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tizzy51 said:My CDC is back from Ibiza looking all tan and relaxed. Clearly she had a good time - tho' not in the wild, blow-out fashion one might imagine - she is a married woman with kids after all!
Lost 3lbs this week. I should be really pleased, and some of me is. But it was a hard week. Was really good on CD, except for Friday which I knew would be a business dinner out. Even then, I asked for a dinner with no/lo carbs and ate just the protein and some veg. Refused dessert as they couldn't do something lo carb. So happy I was able to manage that. The struggle has been that I pretty much increased in weight every day by 0.1kg, couldn't go to the loo and ended up taking lax 3d in a row to finally get some relief! Was drinking water like crazy, taking fibre supplements, adding flax seeds to shakes and soups. :sigh: Timing is everything in that if all finally worked yesterday, but am now beginning to think I only lose when I go to the loo.
Points to celebrate:
- altho' I was bumming all week, I stuck to it. Yay! However, if this is how it's going to be - a struggle all week mentally to stay on despite STS'ing, having to use loads of laxatives for relief, I'm not sure how long I can stick it. Have 10 weeks to go til my trip to US...
- when I was skyping with my brother Sat he asked me if I had lost weight cause I looked like I had.Told him he had to see for himself this summer when I come over. However, I might have to have a "problem" with my skype video if I want to surprise him and my father.
OK - time to refocus: 1) did well last week, stayed on CD and (finally) lost 3lbs! 2) this week is going to be a good week - sticking with it 100% 3) am going to manage social event as well as managed dinner last week - no wine, no carbs
Here's to a great week for me and for all of you as well!!!
Woohoo go you! 3lbs is brilliant! You are doing SO well - 10 weeks is a long time for you to keep going and really wow them when you are in the states! It's great having something to aim towards and if seeing those scales go down ain't motivation I don't know what is!