I really dont know what to do

Great news about your BP and your Daughter so glad things are looking up. Take care x x x
Well today I popped into the florists near work - waved a tenner at them and asked what can you do for that in purple my daughter is ill - now I do know the ladies at the florist and I often buy from them
an hour later they brought over a hand tied bouquet with far more flowers in than I thought you could get for a tenner - Daughter was over the moon with flowers - still no hugs and kisses as she wants to keep this to herself
her breathing has eased I am sure the worst is over - her muscles still hurt and she feels exhausted - so all the normal course of events for this flu
which is no worse really than normal other flu viruses its just that our bodies have not met one like this before so our immunity is less - most people who get it will sail through in the mean time make sure your immune system is as boosted as it can be - extra vitamin c and echinaecia - the only reason we worried about her was her asthma - but she is ok - just hope as few people as possible get this :):)
right off to check the oven I am sure dinner must be nearly ready - I have made a lasgne for dinner tonight
Must say Daughter is MUCH improved - we have been very lucky that this did not cause a problem with her asthma

things I am grateful for today

  • my washing machine - I have been doing sorting out in my bedroom and have washed LOADS of stuff - when we needed a new one a few months ago we bought a huge 9 kg model and so I have done about half the loads to what I would have done :)
  • my DH I mentioned in the week about camping and we could go with the dogs (now I have only camped once and didnt really like it - and I know I will have problems getting up from the ground BUT we can go with the dogs and have lots of over night aways - and he just bought us a 4 birth tent - cant believe it he
  • my daughters recovery - well I need say no more
we all know swine flu is no different to seasonal flu - however with less people having antibodies then a greater percentage of the population is likely to contract this flu virus - the death rate will seem higher but will still be a similar percentage to seasonal flu - the media is causing all sorts of problems for the wonderful people working in the health service

right I have a cat that needs feeding and a shawl to finish so it can be blocked and dried and ready for Friday

how excited am I being the owner to a brand new tent - now we just need cooking things - but as we cant go camping next weekend (a doggy event) we can get that out of next months wages :):)
Very pleased to hear your daughter is much better. And what a lovely florist you have.

Saw Catherine today and she has been poorly. She had been sick twice and had a pain in her back and tummy and catherine never complains about being ill. She did look rough. Michael was not 100% either. But Dylan seemed fine.

Irene xx
oh NO
isnt it a worry when our children are ill and no longer live with us
do hope she is much better and really soon and that Dylan doesnt get whatever it is
Hi H

Been a bit tardy in visiting this week so will get that sorted out!! I am so pleased that your daughter appears to have come through OK and as you say the majority do in a very short time its just the tiny minority that don't.

The fleeces arriving apart from a smelly interlude will give you loads of pleasure getting them all processed and used so enjoy that. I love the grateful for lists they are very interesting.

Have a great week

Morning H.
Im sooooooooo glad that yer DD is feeling better :)
The flowers sounded lovely..
have a nice day today..Thanks for your kind msg too xx
Thank you so much for my visits

Fuzzy you are more than welcome - and I meant it :):)

Daughter is tired but determined to go to work tomorrow-its the last week and on Monday they have turn around day so she will be meeting her new class - in the afternoon so not much work :) Tuesday is planning so she only does half a day in the classroom then like she says wednesday is a dvd day BUT only because the class voted to NOT have golden time on alternate weeks and have it all at once at the end of term for a DVD and clearing the classroom day - thursday is end to year parties for the 'golden children' and then Friday is last day and they do long days at her school and a finish at 1pm on fridays so again a half day

now today we picked up the tent and realised just how big it is
grateful list - I have no doubt I have been grateful for all of these already BUT it is for today

  • My dogs I was up in the night with a headache (yes again) and all three of them came downstairs to keep me company :)
  • a crochet hook, a needle and thread and e beads - I have decided to bead part of the edging (in crochet) of my friends birthday pressie - should finish it today but will need pins to block it on the floor of the spare room
  • tumble dryer - dont use it often but this week it has been NEEDED due to the rain :):)
right off to finish the scarf/shawl thingy

have a great sunday - well what is left of it :)
Hey H

Fantastic news about DD and the flowers sound lovely as does your scarf/shawl thing that you are making for a friend.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend. Take care x x
  • Saski thanks - daughter is headed off to work today - she car shares and the person she goes with says she is driving and daughter is not to do too much - and they are leaving work as early as possible too - which is good

Jane you have young children so its good to have a tent - what on earth is MY excuse - well three big dogs that many holiday places wont allow you there with - you try getting a holiday let - those that will allow dogs will allow ONE dog

so what am I grateful for today

  • A doctor that allows me to be in charge of my depression - I have in the last two weeks cut my medication by 1/3 and so far so good :) will stay at this dose for a month unless the mood dips for more than a couple of days - for no reason
  • a friend I met at university who now works with my daughter - S is a bit bossy BUT it does mean she wont let daughter drive this week :):) - one happy mother
  • My WW leader who always makes me laugh - I must mention she is not the best example sending cards with cup cakes on
no real news today - I am very fluidy I can't take my rings off and my bioflow strap has had to be loosened this morning
so weigh in wont be good - but I know why so it doesnt matter
right off to get ready
catch up with all the diaries later - have a great day ladies xx
Well as suspected I put on due to fluid (I am hoping) but 1.5lb
I am disappointed in the gains losses but I have to think if I wasnt on the plan I could well be weighing far more than I do now
Irene I know but it does make this all the harder when I see no results - I am going to be phoning the doc on thursday - and in the mean time I am going to be sticking to points and NOT cheating
I cant afford to cheat :)
You can do it my love! You are going to have a great one this week i can feel it :D x x x Hope you are having a good day! xxx
You can do it my love! You are going to have a great one this week i can feel it :D x x x Hope you are having a good day! xxx

Thank you SO much I feel quite motivated having read that

lets hope I can live up to your expectations - I will be trying hard to - honest
Hi honey!

how u been!! are you going camping? that sounds great! ive never been before.. i dont think im much for being at one with nature... and spiders... *shudder*

hows the pointing going? i hope ur doing well.. soz if uv already answerd i havent been able to check but whats the lastes on ur daughter? hope shes on the mend!

cu in a bit
Well girls thanks for the visits
camping is not this weekend
should be next
today I had the steriod injections into my knees
so as per my doctor I am on bed rest for 48 hours - I would be allowed sofa rest if I had a downstairs loo :)
then we have the dog show on Sunday - it is the biggests money raiser of the year for the rescue one of mine came from - so again running stall to sell the collars and other doggy bits

so all set for camping next weekend - hoping to go to the forest of dean
I dont like spiders either but will cope - its the communal toilets I really have a problem with :):)

Daughter is fine and back at work - as if nothing ever happened - thank goodness

pointing is going well I even have dinner for tonight and tomorrow all done DH just has to warm it through put it on a try and bring it to me :)

Jane how do you get electricity for camping
we have a one burner cooker thing - gas canister (will get a couple of disposable bbq's) and we have wind up torches and a lantern
are we not well enough equipped