I really dont know what to do

Hi H

Hope the injection is kicking in?

I would love to see one of your doggy collars. I have a lovely pooch that I found at the side of the road about 10 years ago and I'm sure he would love a new collar! They sound fab!

Glad you're hubby is looking after you and you start to feel the benefits soon

Take care

H, most camping shops sell electric hook ups-ours was around £50. Most camp site have connection points, though some sites cahrge a bit extra for pitches with hook up facilities-plug it in and you're away.
we find it really usefull for this like our mini frdige if we are camping for any length of time and this year as a real treat we have bought a small toaster so we can have proper toast !! LUXURY
Thank you SO much I feel quite motivated having read that

lets hope I can live up to your expectations - I will be trying hard to - honest

Any time my lovely! I'm sure you can live up to my exceedingly high expectations :p

Well done on your dinner pointing so far :)

Hope all is well. Take care and i will pop in again soon x x x
Saski thanks
Jane I thought that was what cafes were for - proper toast - only how I think I am doing that with three dogs in tow I am unsure
mind You I can live without toast for a weekend :)
Hi H

Hope you're feeling better in the knee department and can get up and about soon. Shame about the slight gain but you can't help that bit it is demoralising I know. You sound right on track so it will dissappear. Excellent new re your daughter here's hoping she's soon well and about.

Glad all is ok with your daughter now.
Hopefully you will be feeling better after your rest, goof luck with your stall on sunday - sounds fun.

Forest of Dean - alot of my family, my dad included, were born there - used to love going to visit and having to avoid all the sheep in the roads and in peoples gardens - our relatives house was all cobbles it was lovely.

Not been there for years though, I suspect it has all changed now.

Enjoy anyway xx
so I havent been grateful for anything lately
so here goes

  • my visitors - thank you so much for caring enough - I am finding it hard with the keep putting on taking off and putting on again - so visits help
  • a good local friend in the real world that gave me a lift back from the doctors yesterday
  • a Doctor that cares enough to get me an appointment for fasting bloods - just to check as I am finding weight loss difficult
  • and again a doctor who is open to discussion on whether reductil could be a good tool for me
  • a DH who brought me dinner in bed and sat with me for a couple of hours yesterday evening to help with my boredom levels
  • he also brought me my lunch up and a bottle of drink (not vodka girls)before he went off to work this morning (early) at five so he can come home early today
see I do have so much to be grateful for - I will be even more grateful for all of that when I am less grumpy and allowed downstairs :):):)

Hi H
Hope you're feeling better in the knee department and can get up and about soon. Shame about the slight gain but you can't help that bit it is demoralising I know. You sound right on track so it will dissappear. Excellent new re your daughter here's hoping she's soon well and about.


Well M I am sure you know from your own experience that the injections really do help
I am hoping that the weight will again come down when I can exercise properly - and then hopefully I wont need any more of them as the knees will be under less stress
If I do need more of them we are now talking seeing a specialist - something I want to put off for as long as I can - we all know knee replacement(s) will at some stage be on the cards

as for daughter well its well known (not much thanks to the media here) that this strain of flu is mild and most people get over it with no problems - she is tired - but that happens with a virus - also its been the last week of term - so its been 'different' with lots of things going on and late evenings - school performances leavers do etc etc
Thanks Irene I was very comfy in bed but BORED
I couldnt wait to get up

well today I am thankful for

  • The fact its not raining
we are due rain later today but it is the beg greyhound gathering today - its greyhound remembrance day - to remember all those that die racing and dont make it into homes

we usually have a great time taking over a big park in Bristol and other visitors to the park are amazed that greyhounds and other sighthounds are so quiet and hardly bark :):) its great to have over 50 big dogs in one place that are all nice and well behaved - I bet it will be my saluki collie cross that gets barky with excitement and lets the side down

  • My doctor and how my knees have reacted to the injections this time
I cannot believe I walked down the stairs this morning without even a twinge - will be off for a great walk round the park while DH sets up the gazebo
Enjoy your day & the walk x
Yes greyhounds do die when racing - and as so many cant race for one reason or another - they just dont chase or they get to old - there are not enough homes for them so perfectly healthy dogs are put to sleep because the owners and trainers just dont want them
greyhound action has a good site that tells you about racing hounds - its such a shame as they are so gentle and love their humans so much
mine comes up to you and gently leans on you to show affection - and they make the perfect pet :)

well it rained - really rained but we managed to set up in the dry and we made over £200 so that was brilliant - Sue at the rescue cant lift the dogs (they are a bit big) and needs a ramp for the van - they are over £100 so that is a ramp paid for and one of the dogs needs vet treatment (skin scrapes) so hopefully we can cover that too

although it rained it was a brilliant day - I have lots of photos which I will put a link too when I have downloaded them - it was such a great day

we did loose one of ours for a while- two were in the back of the car sleeping the third by me - I was busy selling DH was taking some pics - so we suddenly noticed one was missing - the big black greyhound - he was to be found playing with baby whippets running like a looney - he was so tired when we did retrieve him he slept for most of the afternoon - until someone mentioned TREATS

well as it did rain today we would have sat in and done very little - but we did something really worthwhile today - and had a great time too - the press were there so hopefully we will make the local papers too :):)
Sounds like a great day & well done on the fundraising - a brilliant achievement which will be very worthwile. Well done !!
Well done on the fund raising and so glad that knees seem a bit better. Yep knee replacements on the cards here too, but putting off until I'm 60 if I can but who knows may have to go before that. Every sympathy with you and fingers crossed that pain stays away for as long as possible.

Take care

Well done on the fundraising that's brilliant! I hope your knee is on the mend and you are feeling alright. Take care. Thinking of you :) xxx
Well today is going to be a GOOD day
the sun is out - so that has to be a good start

Well weigh in yesterday went well - I have lost the 1.5lb I put on last week meaning I have lost a total of 13lb now that works out to be since january at an average of 2lb a month - so not so bad when you look at it like that
the steroid injections in the knees means I can walk without pain so I will be moving a lot quicker - that will help the weight loss

today I am working the morning - then going to millets to pick up the under sleeping bag pads that stop the cold penetrating - yes I know we have air beds BUT these will help me not feel the cold :)

I feel very 'alive' today its like I have taken something - only something mild - long may this continue - it is surprising how all invading pain can be - and when the pain creeps up slowly and is continuous over months - we dont even realise the toll it takes on us

so I am going to be looking for a loss again next week

while down town I might pop into the hairdressers as I just need a change - see what feeling like myself does for me

right off to get ready for work - when I get back I will let you know if I have had my hair restyled :):)