My CDC is on vacation so no official weigh-in. However, I'm aware that my scales and hers are very close (her numbers are higher cause I'm wearing clothes when I get weighed there

), so I posted an unofficial loss from my scales of 2lbs.
I've been griping about what to do with the demands of business and social engagements and, after doing an analysis of the past few weeks, discovered that I can and do control my weight when I go out for a meal. I did it in Ireland, when I lost for the first 5 or so days and then got complacent and went off the rails. I did it here when my aunt was visiting, until the last meal out when we both decided to throw caution to the winds and simply enjoy (would you believe they served us 5 amuse-bouches!!!). So I've determined to allow one lunch/dinner per week and to manage it closely (aka: no wine, no bread, no carbs, no dessert). Otherwise if I get together with someone, I'll have a bar with me and be drinking water/tea and if they don't like it, well....they can wait til I'm in maintenance!
Amazing how much better having a plan makes you feel - it's given me a sense of control and purpose back, not to mention that I feel more positive about being able to reach my goal. Whew! What a relief!
This week's dinner is Friday with some ex-colleagues (networking when you are freelance is critical), so I'm determined to lose as much as possible by Fri morning. Needless to say I will immediately be back on ss Saturday.
I'm 4kgs (9lbs) off my lowest point this century. When I get there again, I'm going to go through my wardrobe and sort out all the clothes that are way too big for me. Not sure if I'll be able to donate them yet, but I think cleaning out the wardrobe and dresser and seeing how much space is left behind will be a shock. A pleasant one! Yesterday I put on a jean jacket which I bought years ago and when I've worn it, it's always been a bit tight. Not any more! I can wear a shirt and a sweater under it and it still has room to spare!
As you can read, mood rollercoaster girl (me) is feeling much better! Thanks for your patience reading all my whinging - unfortunately I can't promise not to do it again, but know that your support really, really helps!