Custard? Ooh how do u make that? Sounds like it shouldn't be allowed doesn't it?? Slap a pint of that over some sweet muffins or a galette and I'll look like the cat who's got the cream. Miaow.
£500 spree. Wow lucky lady. You'll be 12 stone or under and well slinky by then.
I just cannot stick to anything. Last year I lost weight easily and quickly for my wedding - I had a purpose. Stupidly, I cannot find one this year. It's my wedding anniversary next Sunday and I am over 2 and half stone heavier.
Oh no!! Literally just agreed to go to Butlins next week with my eldest daughters friend and mum - how can I loose a stone and firm
Up by then?????
However, as we got back late hubby suggested we get a curry - i agreed. But after a bath I had a rethink and decided to eat dukan. X
Shame really as I weighed in at 15.8 this morning. Back to 15.11 tomorrow then cos of my greediness. Doh!
Attack again tomorrow.
Ello - well i am rather suprised but weighed in at 15.8 this morning - so that put me in a good mood and motivation to carry on.
Might show later in week though. x
Told you!Stick with it and the worst that will happen is you will stay the same! If you cheat again then it will show! How are you anyways? x
Fine, bored, nothing to do, been on the site all day!! Walked to the shops with Brad, he got a smoothie and crisps so I had to push his scooter back home, 'the point is; I have to eat' he said! Kids!!
Trying to meet the 2st target so have been poisoning myself with black coffee in a bid to cut out dairy! Have had 2, I think I will have a peppermint tea next. Dinner is just lovely chicken breasts and some sf jelly!
on the same plate? :sign0137:
Why cut out dairy love - thought dairy was shown to improve weight loss? Drink Drink Drink water. Been through 3 litres already today, so thirsty doing Dukan
Not on the same plate, there is a limit to my craziness!
Cut out was the wrong phrase, limit is the word. I heard dairy can make you retain fluid and I think that might be a problem with me as i have a mild lactose intolerance (milk is the worst culprit so I drink lactose free milk!) and suffer water retention as well.