I really dont know what to do

Thanks M
I have now spoken to her on the phone and we have decided to not go down a medication route - at the moment as it can have horrible side effects

I feel much better to know that her partner phoned in work and asked for the day off to look after her - get medication etc etc
and they gave him a paid week off saying they would rather he didnt go in and infect them all- which I think is nice of them seeing as it is an extra week for him with pay and I wont worry so much about her
I will be going down later and talking to her - from her lounge you can see her front door - so I can be in the hall and she can sit on the sofa
just her mum wanting to check up on her

OH and guess what I lost weight this week (no weigh in last week migraine) this week I registered a while POUND off
so half a pound a week means I will be at target in 114 weeks

now that sounds like ages and it is but at least it means I will get there one day - I am not like the hamster on a wheel with no way off - I will get off my wheel in 2 years 10 weeks I can do a count down now I have a time frame :)
Irene and Fuzzy - thank you
I know I shouldnt be surprised as we all know the diet works if you stick with it - BUT after a plateau for so long even with perfect tracking - it did come as a surprise

today I am grateful for

  • my blood pressure monitor - I have run out of blood pressure meds - not been so lax before - but as my blood pressure has been so stable and on the low side for the last couple of months I am going to monitor it daily with no meds - doc due back next week - when I will discuss it with her - but email to surgery written and saved all I need to do is hit send button if it shows any rise at all
  • a job - ok I am not teaching due to my grouchiness with the pain - but I do get the opportunity to manage the local craft shop - BUT for the last few weeks I have been asked to do extra shifts and it happened again yesterday - can I work all day today - well I will but I really could do with resting my knees after the long walk and sunday
  • my mobile phone - daughter can phone me if she needs to - bless her
well after yesterdays loss I am fired up to continue for another week - no treat day for me - breakfast - strawberries are pack as is lunch free from pittas with home made houmous and organic salad leaves and herbs dried mango to snack on :)

right off to read some diaries before work
hope everyone has a great day today - I am going to make today really good for me :) I am positive I will eventually get to goal - but I have to be really honest and say I wish it would be quicker - but for me I have to acknowledge it might not happen in the 'near' future :):)
Well done on your loss my dear!!

I am so sorry about your Daughter it must be such a horrible time for you. I hope she is doing okay and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. If you need anything please just ask and i will do anything i can. :) x x x
Hey hun,
hows you daughter doing now?
hope your alright!
welldone on ur loss!! woop woop!
*high five* for the positive thinking!
Well done now that weight is shifting again and who cares if it takes 114 weeks we'll both still be here posting away so it'll be something to talk about won't it. Seriously though now your off again on the downward trail it might zip up a bit more.

Take care and hope daughter improving

Well done on your loss my dear!!
Thank you so much - I have to say it did come as a surprise - but a really nice one

I am so sorry about your Daughter it must be such a horrible time for you. I hope she is doing okay and you are all in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. If you need anything please just ask and i will do anything i can. :) x x x

Thank you that is very very kind of you

Hey hun,
hows you daughter doing now?
hope your alright!

Thanks for asking - I phoned her today (she has banned me from her house - but just let her try I have a key :D) she sounds so much better
she says she now hurts all over and her muscles are very fatigued but she thinks her temp is not so high - I insisted yesterday she drank plenty (even coke) so she has been drinking plenty of smoothies - which with all the vitamins and minerals I think is the best thing for her

welldone on ur loss!! woop woop!
*high five* for the positive thinking!
Thanks yes I did celebrate - bought a new shower gel :) didnt want to risk a treat day so bought a non food treat :)

Well done now that weight is shifting again and who cares if it takes 114 weeks we'll both still be here posting away so it'll be something to talk about won't it. Seriously though now your off again on the downward trail it might zip up a bit more.

Take care and hope daughter improving


M she is improving (she started a high temp on sunday lunch time so hopefully the worst is over - she hasnt even had to use her inhaler more than as a preventative yet so I am hoping it wont go to her lungs - she says I nag her as I tell her to make sure she sits up so she doesnt risk pnuemonia - not sure sitting up will help - most likely an old wives tale - but I am her mother and I just NEED to nag occaisionally

I will pop round to hers tomorrow after work just to make sure she is getting better
and of course I will be phoning her about lunch time as well :)

heres wishing a speedy recovery for your daughter xx

Just catching up after lapsing over the weekend.

many congrats on your loss , and i'm sorry to hear about your poor daughter but also pleased to hear things going in right direction.
Bev and Jane
thanks girls
I am sure she will be ok (still keeping everything crossed to be on the safe side)
She was definitely more sparky yesterday and on face book states she has bought three pairs of shoes from amazon to 'cheer herself up'
she hasnt told me off again for breaking her self imposed quarantine - as if she could keep me out :D:D

today I am grateful for

  • many ways to communicate - not just with my daughter but others also
  • my BP 133/70 (please stay like that) only up from 128/69 (average) when taking meds-so well within a daily fluctuations range - please stay there :):) that will mean no more BP meds for me
  • a plastic bucket with a lid - OMG dont sheep fleeces STINK - so my first fleece has arrived and some of it is in a bucket of cold water soaking to loosen the dirt and 'stuff' before I wash it tonight - its been skirted (I had to do it) that is the worst of the sheep dirt removed - all that I put in the garden sieve pour water through it and used that to water the hanging baskets - then the rest is in the worm bin - I am SURE they will love it
Right I worked yesterday afternoon and I am so tired today and because of all the extras I have been working the iron pile has again grown (sorry Twiglet - I did follow your example and keep it done) so I am going to tell them next week I need the Thursday off so I can catch up on necessary things at home - too much working and standing around and walking around just isnt good for my knees I so want to get the next injections even if they do 'hurt like h3ll at the time' I told the doctor I would rather give birth I was in so much pain :):) and at my age she KNEW I must be desperate to suggest such a thing

well lunch is all packed - I have free from pittas with homemade houmous (I put chilli seasoning in todays :) ) with roasted tomoatoes (dried so much they are like moist sundried ones for flavour) basil leaves corriander leave and a little spinach and water cress

strawberries for breakfast :)

well as you can all see there isnt much news from here - just same old same old :):)
sounds like good news about your BP :) hope it sticks for you. Sorry to hear about your daughter - hope she's better soon.

hope your knees arent hurting so much today xxx
quick update
daughters breathing a little tight - she has been told to phone the local A and E if she needs oxygen therapy and someone will come out to her - she doesnt think she will need it - she says her asthma has been worse at times :) she had some respite from the high temp today as the paracetamol kicked in

I am sure she will be over the worst by tomorrow - which is probably about right as her temperature first spiked on sunday lunch time

And when I got home tonight I had mail
from my ww leader thanking me for my input at meetings (is she calling me a gobby cow :):) ) she says she really appreciates it
and saying as how she really likes having me there
however on Monday she will get a telling off - she only gave me a card with a picture of a cup cake on the front and pink one with frosting and sprinkles - I really thought she should be setting a better example :):)
And I love 'your grateful fors'

Irene xx

I think we all have so many of those - mostly we get a little down and cant see them just all the negative things - so I wanted to give them some importance to help keep me positive :):)
quick update
daughters breathing a little tight - she has been told to phone the local A and E if she needs oxygen therapy and someone will come out to her - she doesnt think she will need it - she says her asthma has been worse at times :) she had some respite from the high temp today as the paracetamol kicked in

I am sure she will be over the worst by tomorrow - which is probably about right as her temperature first spiked on sunday lunch time

And when I got home tonight I had mail
from my ww leader thanking me for my input at meetings (is she calling me a gobby cow :):) ) she says she really appreciates it
and saying as how she really likes having me there
however on Monday she will get a telling off - she only gave me a card with a picture of a cup cake on the front and pink one with frosting and sprinkles - I really thought she should be setting a better example :):)

Glad to hear your daughter is feeling better - the last bit of your post really made me giggle lol xx
Thanks Fitz and Jane

will update a bit later about daughter
as for my leader yes she does make me laugh - cup cakes indeed and a PINK one at that - you know the colour fairy pink - I dont DO pink and would NEVER do that shade - Oh I will be winding her up in the meeting :):)

today I need to report that my bp is now 130/73
so a very very slight increase - will be keeping an eye on it - should really go research the half life of the chemical composition of my bp meds then I could gauge it all better - but well you know time :):)

right today I need to really think about what I am grateful for - there are so many negatives surfacing

  • My DH who ALWAYS brings me a cuppa in bed in the mornings - think that is just to keep me out of the way :):)
  • Royal mail for delivering my first two purchased fleeces
  • three beautiful dogs who all came to say good morning and wanted a cuddle - some days you just KNOW you got it right
thats all from me for now - I know my diaries getting boring so thanks to those that read it :)