I'm back! France was great - despite a small accident with the car and the highly changeable weather (which is true for all over Europe I guess). Was really good with CD for the first few days and then went to a BBQ with my French team on Saturday. Silly me thought that meant grilled meat and veg. What it meant was champagne, wine, home made hors d'oeuvre, salmon & broccoli terrine, cote de boeuf, salad, cheeses, fruit tartes and flan. The whole event lasted 7 hours - I've got good will power, but 7 hours!!! So I had a bit of everything, leaning more toward protein than not, and toward the end of the day I was feeling quite stuffed. BBQ, french style! Beware is all I have to say about that. Back on CD (ss+ til today) since then and no real problem with hunger, so must not have been too far/too long out of ketosis.
Got back late last night, so I missed this week's wi. Did sneak a peek at my home scales and was astounded to see that despite my romp through France, I managed to lose a little bit rather than gain. Amazing!
I've updated my signature to show a little count down to the US trip, make sure the pressure and goal date is well and truly visible! I've accepted that the first goal (25kg) might not be achieved, but think I will be within 1-2kg of the goal and I'm ok with that. I figure I'll be back on CD when I get back to lose whatever I gained and the last remaining kgs (and in the back of my head, I've already been thinking of a 2nd goal to take the total lost to 30kg - 66lbs).
Funny when I was in France. I met up with the friends I went to visit in Ireland as they are caravaning around and they could see a difference from when I was with them 2 months ago. My French colleagues, when they saw me, didn't say anything or look surprised - it was torture on Saturday wondering all day if they noticed!!! A little champagne and loosened tongues and it turns out they did indeed notice but didn't know if they should say anything. One thought I might even be ill, as the weight came off so fast since they last saw me (mid Feb, just before I started).

When I went into the office on Monday, one of my colleagues couldn't hide his surprise - he said the loss was great and made me look younger! Another colleague actually got a little teary eyed and said "you're so skinny!" When was the last time someone said something like that - probably 30 years ago, if ever!
If my work colleagues react like this, I'm really looking forward to seeing my family in July. What a surprise it will be for them! And the positive feedback is a real shot in the arm/motivator for these next weeks.
I've been busy catching up with everyone's diaries. It was rather odd not being able to check in every day, so I'm glad to be back.