IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

well you had better check ;) teeth ok - back and neck and head hurting now and not sleeping doesnt help! and oil of cloves is EVIL!
yeah oil of cloves IS evil but I remember it being so helpful with my wisdom teeth pain...
Vicky, this is where you're hiding!!! Morning!
morning Kimmy ;)
i see you have been messing around with kanye west ;)
lmao. and i cant believe you have denied it saying you arent pregnant just have been eating lots of ice cream and hot dogs and i KNOW you wouldnt do that!
LOL esp not by him LOL
p.s. you have just won worlds best bum ;)
Sorry - I thought I was in my diary... My mistake :s

<icecream vicky?>
gone Jo. had another bit and yes i was a tiny bit drunk but threw half in bin! cos im not ready yet LOL.
<I'm now picturing soggy mess of icecream defrosting in your bin!! with hotdog too?>
LMAO no Jo the hotdog and ice cream was a thing for mouse - something in the paper. and i put the ice cream in the outside bin.
I didn't think you'd just leave runny icecream in your bin - and empty your ash tray on top of it! (good tactic if you want to be SURE not to go rummaging later in a bin!!)
lol i wouldnt get ANYTHING out of my wheelie bin its rank!
I've PM'ed you :)
I was just reading the Mail online and I dunno if anyone's gonna be going anywhere for Christmas! ugh!!
ah its been snowing here already jo but its so wet it aint laying.