Grab a cuppa, this could be long.........................................
Well yesterday i completed a whole day on WW. This morning, stayed the same hey i like quick results! Just so fed up being fat. Really wanted to be around 14 stone for Holiday. I'm a terrible mother and never play physical games with the girls and cry if i have to get in a swim suit for the pool. Dont know why i think i am so special that everyone would be looking at me in the pool but i do.
Honestly, i felt healthier following dukan. Soon as i ate bread again i felt heavy and lethargic.
Anyhow. Still confused as hell. But a visit to sainsburys this evening and the purchase of 2 whole chickens reduced to 99p each has made me make the descision to go back on attack. Is this right ? start again as if new? Gonna aim for 5 - 7 days.
Anyone on here from Sussex?
I 100% agree with what everyone has said. Joodle - spot on with WW + crossaint = blown it, carry on eating.
Eccab77. Spooky we are the same?. So let me introduce myself..........
Hi, i'm Beth, i am very indecisive, impulsive and want things to work immediately. Be it technology or dieting. I am an emotional eater and would really prefer not to put this onto my 3 slim girls, aged 10, 6 and 2.
Tomorrow i will start Dukan Attack. I will read by Dukan recpie books in bed tonight and slope off to the locked bathroom to read more tomorrow (only place i can get locked door peace - yeah sorry guys (my family) bad tummy again - lol, sorry TMI!)
I will work around the gravy issue by not having the veg i can only eat with gravy. I will stick to roasted veg with half a reduced salt stock cube on - yum. (can we have harissa paste)
Right off to update my tesco shopping basket as its due in the morning.
Thanks guys for listening. I'm coming back!