleaning in the house was the great internet saga. I have moved all the stuff from near in and dug it out and confirmed that yes the cables are trashed. :cry: I'm off to buy a new cable which wil either fix it or be the first instalment in the fix. There may or may not be more to follow tonight???? :eek:

I haven't really been avoiding my diary. Just not got round to it and everyone elses always seems so much more interesting than mine anyway. How was your w/end?:D
Have you not got that cable plugged in yet??? :-(

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Oh look it's me posting in my own diary. :eek: I do still know what it's called. :D

I've been so busy reading everyone elses diaries I've been neglecting my own.:eek: Still been pretty much on plan though so that's good. :D

Anyway WI last night and I lost a half pound. Now I know the normal stuff of it all adds up yada yada etc etc but "brat warning" I wanted more, lots more, at least as much as had gained last week more. Waaaaah!!! Stamp Stamp:eek: Huff Huff :eek: "strop over" :D

So I'm vowing to myself (and anyone who cares to listen/nag) that I will be more diligent about logging my stuff on here. And see if PMA can affect my loss.

But first I need to fess. As part of my strop last night I had a takeaway.:eek: Don't want to know the syns cos that was last week :rolleyes:
Slate has been duly cleaned and I'm raring to go.

I'm also going to try to eat more, I know I say this quite a lot but then I forget to do it. :eek: I then end up eating all my snacks in one go. Sort of defeats the purpose.:eek:

I also want to be more organised, not just re SW but in all things as at present I'm lurching from one crisis to another with my house, my car and my life in general. Need to get a grip. :eek: Feel free to encourage me / nag me to do stuff. :eek: Right now I don't really know where to start.

SO I'm going to try to do my positives and see if that inspires me re all the other stuff I need to do.

1. Only 2 and a bit days left at work this week.

2. Day 1 of SW week with clean slate. I can be in control of what I eat. (if nothing else)

3. Have lots of lovely minis friends.

4. Have investigated more of why internet not working at home. Bound to get to the bottom of it soon.

Running out of ideas now so I'll stop.:D

Hope everyone is having a good day.:D
Well done on the LOSS and on the stopping stropping ;-)

It would be great to see more of you on your own thread :)

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Well done on the LOSS and on the stopping stropping ;-)

It would be great to see more of you on your own thread :)

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I'm going to try to be more consistent on my thread. Feel free to remind me if/when I forget.

I think it has quite a lot to do with being nosey. And leading a dull existence myself. I want to see what everyone else is doing and assume nobody would want to know about dullsville.:eek:
You're not dull x

Any luck with the cable etc???

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Still working on t'internet prob. Know it's not the cables any more. Still not come up with a plan B though. :eek:

Life is dull as ditchwater apart from all the domestic and vehicular disasters I'm having at present. Frankly they make me wish it was more dull :rolleyes: and disasterless.:eek:

I vaguely remember what exciting was like :eek: but was a long long long time ago.

Trust you made it home eventually.:D
Purple Patsy said:
Still working on t'internet prob. Know it's not the cables any more. Still not come up with a plan B though. :eek:

Life is dull as ditchwater apart from all the domestic and vehicular disasters I'm having at present. Frankly they make me wish it was more dull :rolleyes: and disasterless.:eek:

I vaguely remember what exciting was like :eek: but was a long long long time ago.

Trust you made it home eventually.:D

Yep. Waiting to be fed! Hopefully you're home now too x

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Good morning everyone. :D I'm feeling much more positive this morning. Long may it last.:D

Food for yesterday. 15th Feb 12

Lunch - Thai style mugshot

Snack - Mint muller, banana

Tea - BLT sandwich (6 syns for large slice bread) (1 syn for mayo)

Snack - banana, clementine.

Total Syns 7
Syns for week 7/70 (day 1)

Positives for today 16.02.12

1. It's Friday eve. :D

2. Major job at work has gone successfully. I'm sort of responsible for it. Has a habit of going wrong. But this 6 monthly run has been good. :D

3. I've got lots of lovely friends on minis. :D

4. Think I'm getting nearer to getting home internet again. :eek: Workmate is bringing in his old one for me to try as part of my investigations. :D

5. Got the new All in One book on Tuesday night. :D Looks Yummmm

Still chaos at home - house is falling apart and I can't afford to get it fixed. Have managed to reattach blinkers so I can ignore it again till I can afford to do something about it. Will endeavour to work round it meantime.:rolleyes:

Have a good day folks. :D
Great positives. Enjoy your book. And good luck getting your internet fixed.
Hey sweetie, finally I am getting back to catching up on diaries, well done on your loss big or small hun they all count and well done for starting the search on your t'internet problem, :fingerscrossed: it gets sorted soon and also well done for deciding to stop stropping lol

Now down to the nitty gritty, your takeaway was not the end of your week it was the beginning of your new week....once you have weighed in hun it's the start of the following week, so I always count Monday as my last day and then I weigh Tuesday so that's the start of my new week, that way it keeps me more focused and less likely to stray to the takeaways and if I do have a takeaway it's normally mid week so I have a chance to recover from it, I would never have a takeaway the night before wi and I don't see the point in rewarding myself with food, defeats what I am trying to do here which is come to terms with eating normally, so takeaway will always be a part of my food regime, just not cos I am rerwarding myself or because I feel down as they are the 2 main reasons I got to 31 and half stone in the first place...sorry going on and being a killjoy but I don't want you or anyone else to keep falling in that trap.
Secondly...yep there is a secondly lol....sooner you get the t'internet sorted sooner you'll have all the time in the world (not just work hours) to catch up on diaries and to even catch up on your own diary lol.
Ok rant/telling off/advice giving/ lecture over :giggle:
Hope you're having a fabulous day, fabulous lady :hug99: xxxxxxxxxx
Oh and P.S. The all in one book, isn't it fantastic? It's by far the best book yet, so many easy, lovely, fabulous menu's all that are actually full of stuff we mere mortals would normally have in the house and not a load of special ingredients, that you would probably have to travel to the 4 corners of the world to find....real food, real menu's love it xxxxxxxxx
Hey sweetie, finally I am getting back to catching up on diaries, well done on your loss big or small hun they all count and well done for starting the search on your t'internet problem, :fingerscrossed: it gets sorted soon and also well done for deciding to stop stropping lol

Now down to the nitty gritty, your takeaway was not the end of your week it was the beginning of your new week....once you have weighed in hun it's the start of the following week, so I always count Monday as my last day and then I weigh Tuesday so that's the start of my new week, that way it keeps me more focused and less likely to stray to the takeaways and if I do have a takeaway it's normally mid week so I have a chance to recover from it, I would never have a takeaway the night before wi and I don't see the point in rewarding myself with food, defeats what I am trying to do here which is come to terms with eating normally, so takeaway will always be a part of my food regime, just not cos I am rerwarding myself or because I feel down as they are the 2 main reasons I got to 31 and half stone in the first place...sorry going on and being a killjoy but I don't want you or anyone else to keep falling in that trap.
Secondly...yep there is a secondly lol....sooner you get the t'internet sorted sooner you'll have all the time in the world (not just work hours) to catch up on diaries and to even catch up on your own diary lol.
Ok rant/telling off/advice giving/ lecture over :giggle:
Hope you're having a fabulous day, fabulous lady :hug99: xxxxxxxxxx

You do talk so much sense lovely Lily and I know it was silly but I was p'd off. :eek:

I wanted to lose what I had put on the previous week:sigh: failed. Had pinned my hopes on the cable I bought the previous night fixing the internet :sigh: failed. Car had recall work done on Friday but quick check by garage identified lots of other probs I can't afford to have fixed. :sigh: (plan to replace wiper blades myself and get bald tyre replaced. Have already managed (without going to a garage) to fix problem which meant I had to get out and push as well as steer every time I needed reverse gear.

And the new biggie I do not currently have indoor plumbing, well plumbing in is OK but drain is blocked. Hence can't use loo, shower, washing machine, dishwasher or even wash dishes by hand. :eek: I've seen more of my mum in the past week then I had all year so far. :) I just couldn't face the thought of cooking, so I crumbled. :eek: Top that of with my charming brother refusing to let me borrow some of the farm equipment which would clear the drain with no bother, and you'll see why it's not been the best of weeks.:eek:

Oh and P.S. The all in one book, isn't it fantastic? It's by far the best book yet, so many easy, lovely, fabulous menu's all that are actually full of stuff we mere mortals would normally have in the house and not a load of special ingredients, that you would probably have to travel to the 4 corners of the world to find....real food, real menu's love it xxxxxxxxx

Book looks fab can't wait till I have a functioning house again and can have a go at some of the recipes in it. I'm trying not to cook as I can't wash up or clean afterwards. Pathetic huh! :confused:

I can't afford my oh so helpful brothers suggestion of calling dynorod so I plan to have a go with a set of draining rods at the w/end. Mmm Mmm Mmm can't wait for that bit of body magic. :D

I'll let you know how I get on, but I'll try to spare you too many graphic details.:D

On the plus side it's almost pleasant to be at work. At least I can have a poo here. :eek:
Hey hun I am sorry I din't mean to sound like a nag, I know only too well how it feels when everything goes against you and crashes in on you ....I spend my entire life thinking great I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and then bang some f*cker (and I don't necessarily mean a human F*cker) comes along and spoils it or ruins it or just kicks me when I'm down....I have a brother that's absolutely loaded, while Mal and I live in a drafty cold council house that's nothing short of falling to pieces, it's freezing and even with heating on full (which costs me a small fortune to run) it's still always freezing but you know what I wouldn't swap for a single second with my brother, all his money and big house and everything else hasn't made him happy,. he's a miserable old git and unlike my sister who's always on the beg from him, I would sooner go without than have to go to him for help, I don't need him and won't spend my life being grateful to him.....I came into this life with nothing and will leave with nothing except the love of my wonderful husband and children and some really great friends.
So like I said didn't mean to nag ya, I know it's hard and I would be the first to cave, just want ya to know I care enough to let you know if you're drifting off plan....and as for your brother, how I'd like to give him a boot up the jacksie....how mean ....I hope it gets sorted this weekend for ya sweetie, I'd certainly hate to be in your shoes right now hun ...I know I can't be of any practical help being so far away, but I'm always here if ya need me :hug99: xxxx
Ah. So all 3 of us have crappy brothers :-D

So sorry PP - hope it all gets better for so really soon xxx :bighug:

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